Trump is losing his mind

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I recall that 37 states modified their mail-in voting laws, many extra judicially and

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Did any blue states modify their mail-in voting laws?

There is no proof at all that there was any significant fraud in the 2020, 2022, or any other year, in mail-in voting.

Texas made several changes, all of which made it more difficult for people to use mail-in voting, and none of which made mail-in voting more secure.

The states that made changes did so totally for political reasons.
Precious_b's Avatar
... - and STILL can't find it! ...

Too Right, mate! ...

... I don't think that Trump is losing HIS mind.

But I DO know what is on Trump's mind ---- REVENGE.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
In this instance, I speak for myself, and not as a Member of the Staff.
If this is what you truly believe; you yourself, have validated all of the people who have posted their thoughts that Mr. Trump should not be elected for a 2nd term as President of the United States.

No Political Office should be sought or served in IF . . .

The goal of the person seeking that office is to effect a Personal Vendetta or Revenge for past insults or transgressions, Real or Perceived.

Further, it is my fervent belief that the people of The United States of America . . .

Would see and recognize the agenda of the person seeking office and that they would deny that individual the office through the legal and lawful election process of this country. Originally Posted by biomed1
... I'm afraid YOU mis-understand me point there, Sir.

Trump won't be looking for REVENGE for himself - but for
REVENGE for all the American people!
Trump is the BEST revenge at Biden and the
Dems who have led the country into this mess. ... Originally Posted by Salty Again

NaCl-y you back pedal as badly as the Big Cheato trying to convince his supporters he ain't going senile.

Miserable try their, mate. You been called out fair n square on the morally bankrupt crowd you have adopted.
... No back-pedal at all... You must have missed when Trump
stated that when He is elected President again next year that
He'll be too busy repairing the country from Biden's rather
piss-poor tenure to seek Revenge.

You and the other lads here really should watch Trump's rallies!
Hmmmm... When are Joe's rallies starting??

And me name is Salty. ... a friendly reminder.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Salty, you’re using a backpedal from Trump to backpedal you own-self.

Perhaps you should stop watching so many Trump rallies.

Hee hee
VitaMan's Avatar
Revenge definition: see below

Precious_b's Avatar
Salty, you’re using a backpedal from Trump to backpedal you own-self.

Perhaps you should stop watching so many Trump rallies.

Hee hee Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just like a maga sheeple: Monkey see, Monkey do

They'll try to distract you from their lies with their standard book practice.

...hoping that they can finally back out of the doo doo they stepped in.