9/11: Ten Years of Deception, Part 1 (2015)

I would contend they never reached cruising altitude. Cell phone calls placed from both planes that hit the towers would indicate a lower altitude. The calls would be next to impossible above 8000 feet. A plane can descend on autopilot also. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Do you know the rate of climb for that particular plane? How long were they in flight before the hijackers took over the plane? What was their altitude and airspeed at the time the plane was taken over by hijackers. You're just guessing.

Do you know the rate of climb for that particular plane? How long were they in flight before the hijackers took over the plane? What was their altitude and airspeed at the time the plane was taken over by hijackers. You're just guessing.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The cell phone not working above 8000 isn't a guess.
The cell phone not working above 8000 isn't a guess. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I am sure the plane was above 8000 ft. The plane took off at 0814 and estimated the hijackers took control of the plane well after 0830 that's about 20 minutes of flight time before being officially hijacked. That plane was closer to 20,000 ft. than it was to 8,000 ft. by that time, and it's headed towards LA. Which means the hijacker had to change the direction of the plane and head towards New York.

I am sure the plane was above 8000 ft. The plane took off at 0814 and estimated the hijackers took control of the plane well after 0830 that's about 20 minutes of flight time before being officially hijacked. That plane was closer to 20,000 ft. than it was to 8,000 ft. by that time, and it's headed towards LA. Which means the hijacker had to change the direction of the plane and head towards New York.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're sure. Now you're just guessing.

You have no proof of that. If you do, post it.
  • Noid
  • 05-21-2015, 04:13 PM
WormRaper... That'd be the 1st steel building in history to collapse from a fire. 37 story buildings have burned for days and still stood. Did you see the steel cut through with the c4 type stuff the new owner had installed months before under the ruse of redoing something I can't recall above the ceilings.In a video posted on youtube titled watch steel disentigrate you can see a 3 story buttress disintigrate into dust in 1/10th of a second. Likely caused by EMP weaponry. That is all, I will not engage you further. Watch the video. Dumbass sheeple.
WormRaper... That'd be the 1st steel building in history to collapse from a fire. 37 story buildings have burned for days and still stood. Did you see the steel cut through with the c4 type stuff the new owner had installed months before under the ruse of redoing something I can't recall above the ceilings.In a video posted on youtube titled watch steel disentigrate you can see a 3 story buttress disintigrate into dust in 1/10th of a second. Likely caused by EMP weaponry. That is all, I will not engage you further. Watch the video. Dumbass sheeple. Originally Posted by Noid
Not at the temperature this building was burning.

Do I recall something about something about repairing something above the something in the something? Jesus, get specific why don't you.

Steel is used as a shield AGAINST EMP you fucking idiot. Goddamn.

You're the fucking dumbass.
You're sure. Now you're just guessing.

You have no proof of that. If you do, post it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
My guess wasn't that far off.


The President can now detain me indefinitely without any due process, solely on his opinion. If I want to fly in an airplane, I must subject myself to very intrusive searches. If I make a phone call, the NSA can listen. If I post to the Internet, the NSA can monitor it. The government is actively trying to stifle speech which does not support global warning. If I give money to, or participate with organizations that do not support the administration, the IRS can monitor them, based solely on their anti-administration views. The TSA is working toward monitoring trains, buses and highways. I can't choose my own health insurance policy. I must accept a government approved policy, whether it meets my needs or not. Massive government spending on war and domestic surveillance has dismissed the value of my money. If I withdraw more than $10,000 from the bank, the government must be informed. The press no longer reports news, it promotes agenda, usually by government. To finance the surveillance state, the government has crippled the chances of my children and grandchildren from reaching their level of success through unsustainable debt. The government is encouraging my friends and family to report my actions to the government. There are many streets I cannot walk down, nor streets and I can drive without the government collecting data about my activities. And I am being taxed to help pay for this affront.

And this is just a start. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's obvious how some of the "Grand Ole Party" refuse change that would benefit most of society. I have seen some information online about how NSA could loose funding. This is an article I found regarding how much of American taxpayer dollars were used to spy on us!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's not just the Grand Old Party. The entire establishment, Democrats and Republicans, are seeking more power and control.
Because you believe something--or want it to be true--does not make it so. Originally Posted by Old-T
I totally believe you and same goes to what you believe.