Would you have cancelled?

LexusLover's Avatar
thirtyfour--I gave you a tongue lashing because you asked me inappropriate questions by pm. You told me I should have no worries about speaking freely because you had a bunch of reviews. I still have the pm if anyone would like to read it. Originally Posted by mikkifine
PM = private message!

Lady, I don't even know you, and never met you, but you are "out of control."
I cannot believe some one really believes the hateful crap.

Are you really dumb enough to believe someone robs you or your house and goes to wait for a bus.
There are plenty of burgularies 'caught on cam'. The perps always have a car. Always.

This is just Metro hating BS.
If you dont want to ride the bus, fine, dont. But, dont hate on people who need to use public trans.

FWIW, most thefts happen in upscale neighborhoods where there is stuff worth stealing.
My gf had $100k stolen out of her house in a gated neighborhood by theives who arrived in a car.
No real theif robs close to home.

If you dont like to see poor people, fine, stay away. But, dont blame poor people for your prejudices. Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly

Um... I never said they used Metro as their mode of transportation to go commit a crime.. most of the gang banger / thug types don't own a car but a few do and they use them (or steal one)..

FACT: Metro moved out near 1960 and 45 area...
FACT: Crime in that area went UP.

Crimes like drug dealings, and crimes that does not involve breaking and entering, or setting off an alarm all went up..

sure houses get robbed... I read about how The Woodlands has crime going up a bit because the thieves know that is where the money is, the roads are confusing at night so if they have a GPS they can get out.. they can hide out in the woods, hell a sidewalk allows them to traverse in the woods from neighborhood to neighborhood without being seen!!

Fact is that areas that have public transportation generally have more vandalism, petty street crimes etc..

So yeah.. parking a decent looking car in a "Hood" while tapping some pussy that has a rep of not being all that stable, hell, the hoods might see it as a crime of opportunity.. they find out she is keeping you occupied for 1-2 hours, they strip your car while you are stripped out of your clothes.
LexusLover's Avatar
The post was about a guy who cancelled because he did not like my black neighbors. Try to remember that. Originally Posted by mikkifine
I'm trying, but it is difficult to remember when you are so angry and aggressively attacking people that disagree with your choices, which are about YOU and not your guests. I have cancelled appointments and rescheduled all of my life for numerous reasons .. with numerous types of businesses. I have cancellations and reschedules in my business, in which I have been longer that you've been walking on this Earth.

It is irritating when I have to cancel and/or reschedule ... any appointment whether it is with someone else or someone else with me. It happens. It's part of life, and it sure as hell is part of any business involving human services.

When someone opens a new business or moves an old one that involves people coming to the business location it is imperative a location is selected at which the prospective customers will feel comfortable and secure when they arrive, remain, and leave, without worrying if their vehicle will be vandalized or burglarized.

You are trying to blame others for your poor business decision. That's another poor business decision on your part. "We" cannot make too many poor business decisions and remain in business. But when we do make one, we have to learn from them.

You are not learning from them, even as you continue the thread your started. I have already seen several posters who have said they will not call upon on you because of your location. How many have read this thread, posted nothing, and will not come to see you?

If you started this thread to get "publicity," that was another poor business decision. That's 3 so far!

Plus the disclosure of what someone says to you in a PM, is a HUGE NUMBER FOUR!
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
FACT: Metro moved out near 1960 and 45 area...
FACT: Crime in that area went UP.

Crimes like drug dealings, and crimes that does not involve breaking and entering, or setting off an alarm all went up.. Originally Posted by Spirit13
1960 has been slowly decaying for some time.

That does not show any cause and effect with Metro.

Some haters, of another ilk, like to blame the AMP's instead of Metro.

oilfieldscum's Avatar
If the OP told the hobbyiest up front where the incall was and he scheduled anyway later to cancel over area/saftey concerns he's a dumb ass for not doing his homework on the area in question.

It is the hood/ghetto and is dangerous as fuck, I have no clue why anyone would move their incall there. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
You could have sugarcoated it you know.

I went into chat today and asked if this area was in the ghetto and 4 people said yes.

If it is indeed the hood you can't blame the guy for hauling ass.

I understand you may not have the means at this time to move to a better area but you have to consider the demographic of your clientele and I can tell you in general that whites don't feel as comfortable in those type of neighborhoods.

And it's not discreet. When I did live in the hood anytime we saw a white person driving through we always though "WTF, they must be lost", lol. All eyes will be on them. Originally Posted by ArisRose
That area is not the best part of town but....me thincks those calling it the hood or ghetto have never been in one or maybe they just like to overreact.

There have been studies done about "ghetto crime areas" what causes them in outer areas of a city.

Houston's "ghetto crimes" map is pretty much the same as the Metro map. Mass transit is how thug punks get around since most gang bangers do not own cars..

And after reading this thread I will say this, This board preaches safety.. the OP has the right to live where she wants, charge what she wants and see who she wants.

The client has the right to turn around and NO Show her if he felt unsafe in the area she lived.... but if the OP cannot understand that we guys also are concerned about safety then she may as well say "I do not care about your safety as long as you pay me" SAFETY is 1ST! Originally Posted by Spirit13
That's just too fucking funny. If your logic applies than all of the city limits of Houston is a "ghetto crime" area.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I'm trying, but it is difficult to remember when you are so angry and aggressively attacking people that disagree with your choices, which are about YOU and not your guests. I have cancelled appointments and rescheduled all of my life for numerous reasons .. with numerous types of businesses. I have cancellations and reschedules in my business, in which I have been longer that you've been walking on this Earth.

It is irritating when I have to cancel and/or reschedule ... any appointment whether it is with someone else or someone else with me. It happens. It's part of life, and it sure as hell is part of any business involving human services.

When someone opens a new business or moves an old one that involves people coming to the business location it is imperative a location is selected at which the prospective customers will feel comfortable and secure when they arrive, remain, and leave, without worrying if their vehicle will be vandalized or burglarized.

You are trying to blame others for your poor business decision. That's another poor business decision on your part. "We" cannot make too many poor business decisions and remain in business. But when we do make one, we have to learn from them.

You are not learning from them, even as you continue the thread your started. I have already seen several posters who have said they will not call upon on you because of your location. How many have read this thread, posted nothing, and will not come to see you?

If you started this thread to get "publicity," that was another poor business decision. That's 3 so far!

Plus the disclosure of what someone says to you in a PM, is a HUGE NUMBER FOUR! Originally Posted by LexusLover
In my relatively short time reading on these boards, this is without doubt the best "advise" I have seen given to an OP. The typical offer of "advise" is an excuse to offer up bullshit, or bash, or moralize. Very often they bash with bullshit moralizing. Mostly for sport, I guess.

The OP posted a question and LL went above and beyond with his response. No ill will detected. How will the OP respond?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-29-2012, 10:18 AM
I would never see a chick that had incall on bissonet. You have to imagine they must be there so they can walk the streets when times get hard or rent is due. Just not into street walkers myself. I assume all chicks that work out of that area are street walkers. Did it before but that shits not for me.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Would I cancel due to black neighbors? No

Would I cancel to to an incall being in an area I'm not comfortable with? Yes
  • BDD
  • 12-29-2012, 11:29 AM
I moved to this location on November 10th....I had an appointment scheduled today and the guy backed out of it. He apparently did not like the fact that I had black neighbors. He just knew that they were going to break into his car so did not keep his appointment... Originally Posted by mikkifine

You picked a very auspicious day to move. Google “November 10 Birthday” and find out what happened on this day in 1775 in a bar in Philadelphia…

To directly answer your question, NO I would not have cancelled, because the way you describe your incall I would not have felt threatened. To put it out there though, I'm old enough, mature enough and trained enough to be situationally aware and don't feel threatened unless there is a real threat in the area.

However, your hobbyist either felt threatened and left the area (one of the best self defense strategies there is) OR he got cold feet at the last minute and used your neighbors as an excuse to bail on you OR he truly is a racist. We may never know which.

If we were to find out that his reason was he truly felt threatened then we can’t blame him for leaving before the party started. I would do the same if I felt threatened.

If we were to find out that his reason is that he got cold feet then the providers would trash him in their forums and he would find that nobody answers his calls.

If he actually is a racist then he has whole other set of issues that he will have to deal with on his own as he interacts with society.

Good luck girl. Play and stay safe. Move on. Be happy …


PS The best part of your name “MikkiFine” is “Fine” … That you are Lady … That you are …
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Some haters, of another ilk, like to blame the AMP's instead of Metro.

. Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly
Get a grip. If someone were to observe that the prevalence of violent crime correlates with proximity to interstate highways that doesn't suggest he either blames or hates the freeways for criminality...similar patterns obtain along Metro routes....and I damnsure don't hate the buses because I ride the bastards regularly. Can't beat the deal.

Criminals need mobility same as anyone else, but they often are more reliant on public transportation than their targets (with good credit scores) are. Can't jack a ride every single time you need one, or at least I couldn't.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar

To directly answer your question, NO I would not have cancelled, because the way you describe your incall I would not have felt threatened. To put it out there though, I'm old enough, mature enough and trained enough to be situationally aware and don't feel threatened unless there is a real threat in the area. Originally Posted by BDD
OUTSTANDING! You've obviously figured out how to send your dick in while you stand picket and guard your shit outside. Holy Mackerel, the imagery!

Semper Fi.
I would never see a chick that had incall on bissonet. You have to imagine they must be there so they can walk the streets when times get hard or rent is due. Just not into street walkers myself. I assume all chicks that work out of that area are street walkers. Did it before but that shits not for me. Originally Posted by trey
DarthMaul's Avatar
Done deal...OP asked that thread be locked.