Attn: Black People. NAACP Recommends Not Going To School In Florida

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Uh huh Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Uh huh.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It only works that way in communist and other progressive forms of government. Here in the civilized world, the burden of proof is on the claimant. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yet it is a common debate strategy for MAGAs in this forum, most notably TWK. Check out

Prove me wrong.

VitaMan's Avatar
all of which are the fault of your beloved democrats who after losing the civil war engaged in a century plus long plan of Jim Crow segregation. if not for that affirmative action (reverse racism) wouldn't have been needed. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
May as well use the "go to" replies of TWK. With these replies, you don't have to discuss anything.

if you say so


Similar to his love for videos and cartoons. You don't have to discuss anything, just post them.
Uh huh. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
As I stated, racist drivel. And nothing to do with politics.

Maybe this forum should just be given a new name Home of Racist Tropes, since that's what gets the most clicks anyway.
adav8s28's Avatar
Uh huh. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Here is a paragraph from the link. Notice the last sentence in the paragraph. No support for genetic interpretation to expain differences in Black/White test scores . Did you forget about this paragraph? Or did you skip over it by accident?

The question that still remains is whether the cause of group differences in
average IQ is purely social, economic, and cultural or whether genetic factors are
also involved. Following publication of The Bell Curve, the American Psychological Association (APA) established an 11-person Task Force (Neisser et al.,
1996) to evaluate the book’s conclusions. Based on their review of twin and other
kinship studies, the Task Force for the most part agreed with Jensen’s (1969)
Harvard Educational Review article and The Bell Curve, that within the White
population the heritability of IQ is “around .75” (p. 85). As to the cause of the
mean Black–White group difference, however, the Task Force concluded: “There
is certainly no support for a genetic interpretation” (p. 97).

So, if the test score differences can't be explain by genetics, perhaps it's environmental factors. As you know only the black group had to experience "Jim Crow".

You have a link on the brain volume differences? I would be willing to review that one, after I complete my homework on reviews of the ladies. LOL
Clay Media's Avatar
NAACP stands for "Niggers are always causing problems"

Staff Edit - #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it. - Biomed1
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR, You overestimate the repercussions of the use of racially derogatory terms. This is the ECCIE political forum after all. The home of racist statements and dog whistles etc. The usual suspects are allowed over and over to do the same things without any real impunity but points are rampant if you call a poster dumb. See its ok to be racist but oh don't be rude.
adav8s28's Avatar
YR, You overestimate the repercussions of the use of racially derogatory terms. This is the ECCIE political forum after all. The home of racist statements and dog whistles etc. The usual suspects are allowed over and over to do the same things without any real impunity but points are rampant if you call a poster dumb. See its ok to be racist but oh don't be rude. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Clay Media will be on vacation soon. Don't worry about that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So, if the test score differences can't be explain by genetics, perhaps it's environmental factors. As you know only the black group had to experience "Jim Crow".

You have a link on the brain volume differences? I would be willing to review that one, after I complete my homework on reviews of the ladies. LOL Originally Posted by adav8s28
Pages 253-255.

NAACP stands for "****** are always causing problems"
Not cool, and why it’s impossible to have a legitimate conversation about the subject.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
YR, You overestimate the repercussions of the use of racially derogatory terms. This is the ECCIE political forum after all. The home of racist statements and dog whistles etc. The usual suspects are allowed over and over to do the same things without any real impunity but points are rampant if you call a poster dumb. See its ok to be racist but oh don't be rude. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Frankly, you’re the only one making it about racism (obviously not including that idiotic statement above). It would seem to me, assuming your a black guy, that you should be most interested in these facts, and they are facts, for the sake of understanding and acting to improve the lives of you and yours. Denying the obvious and writing it off as racism is unhelpful and simply incorrect.
eyecu2's Avatar
Just from the common sense side of things, I know plenty of black guys who are smart and some that aren't, and I know plenty of white guys that are smart and some that aren't. I never thought that their race had anything to do with that - most of it was how they were nurtured and encouraged to be able to pursue their passions.

Same with artistic types.

I've seen some socio-class advantages for those with money vs. race which is likely a bigger impact.

Why are some of our Asian friends so good at math??

Cause it's important to their society and a focus of education vs. passing some bullshit standardized tests.

The only person that ever really failed math or science is somebody who was not interested in it or didn't have a good teacher, or someone who was ready to take as much time as needed to explain it to them.

It's like all things in life. It's easy to quit, but those who won't quit, will persevere. Look at fucking dumbass Trump! His best quality is simply- he won't quit! Good or bad, he is in things to the end.

He either cheated with the right ppl or was tutored like a rich kid can afford to be. Clearly it was a long process where he had to transfer, but EVEN that moron was able to graduate.

(Envelope of money from Fred to the professor may have helped a little)
adav8s28's Avatar
So, if the test score

Pages 253-255.

Not cool, and why it’s impossible to have a legitimate conversation about the subject. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I looked at pages 253 - 255. There is no proof that having more neural connections (synapses) results in a higher I/Q test score. From the bottom of pg 255.

Rushton (2000; Rushton & Ankney, 1996) summarized the world database
using the three methods on which there are a sufficient number of studies
(autopsies, endocranial volume, and head measurements), as well as head measurements corrected for body size (see Rushton, 2000, pp. 126–132, Table 6.6).
The results in cm3 or equivalents were as follows: East Asians  1,351, 1,415,
1,335, and 1,356 (M  1,364); Whites  1,356, 1,362, 1,341, and 1,329 (M 
1,347); and Blacks  1,223, 1,268, 1,284, and 1,294 (M  1,267). The overall
mean for East Asians is 17 cm3 more than that for Whites and 97 cm3 more than
that for Blacks. Within-race differences due to differences in method of estimation
averaged 31 cm3
. Because 1 cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain
cells and hundreds of millions of synapses or neural connections, these group
differences in average brain size may explain group differences in average IQ.

Those differences in I/Q test scores taken during WW1 are most likely due to environmental factors. Only the black group had to experience "Jim Crow". WWI was a peak time for Jim Crow.