Ending it :(

Naomi4u's Avatar
Some of us really do KNOW SNL off the board and really did mean what we said. Hi Nina
Naomi4u's Avatar
What Wakeup is really trying to say SNL, is that he is sorry for what you're going through and wishes you the best Originally Posted by Valerie
I read this comment last night and I only knew it would start trouble.

Yeah that wasn't what he meant.
lil_michelle's Avatar
Just checking in on you again this morning. Glad you are feeling better.
Empathy is being able to recognize emotions exhibited by someone else, and to relate to those emotions to some degree. I recognize her emotions, that's why I wondered what she was hoping to gain from expressing them here, and I relate to them, I just relate in such a small degree as to make that relationship almost negligable. I certainly don't relate enough to make a post telling her I'm sorry when I'm really not.

The irrational leap is assuming that I'm a sadist because of my post. No, I'm not, I just don't have any feelings one way or another about what she's going through, whereas you assumed that my feelings for her must be bad simply because they weren't good.

I think you're reading too much into it Nina... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
For the fact that i presumably read too much into it, you gave quite the distinctive answer. YOu should have elaborated your first statement in that way then i would have understood. The words you used have been lacking empathy for reasons you did not explain. Now i hear you.

But i disagree with yoou that expressing emotions on an internet board necessarily is invalid for the reasons stated. I believe that relationships in internet can be as supportive as relationships in real life and whichever debth of support you choose is yours to say. I am quite happy with that board and i have exchanged some quite useful information here and also some very personal PMs. I consider these people i met here and happen to like as supportive to me as real life relationships. The degree to which it will enter my real life is not yet known since i will move after summer to NYC. But i assume you can start here as well and go deeper.

So the level of response Sweet gets is different from person to person. You can`t judge every individual by your standards. I assume the one`s who really don`t care don`t post here anyways. That is why your post bothered me. But i see your statement now clearer. Its a valid one, but i disagree with it. When i wrote here to offer my support it was heartfelt. Everyone of us has gone through things like that so its easy for me to feel empathy. And its easy for me to express this empathy .

I would say the same to a friend outside or to a working collegue outside of the board.
When you get thrown off a horse, you get up, dust your self off, and get back on....
London Rayne's Avatar
I like the donkey in the well better. Every time that little donkey got dirt thrown on him from the men trying to bury him, he just shook it off, and stepped on top of it so the dirt was now a stepping stone to move him up level by level. Eventually, he climbed right out of that well.
I like the donkey in the well better. Every time that little donkey got dirt thrown on him from the men trying to bury him, he just shook it off, and stepped on top of it so the dirt was now a stepping stone to move him up level by level. Eventually, he climbed right out of that well. Originally Posted by London Rayne
That donkey was no dumba$$.
I read this comment last night and I only knew it would start trouble.

Yeah that wasn't what he meant. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I was being playfully sarcastic....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I was being playfully sarcastic.... Originally Posted by Valerie
I knew that . There are some people here who can't take jokes. You can't play with them. In fact they don't want you playing with them. So.. I knew there would be some sort of drama following.
I think you're making quite an irrational leap there, but then again, not one that was unexpected, considering how my post was worded...

You're first question, I posted in the thread to express my incredulity at looking for emotional support from a bunch of, at best, barely known acquaintenances, on a hooker board. You accuse me of lacking empathy, Nothing is farther from the truth. Empathy is being able to recognize emotions exhibited by someone else, and to relate to those emotions to some degree. I recognize her emotions, that's why I wondered what she was hoping to gain from expressing them here, and I relate to them, I just relate in such a small degree as to make that relationship almost negligable. I certainly don't relate enough to make a post telling her I'm sorry when I'm really not.

The irrational leap is assuming that I'm a sadist because of my post. No, I'm not, I just don't have any feelings one way or another about what she's going through, whereas you assumed that my feelings for her must be bad simply because they weren't good.

My OP was merely expressing again, my incredulity at exposing personal problems on a hooker message board while at the same time taking the completely anonymous and possibly insincere "I'm sorry for your pain" comments as a real form of solace...

I think you're reading too much into it Nina... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I don't think you're a sadist Wakeup....my comment was me being sarcastic, since apparently some didn't get that...

But after having read this, I just thought I'd point out, just because this is a "Hooker board" and we may have not all met each other, doesn't mean we can't help cheer her up. There are a lot of things about this industry that a lot of people can't talk about to their friends and family, so we come here to vent. I don't think there's anything wrong with that....I genuinely feel bad for SNL, as do a lot of people who posted on this thread...We are merely trying to cheer her up....

There's nothing wrong with not telling her you're sorry if you are indeed not sincere, trust me, I'm all about no false pretenses, but just know that sometimes you can come across a bit harsh....doesn't bother me, I don't think you mean to on purpose, but perhaps in delicate situations you may consider being a bit nicer?.....I mean look at Charlie...he's gotten way better! ...

ANyways- have a good day everyone....
I knew that . There are some people here who can't take jokes. You can't play with them. In fact they don't want you playing with them. So.. I knew there would be some sort of drama following. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh I knew you would...just knew some people didn't!
Naomi4u's Avatar
.....I mean look at Charlie...he's gotten way better! ... Originally Posted by Valerie
There is no comparison. lol.

I'm very proud of Charlie btw.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
From his signature: because I'm Wakeup, and I have no problem being the elephant out front shitting all over your parade.

He makes no bones about speaking his mind. I doubt he is regreting what or how he said what he did. One thing I do respect about him is you know exactly where you stand with him at all times. This is a good thing.

I don't think you're a sadist Wakeup....my comment was me being sarcastic, since apparently some didn't get that...

But after having read this, I just thought I'd point out, just because this is a "Hooker board" and we may have not all met each other, doesn't mean we can't help cheer her up. There are a lot of things about this industry that a lot of people can't talk about to their friends and family, so we come here to vent. I don't think there's anything wrong with that....I genuinely feel bad for SNL, as do a lot of people who posted on this thread...We are merely trying to cheer her up....

There's nothing wrong with not telling her you're sorry if you are indeed not sincere, trust me, I'm all about no false pretenses, but just know that sometimes you can come across a bit harsh....doesn't bother me, I don't think you mean to on purpose, but perhaps in delicate situations you may consider being a bit nicer?.....I mean look at Charlie...he's gotten way better! ...

ANyways- have a good day everyone.... Originally Posted by Valerie
I was being playfully sarcastic.... Originally Posted by Valerie
I think Val was being "cheeky"....right?!?! Did I use it correctly?? I'm finally learning English after all these years.....bloody hell.
Wakeup's Avatar
YOu should have elaborated your first statement in that way then i would have understood. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I'm not entirely sure it would be advisable to hold your breath waiting for me to tailor my posts just so that you understand them.

I don't think you mean to on purpose, but perhaps in delicate situations you may consider being a bit nicer? Originally Posted by Valerie
It's not a delicate situation to me...just like that threAD that was posted earlier. It's only "delicate" if you choose to make it so, because with a hooker board, "delicate" really doesn't apply much...