**Official MOTHERFUCKING NBA Playoffs Thread**

TheDon's Avatar
Really feel like the series should be tied right now, but OKC will in all likelihood win in 5, I said the same thing when my Mavs played them after 4 games, and they got swept. But if OKC can get passed San Antonio playing the way they're playing, more power to them. But I believe (And hope) the Spurs beat them.

I respect the play of some of the players on this OKC team, but I legitimate cannot stand them. There is just so much I hate about this team, it's really the only team in all of sports I have a strong disdain for.
OKC's got my vote. Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
I would tend to agree that OKC is playing with passion and may make it to the finals. If so, I will be pulling for them. In some ways the Thunder remind me of the '94 and '95 Rockets in that it may not always win pretty but they do what it takes to win. With that said, I always pull for the hometeam. My 2nd hometown is Austin and San Antonio is only 70 miles away. Through the years, I've always pulled for the Spurs once the Rockets are eliminated.

Willy, if we have a Spurs/Thunder NBA West Finals, perhaps a friendly $20 wager might be in order. Once the Spurs win the series, I will gladly let you pay my winnings to a stripper of my choice for a lapdance! Go Spurs!

Somehow my "homer" attitude never translates into me pulling for a team with the name Dallas. When the Texans or Rockets are eliminated, I would not be caught dead pulling for either the Cowboys or Mavericks. Ever since the mid 80's when Nolan Ryan went to the Rangers, I have always pulled for them in the American League. Of course, they were smart enough to call themselves the Texas Rangers as opposed to the Dallas Rangers! And that's a good thing!

It must be something about the DULLAS name that gets me stirred up!

It's over for the LAKERS. In a real sense it's been over for the Lakers and all the Laker fans are just being in Denial. You can't rely simply on ONE player to win every fucking game for you. It's a team game. When the team loses........who do you blame it on........You blame it on the "Star" player concept. Until these dumb ass coaches get in their heads that teams win the game and not individual players......They will continue to go home.

The Spurs will coast to their championship. Only Boston plays team ball along with the Spurs. Right now, that's how it looks to end up. The Heat has never even been in a real discussion about the playoffs.......Becasue if you really know the game.......Then you know the HEAT didn't have a chance to start with....To believe otherwise is to be overly emotional..............

I think OKC will give the Spurs a very good series. They have a good young team that plays well together. On any given night anyone can take the lead and that's when the stars shine, by filling in the blanks.

So, all you Lakers Fans...........All this has been in Fun............But, I am loving the fucking hell out of it......

So, all you Lakers Fans...........All this has been in Fun............But, I am loving the fucking hell out of it......

Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
You're not alone, I'm with ya Bro!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Well shit. I was hoping for a better series. The Lakers got to have a better game plan than to just stand around and watch Kobe. I thaught Kobe was being his arrogant self again blaming the game 4 loss on his tamates after going 2 for 10 in the stretch. However, he's on to something.

Kobe played his heart out this series and simply had no help. They keep him in isolation and all 20 Thunder eyes are fixed waiting for him to shoot so they can crash the paint for the rebound and head off to the races to repeatedly dominate Lakers lackluster transition defense.. So that's your game plan Mike Brown? Get the fuck out of here.

BT.. I'll take you up on that $20. Satin once called me a Laker hater. I told him not so much. Just when they play the Rockets. I admit Kobe is one ot the best of all time players. Phill Jackson IMHO is the best of all time coach.

But SA? Lakers had a long standing rivalry with the Spurs. Throughout that rivalry, I was all for the purple and gold. I generally go for the underdog. But SA has more banneres than H-Town I don't like that. I was one and done on the Mavs bandwagon to get their 1st

In that mindset, I love the game.Even though LJ is more of an arrogant fuck than Kobe, I'd like to see Lebron get his 1st. I'd like to see OKC get their 1st. That's the match I'd love to see. But whatever comes of it FUCK THE SPURS.... hehehe...
TheDon's Avatar
I like SA against OKC. Can't see both big men returning for LA next season.

btw what's so great about seeing the Lakers loose?...
BT.. I'll take you up on that $20. Satin once called me a Laker hater. I told him not so much. Just when they play the Rockets. I admit Kobe is one ot the best of all time players. Phill Jackson IMHO is the best of all time coach. Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
Bets on! I also admit Kobe is one of the best players of all time and Phil J is one of the best coaches but I dislike the team more so than the coaches and players. Addmitedly Kobe is a cocky SOB. I probably would not have liked Kobe anywhere but Houston. And I would have only tolerated him in Htown! I view Terrell Owens in much the same manner.

The same would not be true for Phil Jackson! He deserves all the accolades he recieved during his career. I felt the same about Tom Landry even though he was the head coach of my least favorite team in all of professional sports. Both Jackson and Landry were excellent coaches!

btw what's so great about seeing the Lakers loose?... Originally Posted by TheDon
To answer Don's question, it is just a Lakers and Cowboys thing. I don't like either team. I never have and never will! While your at it, throw in the Damn Yankees and the Mavs. I suppose it is no different than UT fans not liking A&M. The players and coaches come and go, I just don't like the Lakers, Cowboys, Mavs and Yankees. By extension, the players and coaches when they are associated with those teams.

During the early 60's when my Dad used to regularly take me to Jeppesen and Old Colt Stadium to watch the Oilers and Colt 45's games. I've always been loyal to the home team. According to some, I am a "homer" to a fault! I suppose I grew up that way and I am not about to change now!
TheDon's Avatar
To answer Don's question, it is just a Lakers and Cowboys thing. I don't like either team. I never have and never will! While your at it, throw in the Damn Yankees and the Mavs. I suppose it is no different than UT fans not liking A&M. The players and coaches come and go, I just don't like the Lakers, Cowboys, Mavs and Yankees. By extension, the players and coaches when they are associated with those teams.

During the early 60's when my Dad used to regularly take me to Jeppesen and Old Colt Stadium to watch the Oilers and Colt 45's games. I've always been loyal to the home team. According to some, I am a "homer" to a fault! I suppose I grew up that way and I am not about to change now! Originally Posted by bigtex
Interesting. There are certain teams I root against as well, but I'm pretty much neutral for the most part. I find it hard to maintain a hatred of sports franchises, mainly because some of the talent usually goes full circle. For example, when I first started really getting into the NBA, I used to root for the Pistons (Early 2000's) and they used to play the Nets a lot and it seemed to be a rivalry (Granted, not a big one, but one nonetheless) And I hated Jason Kidd growing up, but I eventually became a Mavericks fan a few years later, and they acquired Jason Kidd, I was like '___' but then they eventually had some good success with him leading the way. And I've had a bunch of other examples like that with both football and basketball.

Now I just hate on teams due to the personality and style, rather than historical significance and traditional history. There's only one team I don't like right now, and that's the OKC Thunder. Do I dislike the Heat and Lakers? Sure, but I don't have legitimate hatred towards them like I do with OKC. In a few years I might turn a corner on them, but not right now.
How the Fuck have I missed this thread???

Well I guess there is nothing for me to say but..... OKC OKC OKC OKC OKC!!!!! Yeah now Keep on Hating!!!!! Doesn't fucking matter tho... WE KICKED DALLAS ASS AND LA ASS NOW WATCH OUT SA bitches
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Addmitedly Kobe is a cocky SOB. I probably would not have liked Kobe anywhere but Houston. And I would have only tolerated him in Htown! I view Terrell Owens in much the same manner.

To answer Don's question, it is just a Lakers and Cowboys thing. I don't like either team. I never have and never will! While your at it, throw in the Damn Yankees and the Mavs. I suppose it is no different than UT fans not liking A&M. The players and coaches come and go, I just don't like the Lakers, Cowboys, Mavs and Yankees. By extension, the players and coaches when they are associated with those teams. Originally Posted by bigtex
BT: I'm not Kobe's biggest fan either. That resentment originated with him and Shaq when they were butting heads in LA (BTW I've always loved Shaq). The resentment continued by not onlys his cockiness but because he would always PLEAD with the FUCKING REFS for EVERY CALL and NO CALL. Throughout his years he seems to have got to know the refs a lot more and the pleading BS has declined and now even more as the NBA stepped up in taking all that crying shit out the game (to an extent).

But comparing him the the self/team-destructing TO??? R U serious? Personally I don't see it that way. I used to think that he could not co-exist with another star but other players do eventually grow on him and he does want them to get involved (generally).

However, on that note, scoring 40+pts through double teams with out a single assist in a loosing effort (game 5) and going 2-10 in the last minutes of game 4 has got to make Lakers fans uneasy. A true great player not only has the numbers but also brings out the best in his teammates. This makes me wonder.... WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE LAKERS?? I tend to believe its the coach not the talent.

To all the Kobe haters... Check this out: Kobe Doin' Work It might change your perspective. It did mine (to some extent).

Kobe vs Lebron vs Durrant??: Kobe has the rings, and is usually more cold blooded at the end of games. So far he has had the better career. Lebron, however, I think gets criticized more because of his lack of a championship. Though Kobe has the edge of knowing the game/competition inside and out. IMHO, Lebron has more of a complete game. Simply because he nearly averages a triple double. With that I wonder, who players would want to play with more? Kobe or Lebron? Where would the Lakers be if Bosh went to LA? Also, where does Durrant fit in? He is the reigning 3 time scoring champ and plays lock down D. I consider him more of a fan favorite simply because he is not as cocky as the LJ or KB. But is he the best of the 3? The only way I think Lebron can earn back the respect of his fans is to ultimately return to the Cavs and bring them a title. If this never happens, it will forever haunt his legacy. Not so much because he chose a better team, but because the one he abandoned was his HOME TEAM that would have done anything he wanted in their power to get him to stay. That was a beautiful thing he FUCKED UP in a self-called pres conference for the world to see. IMHO The best, most honorable, thing he could have done was to bring D Wade and/or Bosh to Ohio. But ultimately if you can't have the respect of your home city/state, how could get it elsewhere? Champion or not, this will haunt him. I hope one day, he will make it right.

BT.... Your a Rockets fan huh? Did you forget about the I-10 rivalry? So if the Texans fall flat, will you back TEN?

Don.... whats with dissing OKC?? And to answer your question of the Laker Hating, BT has illustrated it to some degree. Just as in other sports, the large-market, most-storied franchises are able to obtain huge bandwagons, big media contracts, and are constantly able to land a star player(s). Similar to the Cowboys and Yankees. They are able to infiltrate the smaller fan bases of other teams and cause a huge disadvantage. IMO, MLB is the worst with no salary cap.. Basketball is similar but has a soft cap in which the large market teams now have to share the proceeds with the smaller market teams. This was a huge area of emphasis during the lockout but is still a problem IMO. I think a lot of the Laker Hating goes with that.. They flood the market and us homers aren't having that shit.

In the NBA, the Spurs are a marvel. In Texas, they are the only small market team. The Mavs have emerged from the depth under great ownership. The Rockets were at the pentacle with Yao (China's MJ). However, the Spurs continue to be the most dominant team in Texas with such a small market and are/have been the best small-market team in the NBA. Hence the previous fine-ass-cousin comparison. OKC now has the chance to become the new dominant small-market team under former long-time Rocket, Scottie Brooks... BT where's your loyalty... Homer? MY ASS!!! UR a trader!!!!

Willy, you accused me of being a "trader." Who or what did I trade and with whom?

Onto another subject, my only meaning on the Terrell Owens/Kobe comparison was that I would not particularly care for either of them playing in Houston but I could tolerate them both if they were wearing Houston uniforms. That was all I said! Prior to that, I clearly stated that Kobe was a premier basketball player and was one of the best of all time. I did not say or even imply that TO was anywhere near the all time greatest WR category!

Yes, I like the Spurs more than the Lakers! That sure as hell does not mean that I like the Spurs anywhere near as much as the Rockets. Win, lose or draw, I peg out on the Rockets. The Spurs rate no more than a 5 or 6, depending upon who they are playing on any given night. As for the Lakers, they will always be in the negative number category.

Did I understand you to mention an I-10 rivalry? Which one? The Spurs are just one of several different I-10 rivalries for Htown. Those rivalries extend all of the way from Nawlins to LA and points in between. I do not particularly care for any of them but the Spurs are the easiest for me to tolerate once Houston is out of the playoff picture!

As for the Titans comparison, where in the hell did that come from? The Spurs owner did not leave Htown high and dry and move to SA. The Titans owner damn sure did! Bud Adams is the only professional sports team owner that I dislike as much as Jerry Jones. And that's saying a lot! Yes, I dislike the Cowboys more than any other NFL franchise but the Titans run a close 2nd!