The World Would Be Better Off Without....

@JD Retired~Not pissed off, just tired of "_________".
Randall Creed's Avatar
The phrase "LOL." Seriously, when was the last time you actually laughed out loud just before you typed that. STOP USING LOL.
Originally Posted by TexasT
You know what, I'm dadgum tired of people who make a big deal out of LOL. You know what fucking LOL means (at least to me)??

It means, "I got the joke or I understood and saw the humor in the pic you just sent. I laughed for about a third of a second (basically a 'ha ha!' or a 'hehe' or even a 'heh!'). Looked at it again, and got maybe one more 'HA!' out of it before either deleting it or sending you a responsive 'lol!'

If you LOL haters have a better, shorter, easier way to type response to a joke or funny picture that was mildy funny for all of a full second (and sometimes less) sent to you by a pal or cohort or someone who happens to have your phone number...LET US ALL KNOW WHAT IT IS. Then maybe....JUST MAYBE we'll stop using 'LOL'!!!

Until then, take a flying leap. It's one of those things that mean nothing or very little, except to say, 'Yeah, dude. I got it'.
JD Retired's Avatar
Dharma, Heard that!
  • jb20
  • 08-16-2010, 08:52 PM
Stop Light Cameras

Actual laws based on religious law

8 year old kids who kick my ass in on-line games

Alarm clocks

People who forward every Obama urban myth via e-mail


People who don't was their hands after using a public restroom