Say Adios MoFo to Governor Quitter!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm curious why did you include Angeline Jolie as a leftie? I guess you don't know.

I am also still surprised that with all of you bitching and moaning that Sarah Palin still occupies a place front and center in your minds. I smell fear in the ranks of the left. Either that or they forgot to wipe their asses again. Asses like Alan Grayson, Bob Menendez, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Caroline McCarthy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Apparently that is an ASSumption on your part. I never said I was a "close reader" of the National Enquirer, did I? I merely corrected your glaring mistake. Nothing more, nothing less!

With that said, I am obviously much more aware of my surroundings than you! But so is just about everyone else! Originally Posted by bigtex
It’s good to see that you’ve benefited from your work as a greeter standing by the WalMart news stand, BigKoTex.
It’s good to see that you’ve benefited from your work as a greeter standing by the WalMart news stand, BigKoTex. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Yet another "wrong" ASSumption on your part. I have not stepped inside a Wal Mart store since 1994. And doubt that I ever will again!
Her current average of picking winners is about 70% which is pretty damn good in politics. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually that's pretty shitty. Incumbents are re-elected about 90% of the time. If you just pick the incumbent, you will be right 90% of the time.
JCM800's Avatar
I have not stepped inside a Wal Mart store since 1994. And doubt that I ever will again! Originally Posted by bigtex
do you remember what you bought there? ....or were you just using the restroom
do you remember what you bought there? ....or were you just using the restroom Originally Posted by JCM800
Not that it really matters but nope on both counts! I prefer to pay a little more to a Mom and Pop operation than padding Wal Marts bloated pockets!

It's just a matter of personal preference.
I bet they know which newspapers they read. Originally Posted by Doove
They read Variety:

And the National Enquirer.

In both cases, to see if they are in it.
And nobody needed to post a photo-shopped picture of her either. Originally Posted by Doove
I've got news for you. Those are both Photoshopped.

She's a beautiful woman. But she isn't that beautiful. She's 37, not 21.

Here is a picture of her when she was younger and without makeup. Real nice, but more realistic.
And my favorite:

You can have Sarah Palin. Originally Posted by Doove
This whole thread is ludicrous.

But it is interesting that when others are debating the attractiveness of a female GOP politician, you don't compare her to Democratic politicians.

You compare her to Hollywood starlets. Not exactly and apples to apples comparison.

The women you posted are attractive, but I don't think anyone of them matches up to Bo Derek. And she is a Republican.
This whole thread is ludicrous.

But it is interesting that when others are debating the attractiveness of a female GOP politician, you don't compare her to Democratic politicians.

You compare her to Hollywood starlets. Not exactly and apples to apples comparison.

The women you posted are attractive, but I don't think anyone of them matches up to Bo Derek. And she is a Republican. Originally Posted by ExNYer
As is normally the case in this forum this thread steered off course very quickly. Such is life in the Sandbox! It did not originally have anything to do with Sarah Palin's looks but everything to do with her diminished effectiveness as a spokesperson for Republican priciples. It seems as though Quitter has become extremely toxic to everyone except the Far Right fringe element.
As is normally the case in this forum this thread steered off course very quickly. Such is life in the Sandbox! It did not originally have anything to do with Sarah Palin's looks but everything to do with her diminished effectiveness as a spokesperson for Republican priciples. It seems as though Quitter has become extremely toxic to everyone except the Far Right fringe element. Originally Posted by bigtex
She is an idiot and was the primary reason I voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2008 as a protest against McCain.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who said Palin picked incumbents. She didn't and she has worked both general elections and primary challenges. Do you really know anything about what we're talking about?

Congresswoman from Connecticutt Delauro
Kind of reminds me of Barnabas Collin's understudy
She is an idiot and was the primary reason I voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2008 as a protest against McCain. Originally Posted by ExNYer
If anything, Quitter cost JMac the Independent women voters which was the group she was supposed to attract. Once the glitter wore off, she became very toxic for JMac's campaign. JMac made some serious, strategic mistakes during the 2008 campaign but nothing more costly than naming Quitter as his running mate!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-27-2013, 08:20 PM
She can't get elected nationally; but she will continue to be a voice for conservative ideas on the national stage.......she is a bonafide conservative and she is great eye candy for our cause !

You have to admit; we have much hotter eye candy than the left. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes you do but that ain't saying much! I wouldn't fuc any of those old bitch's, including Palin. She done spit out 10 kids. No thank you. I can pick that shit up at Mo's for free.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-27-2013, 08:24 PM
Yes you do but that ain't saying much! I wouldn't fuc any of those old bitch's, including Palin. She done spit out 10 kids. No thank you. I can pick that shit up at Mo's for free. Originally Posted by WTF
I call bullshit, you'd hit any one of em, and you fucking know it.... lol