Let's play with 2013 - a numbers game

ozmosys's Avatar
OK, time for a trick play with a new formula:

rounded ((3 to the fourth + 2 squared) * pi) = round (85 * 3.14) = 267

3 to the fifth + ((2 squared + 1) squared) = 268 Originally Posted by fun2come
not necessary
3 to the fifth + (2 squared)! = 267
3 to the fifth + (2 squared)! + 1 = 268
2 to the eight + 13 squared = 269
fun2come's Avatar
THX, much better !!! I now see what the Hobby is doing to me !

3 cubed * 10 = 270
We can't fault the hobby!

not necessary

2 to the eight + 13 squared = 269 Originally Posted by ozmosys
One slight correction 2 to the 8ight + 13 = 269

(3!) to the third + Summation (10) = 271
2 to the eighth + 3! + 10 = 272
2 to the eighth + 3 cubed - 10 = 273
3 to the fifth + 2 to the fifth - 1 = 274
Summation (20 + 3) - 1 = 275
Summation (20 + 3) = 276
Summation(20 + 3) + 1 = 277
Meant to complete the 70's

3 cubed * 10 + 2 cubed = 278
3 to the fifth + (2 + 1)! squared = 279
2 to the eighth + (3 + 1)! = 280
ozmosys's Avatar
Good catch, although none of us can seem to spell "eighth" correctly, even though it is the eighth.

3 cubed * 10 + 2 cubed = 278
summation of (10 – 3) through (2 squared) ! = 279
summation of 10 through (3+2) squared = 280
2 to the eighth + (10/2) squared = 281
2 to the eighth + 3 cubed – 1 = 282
2 to the eighth + 3 cubed = 283
2 to the eighth + summation (10 – 3) = 284
2 to the eighth + 30 – 1 = 285
summation of 23 + 10 = 286
fun2come's Avatar
Nice, I have a feeling our combined powers of math - minus some minor spelling errors will equal success :-)

summation ((2 squared)!) - 13 = 287

P.S. If I don't get to blame the hobby, I have to blame my old age ...
Yes I believe we are headed for success. But it's getting late.

2 to the eighth + (10/2) squared = 281
10 squared * 2 + 3 to the forth = 281

Just one for now
2 to the eighth + (3-1) to the fifth = 288
fun2come's Avatar
Darn, I check and I miss these double numbers. THX for catching that !!!

(20-3) squared = 289
(20-3) squared + 1 = 290
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3 squared = 291
2 to the eighth + (3! squared) = 292
2 to the eighth + (3! squared) + 1 = 293
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3! = 294
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3! + 1 = 295
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3 - 1 = 296
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3 = 297
summation ((2 squared)!) - 3 + 1 = 298
summation ((2 squared)!) - 1 = 299
summation ((2 squared)!) = 300
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3 = 303
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3 +1 = 304
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3! - 1 = 305
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3! = 306
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3! + 1 = 307
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3 squared - 1 = 308
summation ((2 squared)!) + 3 squared = 309

I always love it when no formula is needed :-)
fun2come's Avatar
OK, a few more, I was inspired by somebody earlier:

(3!+1) cubed - 2 to the fifth = 311
summation ((2 squared)!) + 13 = 313
summation ((2 squared)!) + 30 - 1 = 314
summation ((2 squared)!) + 30 = 315
summation ((2 squared)!) + 31 = 316
summation ((3!-1) squared) - 2 cubed = 317
310 + 2 cubed = 318

I also love it when all 4 numbers are used :-)

Note this was my post # 123 !
ozmosys's Avatar
Corrections for 314 - 316:
(3 squared * 2) squared - 10 = 314
summation of 3 cubed - 2 to the sixth + 1 = 315
summation of ((2 squared + 1) squared) - 3 squared = 316

320 - 1 = 319
320 = 320
321 = 321
summation of (10 squared / 2 squared) - 3 = 322
(3 squared * 2) squared - 1 = 323
(3 squared * 2) squared = 324
(3 squared * 2) squared + 1 = 325
fun2come's Avatar
THX for that correction . not sure what happened there, it was late ....

310 + 2 to the fourth = 326
summation ((3!-1) squared) + 2 = 327
fun2come's Avatar
I hope these check out...

3! squared * 10 - 2 to the fifth = 328
summation (30) - summation (2 to the forth) = 329
summation (30) - summation (2 to the forth) + 1 = 330
summation ((2 squared + 1) squared) + 3! = 331
10 squared * 3 + 2 to the fifth = 332
301 + 2 to the fifth = 333
(3 squared * 2) squared + 10 = 334
summation (2 squared)! + 3! squared - 1 = 335
summation (2 squared)! + 3! squared = 336
summation (2 squared)! + 3! squared + 1 = 337
13 squared * 2 = 338
ozmosys's Avatar
(3! + 1) cubed - 2 squared = 339
(2 cubed - 1) cubed - 3 = 340
(10 - 3) cubed - 2 = 341
(3 squared - 2) cubed - 1 = 342
(3! + 1) cubed = 343
(3 squared - 2) cubed + 1 = 344
(10 - 3) cubed + 2 = 345
(2 cubed - 1) cubed + 3 = 346
(3! + 1) cubed + 2 squared = 347
sum (3 cubed) - (sum 2) * 10 = 348
(2 cubed - 1) cubed + 3! = 349
summation (30 - 2 squared) - 1 = 350
summation (30 - 2 squared) = 351
summation (30 - 2 squared) + 1 = 352
(3 squared - 2) cubed + 10 = 353

Only 1660 more to go!
fun2come's Avatar
Excellent, and we already have 2013, so we are good and we'll make it before year's end (my initial unstated goal) ....

summation (3 cubed) - (2 squared)! = 354
summation (3 cubed - 1) + 2 squared = 355
fun2come's Avatar
2 to the eighth + 10 squared = 356
summation ((2 squared - 1) cubed) - summation (3!) = 357
summation (3 cubed) - 20 = 358
summation (3 cubed) - 20 + 1 = 359
120 * 3 = 360
(20 - 1) squared = 361
(summation (3!) - 2) squared + 1 = 362
(10 + 3 squared) squared + 2 = 363
(20 - 1) squared + 3 = 364
(10 + 3 squared) squared + 2 squared = 365
summation (2 cubed) * 10 + 3! = 366
(20 - 1) squared + 3! = 367
summation (3 cubed) - 10 = 368
(10 + 3 squared) squared + 2 cubed = 369
(20 - 1) squared + 3 squared = 370