
LazurusLong's Avatar
Anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer has the right to feel betrayed. This is not a matter that hoaxes are usually made out of. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Really? I lost someone very close to me at the end of January 2011 and no way do I feel betrayed over this issue. I felt sad that another good person supposedly died before his time and glad once it was determined he is still around and was even healthy enough to take a vacation out of the country! YEAH for him.
I hope the mods/owners sort this out and take the appropriate measures to make sure this never happens again. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
These are some of the most bullshit laden words of this entire thread.
What actions? Where did ANYONE on this board do something wrong? Is acting in good faith after getting a phone call about something that Nitwitboy and SPTL had talked about in the past wrong at any level?
SPTL, I'm truly shocked that upon learning of the death of a close friend you didn't find out about arrangements, sending flowers, etc. Your eulogy was touching but if you had just asked one or two more questions of the caller this hoax wouldn't have reached first base. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Excuse me? have you ever actually read any of the threads about discretion? What should she have done? Stalked his Facebook page? Driven to his house where family members might be gathered and say, oh hi, I'm an escort who is also a massage therapist and I was told he died and want to express my condolences?

Part of the discretion of the hobby is knowing when to get involved. IF there were more discretion actually practiced, then ASPD Amber's family would not have been outted when SHE died. When nicky of ASPD died, how many of his close hobby friends were also his real life friends who would not have been out of place at a service? Having just attended and been part of handling a funeral for a family member, let me tell you, flowers sent to the house or funeral home get extra attention from those who are mourning because wives and children want to say thank you for the condolences.

People in the hobby die. Some get noticed. The vast majority do not and to think that one should stalk his real world life to check such a rare thing, a hoax about a man with cancer dying and she gets a call from his roommate? What a load of shit.
And Nitwitboy, you need to explain your absence/total ignorance of this hoax being perpetrated on lots of people who loved and respected you, and prayed for your well being when you were fighting that dread disease. Were you staying in an aborigine village totally cut off from the rest of the world? Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Nitwitboy owes you and this board no apologies for the actions of another when he was out of the country. He acted when he got back and called SPTL and she was in shock. He went and got laid.

And his handle is DISABLED by the staff and until HE asks for it to be activated, he can't post anything.

Pot meet kettle. kettle meet pot when it comes to apologies and explanations.

The family member I lost was a huge practical joker. The things he did to many family and friends over the years brought tears to our eyes as we sat and thought about him after he passed. If he had the energy or the strength as he was getting closer to the end, he might have done this to one or two people but he would have thought it too far over the edge because of how much he meant to too many people but as calls were made, there is no way anyone would have thought it was a joke or a hoax so the mere fact YOU think that way (might be a hoax) reflects more on you than on anyone else.
ex-fucking-cuse me!!!

fact - she wrote a post about nitwitboy.
fact - some people questioned diamond over what she posted. [i could have said it more bluntly, but then it would have been an opinion].

instead of getting on her case about how she could have worded her post better or stepped back and looked at it from another perspective,
i think that the jump-to-conclusioners should have been taken to task for jumping w/out thinking or double checking. they could have at least asked her in a polite way for more info or verification.

again, lots of lessons to be learned in the entire nitwitboy saga!!! Originally Posted by pmdelites
My intention wasn't to chastise her for what she did or how she did it, and if it was taken that way, I apologize. I am not very adept at being gentle with my words.

My point was to try and explain to her why I though she shouldn't take people questioning er so personally. I think that many of the replies were natural emotional responses tithe situation at hand. I was attempting to make her feel better and realize they weren't questioning her integrity as much as disbelieving the entire situation. If that was unclear in my previous post, once again, I apologize.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
When she got the call all she had to do was ask which funeral home is handling arrangements. Obits/service times/burial times are usually posted within a couple of days. The roommate gave her his real name. Even if he chose cremation a funeral home would have been involved.

Any information the caller gave her would have been false, if he wasn't really dead. When nothing came up on the funeral home's website in a couple of days she should have seen the red flag.

The death of a human being can not be easily faked. If it could we would all be walking around with our pockets stuffed with life insurance money.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-26-2011, 10:18 AM
This thread is just loaded with awesome.

I don't know why anyone would jump on sexydiamond after reading her first post. Hell, she saw nitwitboy less than a week before his "death". He reviewed her. To be honest, that fact alone made me wonder about the circumstances of his "death". I have lost too many people to cancer, and not one of them was in any condition to go catch a quick nut in the week before they died. Not one. Something about the whole thing just didnt sound right from the beginning.

Having said that, it's good to see that Nitwit was resurrected. It was the perfect weekend for that to happen. If the dude is still drinking, banging broads, and taking trips to Australia, then it sounds to me like he has more than enough fight left in him.
When she got the call all she had to do was ask which funeral home is handling arrangements. Obits/service times/burial times are usually posted within a couple of days. The roommate gave her his real name. Even if he chose cremation a funeral home would have been involved.

Any information the caller gave her would have been false, if he wasn't really dead. When nothing came up on the funeral home's website in a couple of days she should have seen the red flag.

The death of a human being can not be easily faked. If it could we would all be walking around with our pockets stuffed with life insurance money. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
That is ridiculous. If I got a call from a close hobbyist's or client's "father" about his death, I would not at all be in any condition, nor would I think it appropriate to ask questions like that. You are attempting to be some strange sort of "rational" about an emotional event. It was not her place to ask questions like that. Why on EARTH would she have reason to think that this was some sort of cruel hoax?! No sane person would even think that, because what kind of monster does something like that? She was called and told by someone identifying himself as a family member that a friend was dead, and she's supposed to say "Wait, this might be a hoax! Watson, it's time to investigate!" Get real.
Boltfan's Avatar
At first I thought about hitting the ole RTM and put my efforts into getting this bad boy locked up for now. But then I gave it further consideration. Why?

NitWitBoy IS absolutely alive. I just spoke to him for 15 minutes. I like the guy. We bonded. It hurt me when I felt he was dead. I don't give a flying fuck WHY this happened. I 100% believe his explanation of things (roommate decided to fuck with his life while he was out of country) but even if it was a joke, WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a SHMB. Yes, it hit home with some people. Yes, he was "resurrected" on Easter. Stop your whining about the whys and the what ifs. NWB has given no one here reason to doubt him before. He has always been a very no nonsense type of guy. If you want to be jaded then be jaded, but you look like an ass. If you thinking he died of cancer had you take a hard look inside then YOU needed a jolt and maybe this incident did YOU some good.

He is back. Treat him like a leper or treat him like you did before. But know that it reflects more on you as to how you treat him that it ever will to him.
TexRich's Avatar
and these are the days of our lives......
TexasFlip's Avatar
Let's change the mood of this thread. Welcome back NitWitBoy!!! Glad you're doing well bro!!!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ttgl youcan suck the warts off my goats ass.
How dare you talk like that. Kicking someone just after they got knocked to the ground is shameful. I know because I've shamefully done it before.

I've already had my heart handed to me in pieces by someone I love and care what they think. You, on the other hand are an asshole. Not just any asshole, but someone that enjoys others pain.

I DID ask about the funeral you giant turd sandwitch. His "dad" said he was taking him home to Cali to be buried as a hero. I had no reason to disbelieve. I feel terrible about the drama I brought. The road to hell and good intentions blah blah.

The op beat me to the post. I was still trying to process when wolfeman told me about this thread. She did nothing wrong and you all that were mean to her had better apologize to her. If you don't, there's nothing we can do but know what sort of a person you are.... Which goes far when trying to book with any active poster here.

Any more questions ? I'll tell all I know to the community. This is my fault and I'm truly sorry. I really thought he was dead.

And Thankyou LL for sticking up for me.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Ttgl youcan suck the warts off my goats ass.
How dare you talk like that. Kicking someone just after they got knocked to the ground is shameful. I know because I've shamefully done it before.

I've already had my heart handed to me in pieces by someone I love and care what they think. You, on the other hand are an asshole. Not just any asshole, but someone that enjoys others pain.

I DID ask about the funeral you giant turd sandwitch. His "dad" said he was taking him home to Cali to be buried as a hero. I had no reason to disbelieve. I feel terrible about the drama I brought. The road to hell and good intentions blah blah.

The op beat me to the post. I was still trying to process when wolfeman told me about this thread. She did nothing wrong and you all that were mean to her had better apologize to her. If you don't, there's nothing we can do but know what sort of a person you are.... Which goes far when trying to book with any active poster here.

Any more questions ? I'll tell all I know to the community. This is my fault and I'm truly sorry. I really thought he was dead.

And Thankyou LL for sticking up for me. Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
This is absolutely NOT your fault. You spoke your heart which was betrayed by an immature moron, and then got kicked by a few more for your trouble. To hell with what others have to say. I'm glad your friend is still around, he's damned lucky to have you as a friend in return.

Best Regards,
daty/o's Avatar
Let's change the mood of this thread. Welcome back NitWitBoy!!! Glad you're doing well bro!!! Originally Posted by TexasFlip
Thanks TF, I was just going to say the same thing. Enough of the fucking who did what drama. Look at the bigger picture. Glad to hear good news for a change.
I am still very confused. How long was he in Australia? I have had friends travel outside the country, and they email and keep in touch. They also surf through their online accounts to see what is happening while away. Was he hiding under a rock for weeks to be unaware of the situation? Are his close friends not as closes they thought?

Just wondering...

Perhaps it was a masterplan for some really kickass publicity. (I hope others don't start mimicking this strategy, Just Kidding!) Hey, and what perfect timing to make the 'comeback' - Easter week!

I'm sad for those who mourned him, that was an evil thing to do. I feel bad for Kayla for being duped. But hey, let's celebrate he's alive n' kickin right?!

Hey, if anyone ever calls anyone sayin' Im gone, please plaster my obituary on the R.I.P. thread please (and a picture of my titties- you know, so ppl will know who they're talking about). I dont want anyone seeing my ghost for appointments or anything. LOL

Tops the hell out of tiggold's "I Quit -- Hobby Suicide" thread. Not to mention the eternal question: Is there hobby after death? The answer appears to by a resounding, "Yes."

And, yes, RN Sweetie, those are some interesting questions you pose. I suggest, "I was on walkabout" as the probable answer. It's as good as any, and better than some....
LovingKayla's Avatar
Nitwit said he was gone for a little more than a month into the backwoods of down under a rock apparently. He did not take his phone because he didn't have international calling ability (price too high.) he left it, the dogs, and his house in his roommates care.

Him and a few high school buddies made the trip. Providers make up the vast majority of his Dallas friends and none of us knew he left. He got back not knowing any of this happened and called a provider yesterday, who immediately told him he needed to call me. So he did. And here we are.