How many guys become emotionally involved with providers?

Wakeup's Avatar
Sarunga's Avatar
Well, what else.
My wife has reached the point of no longer being upset about her past. We are discussing relocating to a different city though.
  • Alli
  • 04-13-2012, 08:06 PM
Insightful. I agree. I would be interested in more input from the ladies but it seems that as they approach the age/time for retirement, it might be natural to "fall in love" with an ATF client. Originally Posted by JDNorthface

I, at one time did get emotionally attached to a client and I ended up getting really hurt because he said told me, "remember how we met". So, I keep my feelings in check now.

I do have a client who I have seen for years and he has become emotionally attached to me, but he's also married. Then again, I have another client who helps me more than he does, so why would I want to be "his girl"? NOT!

Anyway, I don't think it is a good thing, because if we were to ever go through financial problems, what would he think I may be doing? On the same note, if I went through a spell where I didn't want sex, I know what I would be thinking he is doing!
I agree with Alli It's difficult not to get emotional-I have been thankful that so far with most there is no strings attached that's the beauty of it. As long as they continue wanting me, respecting me, pampering me and taking good care of me I will continue to want them unconditionally and provide them with the ultimate satisfaction until the day I quit-and will always remain on top of my FUCK list...YES I have a LIST...You know who you are - you guys ROCK! Advise to those please spice up the session a bit! Wear a tong, lipstick, anything lmaol be spontaneous-so I will not get bored of your rass. It doesn't matter how hard we try to keep our feelings in check shit happens. Just hope that things gets worked out for the better. The answer to JD Northface YES it happens-just hope she's not bipolar lmaol..I have a NUMERO UNO client I've been seeing for over a month-he rocks and he is a keeper-that one I will do whatever he wants me to do! ;-)
I also agree with Arialemonde-"I end up feeling used and betrayed. Leaving me an emotional wreck for weeks". Personally I have heard too many horrible stories-both from providers and clients...It is best not to get involved-you really dnt know what you are getting into..or like most says take it slow get to know this individual personally give it time you never know - it may work out-and stay away of that fantasy world bullshit. But be extremely cautious and careful! xoxo
TransAm's Avatar
I've got a slightly different take. Look, the primary reason NOT to get into these relationships seem to be that you'll get your heart broken because the girl will always look at you as a John, her affections for your aren't real, she's too self-interested, etc. ad nauseum.

Guess what? That's potentially true of ALL relationships. Almost EVERY relationship fails. Hell, for a lot of a hobbyists, that's a primary motivation for WHY they hobby. All of the fun, none of the risks of actual relationships. Owl, if that's YOUR motivation for hobbying, then the general consensus is probably right, this is a bad idea. But if it's not, and your only concern is that you're going to get burned, why wouldn't that be equally true with a civilian?

You're smart enough to see the issues a relationship like this presents. If you think that you two can deal with them, go for it. If not, she'll still respect you in the morning.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If I wanted to be emotionally involved I would find a girlfriend.
I only want the illusion of emotion.
For me it is about the sex, I love pleasuring a woman and in return being pleasured.
I want to be a client, a trick, whatever you want to call it just dont call me at home.