JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Stevie just demonstrated what I said on another thread; liberals don't know when to draw the line. He could have criticized the four justices (we don't know if they are republicans, since Bush 41 nominated Souter who turned out not to be a republican) but then he went too far and accused them of criminal acts. Stevie like any lib didn't know where to draw the line.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good, TTH. I'm sure the Lutheran Church will appreciate knowing that you need to approve of who they hire and who they don't. You can no doubt speak to them about errors in their doctrine as well. Boy, it's nice to have all knowing people like you around, who know so much about what is best for the rest of us.
It is well known that anti discrimination laws can have a big impact on reducing discrimination. Sometimes the law has to lead (some parts) of society.

I see Cpalmson's rant started (just) on MLK day.

Does society exist, or is it just a collection of individuals doing their own thing?

On the case in point, I agree with most of what the sensible intelligent experts here are saying. Originally Posted by essence
This is the USA. FUCK OFF you euro douche.