Hi all- Remember me?

Party details available on the GOBC app.....
DDarkness's Avatar

Members either choose or not to read the new posting guidelines. Members, Male and Female, have a responsibility to know them!

You were treated poorly and that is a fact!

My effort was to welcome you back and remind you that there are steps in place to address issues as they arise!

Members who err, male or female, are issued points for infractions and after a certain number are banned from the board for a period of time (3 months) IF they violate guidelines repeatedly it can be for a longer period of time!

Welcome back! I for one am glad that you chose to return. I respectfully request that you review the posting guidelines, and for what it's worth, others have been asked and told to do this as well!

I'm two infractions away from having ten pages of them....
More fun to learn them that way as far as I'm concerned....
Interestingly, I'm seven reviews away from ten pages of those!!
But I've always been an overachiever....
DDarkness's Avatar
That you have Mr. Rockstar!


Members either choose or not to read the new posting guidelines. Members, Male and Female, have a responsibility to know them!

You were treated poorly and that is a fact!

My effort was to welcome you back and remind you that there are steps in place to address issues as they arise!

Members who err, male or female, are issued points for infractions and after a certain number are banned from the board for a period of time (3 months) IF they violate guidelines repeatedly it can be for a longer period of time!

Welcome back! I for one am glad that you chose to return. I respectfully request that you review the posting guidelines, and for what it's worth, others have been asked and told to do this as well!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
Great post! And I'm not the only one who noticed. Your insight is much appreciated!

Your description is great. I must say, I think it works almost all of the time. If you behave, it is virtually impossible to get banned. Some people like to push the envelope, though and that, dear Margeaux, is where I promise you will see some vacations. Insults and bullying are not tolerated, but we do try to moderated the behavior and give members an ample chance to acclimate to the enhanced guidelines.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Perhaps I am making assumptions. My assumptions are based on the comments made to me/about me within a couple days of
Me being back after a couple years.

Doesn’t seem like much has changed. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe
What’s changed is the board has lost lots of activity & relevance.

The proportion of active members who are trolls vs active members who are nice guys is simply not in our favor.
Next time I'll read your shit more carefully, perhaps write something in a notebook so you and your fuckbuddy can cyberstalk yet another member. Originally Posted by jokacz
Reason number 1 why noone should be attending their parties. That is if ya likes your private life private.
You mean like trolling the girls FB profiles and bragging about it...TV
jokacz's Avatar
So called "trolling" of social media is usually an adequate work around for the preposterous rules of this place. By their friends and their "hobbies" you shall know them. Not to mention the criminal records of them and their BFF's. It's amazing to me how many of these women hang bad paper, are welfare fraud queens, guilty of assault, and not to mention that which shall not be spoken here. If that's being a STALKER, I'll proudly wear the label.
ANYWHO...I look forward to getting reacquainted with some of you.
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
ANYWHO...I look forward to getting reacquainted with some of you.
Yes and thanks.
Reason number 1 why noone should be attending their parties. Originally Posted by TechnoViking
Sounds like someone that can't get an invite....
Sounds like someone that can't get an invite.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Dont really care to. Been there done that. Dont forget where ya got the name for your corny little club.
jokacz's Avatar
I think it's time this Shitbird got euthanized.
lilylivered's Avatar
This has been going for so long, its time to say "Hello" again