But... I Banned Travel from China!

So the impeachment circus your leftwing BSC congress was wasting time and millions of tax payers dollars on had no impact on the preparation of disaster that was to come...GOTCHA!! Originally Posted by bb1961
So you finally do admit that Trump had room for improvement after all in his preparations (or lack thereof) in containing the virus. GOTCHA! Originally Posted by Lapdog
Only in your TDS infected mind did you get to that statement to blame Trump.

But as was asked and never seems to get answered by those attacking and solely laying blame on Trump.

what did he do wrong? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Lapdog's Avatar
Uh, drug his heels? Didn't take the threat seriously? Didn't listen to his well qualified advisors? Need me to go on?
Uh, drug his heels? Didn't take the threat seriously? Didn't listen to his well qualified advisors? Need me to go on? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Rhetoric is great, but you could provide specifics.

Fauci says he followed the guidance of his advisors and didn't dismiss any serious recommendations. Cuomo is all about saying Trump reacted timely. He closed the flights when other called him a xenophobe. He declared a Public Health emergency while the governors and mayors that was to help were still dismissing it.

Should I go on?
  • oeb11
  • 04-14-2020, 10:48 AM
EL - i think U are preaching to those unable to see, hear, or comprehend!!!
(O/w - blind,deaf, and d..b!)
Need me to go on? Originally Posted by Lapdog
need you to go on correctly
Lapdog's Avatar
EL - i think U are preaching to those unable to see, hear, or comprehend!!!
(O/w - blind,deaf, and d..b!) Originally Posted by oeb11
Offering arguments from either POV, no matter left or right has about the same effect on the receiver if the receiver already has his mind made up to the contrary, no matter how valid the argument is.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.... his preparations (or lack thereof) in containing the virus. GOTCHA! Originally Posted by Lapdog
I recollect Nancy "Impeachment" Pelosi doing her preparations in Chinatown in San Fran Nan's district on Feb 24th, 2020, according to the local reports at NBC. Where:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.
"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said.

Video and article here: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/loca...atown/2240247/

Gots the GOTCHAs yet?
Lapdog's Avatar
Got the DEFLECTS and DENIALS yet?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Got the DEFLECTS and DENIALS yet? Originally Posted by Lapdog

Gots the RECTAL CRAINIAL inversions does ya?
King trump will take no responsibility for being stupid. He is a stable genius that will need mucho red heads to be relected. Poor Putin and his trolls on here
Lapdog's Avatar
Gots the RECTAL CRAINIAL inversions does ya? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Munchmasterman's Avatar
"Totally misrepresented and misleading statistics" in what way?

The US has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world and passed Italy, for the highest number of deaths from COVID-19, last Saturday.

Neither of those statements/statistics is misrepresented or misleading. And trump was president when it happened. Are they all trump's fault? No, they aren't.

Whose fault it is, doesn't change the fact that the numbers posted in the article are the official numbers. There is no spin, misleading, or misrepresented statistics

The only questionable claims in the post are yours. The claim that anyone who doesn't politically support trump is cheering the nation's problems and that they would trash the US to get rid of trump shows how far you and yours have sunk. Add in the fact you won't admit trump is a liar or has done things a reasonable person would find questionable.
You have shown you are willing to believe the worst about somebody based on the thinnest or a complete lack of information.

And considering the amount of misleading info or misrepresented info y'all post, the idea you claim this is only left behavior and not right is a joke. I give you shit for supporting trump's actions but I don't claim you yourself say what trump says. Until you say it.



A totally misrepresented and misleading statistic.

There are no apples to apples comparisons there.

But as we keep seeing, that's the mode of operation of the left these days. DemPanic is their goal. Originally Posted by eccielover
"Totally misrepresented and misleading statistics" in what way?

The US has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world and passed Italy, for the highest number of deaths from COVID-19, last Saturday.

Neither of those statements/statistics is misrepresented or misleading. And trump was president when it happened. Are they all trump's fault? No, they aren't.

Whose fault it is, doesn't change the fact that the numbers posted in the article are the official numbers. There is no spin, misleading, or misrepresented statistics

The only questionable claims in the post are yours. The claim that anyone who doesn't politically support trump is cheering the nation's problems and that they would trash the US to get rid of trump shows how far you and yours have sunk. Add in the fact you won't admit trump is a liar or has done things a reasonable person would find questionable.
You have shown you are willing to believe the worst about somebody based on the thinnest or a complete lack of information.

And considering the amount of misleading info or misrepresented info y'all post, the idea you claim this is only left behavior and not right is a joke. I give you shit for supporting trump's actions but I don't claim you yourself say what trump says. Until you say it.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Actually, any comparison that does not take population into consideration fundamentally misleading - like comparing the US vs. Italy. The US has 5.5 times the population of Italy, but we don't even have twice their death toll. On a per capita basis - the only real comparison - we are doing much better than them.

If you want to make fair comparisons, add the death tolls and number of cases of Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and the UK COMBINED. Together, those five countries have 324M people. The US has 328M people. That is comparing apples to apples.

The US is doing much better than those five countries. Look at the stats here:


We are probably doing better because we closed off travel to China much sooner.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We are probably doing better because we closed off travel to China much sooner. Originally Posted by Revenant

that's part of it. american airlines started cancelling most flights to china, i believe 2 weeks after china announced the corona virus problem.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...We are probably doing better because we closed off travel to China much sooner. Originally Posted by Revenant

Still want to see the real numbers from China. That would be a benchmark worth knowing. Wonder if the WHO is working on that?