Trends in Provider Preferences

Randall Creed's Avatar
Can you say P.I.M.P.!!!!

Which makes me wonder, are the 'high end', mature, classy or whatever label they want to put on certain 'gentlemen' (a term they LOVE to use) that they're reserving themselves for, are these guys actually seeing them? If we can see and guess fairly accurately that they have a pimp, I'm pretty sure the so called mature and classy gents can see it, too, and I'd they can, wouldn't they figure it's safer NOT dealing with such options? If I'm a big man and making crazy money, why bother with such a high level of risk? And if they think the way I'm thinking now, just who's spending money on these girls??
I want to thank the white providers for not seeing the AA men.Its nasty gross and unethical.I think we should go back to the old days when we caught a white girl with a black guy.Hang the guy and whipp the girls ass. Originally Posted by LUVTIGHTHOLES

What can you say to that? I don't know anyone this stupid. If it is a white person, you are no longer allowed to be called white (please end your life). If it is a black person trying to justify their anger, then you are an idiot.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Roundbelly, your post is quite funny. You talk about ME moving past a certain time period. LMAO! I have. I want EQUALITY for everybody. Those that DON'T want equality still live in the plantation days. They (and perhaps you) don't think everyone was created equal. I mean, look at your boy posting above you. Perfect example of what's STILL wrong with a good part of America. But because I fight for equality, I'm wrong, or reverse racist even.

Man, this shit is so funny.
oh dear! Did you take one for the team? You can run the pictures through and find matches on the internet. This one has three matches, making it very likely a bait-and-switch.

One idea I've heard of is to ask the lady to send you a picture holding something that it's unlikely she'll have a stock photo of , like a coffee cup near her face. Some people say The Dallas Morning News, but this age group doesn't subscribe to newspapers. LOL!
TinMan's Avatar
I think he may be referring to the statement in her ad that she doesn't see black guys. He started another thread where be was a bit more clear about that.
Rambro Creep (since we have now stooped to name calling),

I have no reason to defend the fact that I am far from racist. For you it is a daily battle that never helps change a thing. If there was a lady that post NWA do you think we (the majority, we are not all the same) would wine about it? I could go on and on, but I know it is falling on deaf ears.

So, keep the war going, you seem to thrive on it. I will need to read a few of your reviews. I guess a one hour session would consist of 45 minutes of complaining about the NBA policy.

Let's keep the She won't see men of color threads together...

Merging the "She Won't see men of Color" threads....

Don't stop fighting these very important civil rights battles.

Whatever you do, keep hope alive, bro. LOL

"Do not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, stranger on the internet.

And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Provided they have enough money and the proper references."

I have a dream that one day in the city of Ft. Worth, the sons of former slaves and the daughters of former slave owners will be able to sit down together and dine at the "y" at table of brotherhood...

I have a dream that horny men everywhere will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their wallets...

I have a dream that one day, down in Dallas, with its vicious racists, with its providers having lips dripping with the words of "personal choice" and "NBA" -- one day right there in Dallas black boys will be able to 'exchange roses for time and companionship only' with white girls as hookers and johns."
Veronica, that was GREAT!!!!!!
badhusband's Avatar
A bit late on this thread (bored tonight) but I have to say that I agree with you. Aside from the 'management' issue, it may be a personal preference.
There has to be an assumption that his black buddy only wants to see white providers, hence the purpose of starting his thread. Does that make his buddy a racist? Is that discrimination? Is this the pot calling the kettle black here? It's a shame that the second a provider states a preference, all the race cards get played.
If a provider doesn't provide BBBJ, only CBJ and I only like BBBJ, should I start feeling discriminated against? As one can't help the color of their skin (except maybe Michael Jackson), I can't help what turns me on! There are plenty of women out there that provide BBBJ. If he is interested in a gal and she doesn't see AA men, move on, there are plenty out there who will. Who cares? In the end, life isn't fair anyways, get used to it!!

It's personal choice both ways. Some Hobbyists won't schedule with a black Provider and vice-versa. Your buddy needs to open his eyes and see the world as it is; namely people have a right to their preferences. Just because one Provider says "No" doesn't meanaanother won't say "Yes." If he wants some of the fine Dallas tail then he'll go out and get it. Unless you're Tony Romo there's not a lot of pussy that'll just drop in your lap. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, that was kinda cute there, Veronica.

Glad to see that you're having a nice time.