Can Providers and Hobbyists be JUST FRIENDS?

doug_dfw's Avatar
Providers are (wonderful) human beings...
Hobbyists are human beings.

Human beings sometimes become friends.

So. Yes. It is possible. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I appreciate wisdom greater than mine. One day I hope to state the inevitable so succinctly as you.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
who knows sometimes people can be adults and be friends but a better question is can providers and hobbists be lovers and not get jealous of each other???? Who knows things happen humans are humans.

  • EZ.
  • 01-16-2015, 06:45 PM
This is different. Mixing business with pleasure. I can be friendly but I am not going to tell my most intimate details aboutmy life to a hobbyist. That one time it happened was enough to show me why it was not a good idea. The guy felt like I was no longer a good match for him as a provider based on intimate details he knew about me and my life outside of the hobby. And I decided after that I would not ever do that again. I also do not want to risk having any drama and as we know, sex brings a lot of drama as it is. Sex between friends complicates things even more and if you add a business transaction on top, well, that's just a recipe for disaster. Too much going on. I'd rather pick one and stick to it. Originally Posted by Slim.
Nailed it.
Georgy9803's Avatar
depends on how each define a "friend" .....
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Between Provider and Client I think friendship could happen if no one falls in love and sex (if at all) remains business. Originally Posted by Alastair
Do you distinguish between falling in love and just loving someone?

I've told a couple of providers, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." The words don't scare them; they know what I mean, though I suspect that many here will not. They provide an outlet for me to express some emotions that have no outlet in my real life, and they understand that. They don't encourage me further, so it's easy for me to stay on the right side of the line. I think they are remarkable for their ability to allow me to feel what I feel with them while not allowing me to go overboard.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-18-2015, 01:41 AM
Don't give your friend/provider any more money and let me know if she's really a friend after that, me personally am here for pussy and for my pleasure, I don't need provider friends, I know what I am to them and they should know what they're to me.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 07:43 AM
Do you distinguish between falling in love and just loving someone?

I've told a couple of providers, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." The words don't scare them; they know what I mean, though I suspect that many here will not. They provide an outlet for me to express some emotions that have no outlet in my real life, and they understand that. They don't encourage me further, so it's easy for me to stay on the right side of the line. I think they are remarkable for their ability to allow me to feel what I feel with them while not allowing me to go overboard. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I'm at a loss to understand why you feel the need to say something like that.

It would never occur, to me, to say something like that to my RW friends much less my friends for the hour.

Do you tip them extra for putting up with this BS? I'm not saying this to be hateful, but you really need to talk to somebody.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm at a loss to understand why you feel the need to say something like that.

It would never occur, to me, to say something like that to my RW friends much less my friends for the hour.

Do you tip them extra for putting up with this BS? I'm not saying this to be hateful, but you really need to talk to somebody. Originally Posted by EZ.
It is his fantasy. I have the same habits.

There are guys that will pay 1 million dollars for a baseball card. That is their problem,not mine.

Why do you care? His money. His tastes. When you begin to pay for his sessions, then you should care....
Being friendly, kind, even bringing little gifts for kids, etc., is nice. But it is still not life in the real world. It is a kind of holodeck experience, like GFE.

Real friends don''t use aliases - they use thier real names and have real lives. Connecting the real world with the hobby world can have very unpleasant real world consequences. So while it can happen, it is not a wise thing to let happen.
Of course they can be friends as long as the $$$ keeps flowing. The $$$ is for "companionship".
  • jwood
  • 01-18-2015, 09:19 AM
Have not read the post. Had a provider friend. We talked a lot. She found a guy from the hobby. They had some issues but must have worked them out. They moved in together, I gave her space. After no contact for a few months I sent her an email wishes her happy birthday. She told me never to contact her again.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 09:58 AM
It is his fantasy. I have the same habits.

There are guys that will pay 1 million dollars for a baseball card. That is their problem,not mine.

Why do you care? His money. His tastes. When you begin to pay for his sessions, then you should care.... Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Let me get this straight, you also profess your love to hookers? Seriously, you two should get together and find a group to talk to.

Why would I pay for his session? That would be like offering a drink to an alcoholic.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Let me get this straight, you also profess your love to hookers? Seriously, you two should get together and find a group to talk to.

Why would I pay for his session? That would be like offering a drink to an alcoholic. Originally Posted by EZ.
I'm perfectly happy with my addiction.

I fail to understand why you consider this any of your business.

Have the last word.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 01:22 PM
I'm perfectly happy with my addiction.

I fail to understand why you consider this any of your business.

Have the last word. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Thank you.

The conversation is "Can Providers and Hobbyists be JUST FRIENDS?"

I didn't fall in love with every piece of ass I got in the RW and I damn sure not going to fall in love with someone that is fucking me for money.

Fantasy? I don't buy into the fantasy. For someone, my age, to even imagine that one of these young girls is attracted to my old ass or is my "girlfriend" (GFE) goes beyond fantasy to delusional.

I love pretty women. I enjoy their company and I am always nice, respectful and try to make them comfortable as best I can. Telling one of them "I love you" is crossing a boundary that I believe makes any of them feel uncomfortable.

Looking for love in all the wrong places ...this ain't eHarmony.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Do you distinguish between falling in love and just loving someone?

I've told a couple of providers, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." The words don't scare them; they know what I mean, though I suspect that many here will not. They provide an outlet for me to express some emotions that have no outlet in my real life, and they understand that. They don't encourage me further, so it's easy for me to stay on the right side of the line. I think they are remarkable for their ability to allow me to feel what I feel with them while not allowing me to go overboard. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I'm like the opposite of you. I'm in love with many of them but don't tell them!
I suspect they figure it out - but we don't talk about it!
Plus, I always pay for their time, and get over my undying love every time.