Why free the slaves? Originally Posted by Yssup RiderActually, there was debate and desire among many prior to its ratification who desired for the provision to be included in the Constitution, but the concern was that it would not be ratified by enough of the "colonies" if included, and it was "left for another day."
The same as much legislation.
The Supreme Court has done more to modify the meaning than any other institution. Since I consider myself to be a "strict constructionist" as far as its interpretation is concerned, I find it "dangerous" to take the path of interpreting the meaning to fit political agendas and fashionable trends "of the time," because as the saying goes "the shoe is on the other foot soon enough." The Supreme Court can reverse itself in future decisions.
The "problem" with political agendas and trends is that often the majority on any given issue "trends" in a different direction .. the pendulum swinging back in the other direction ... and a course correction is made. Prohibition is an example as a "policy" in this country.