Bar says Trump was spied on!

Whisky_1's Avatar
Again, you are dead wrong. I already refuted you on this point in my post #49 above. Officials of incoming administrations routinely meet with foreign diplomats in the weeks prior to inauguration.

Why do you repeat the same nonsense? Do you think saying it over and over again will somehow make it correct? Originally Posted by lustylad
Lol! Your cognitive dissonance is showing. You have refuted nothing because transition meetings with foreign officials are not conducted in secret and a representative from the intelligence community is usually present. If the meeting was part of ligitimate transition processes it not have been conducted without the knowledge of the CIA, FBI, and the sitting President at the time. Moreover, there would have been no need to lie about it or amend official statements about meeting with Russian officials.
Whisky_1's Avatar
It’s not like the Russians illegally crossed the border and voted for Trump. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Correct! On this we can agree! It's more like known Russian spymasters invited financially vulunerable and traitious members of a politically connected crime family to a sit-down.
Whisky_1's Avatar
The FISA warrants obtained by Comey, McCabe, etc., were for the purpose of SPYING on Team Trump. Documented fact! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Fact-If members of the Trump campaign had not agreed to met with Russia officials in secret and if Trump Tower was not host to an alleged criminal enterprise run by Russian nationals there would not been not need for any warrents.....period.
Whisky_1's Avatar

And Nixon's "plumbers" never tried to spy on the McGovern campaign either! They were just upgrading the phone system when they were discovered at the DNC headquarters in the Watergate on June 17, 1972!

By the way, whisky, have you told the Attorney General yet? He needs to be straightened out by someone with your superior knowledge and information! (dripping sarcasm alert!)

Hmmmm.... who should we believe? Barr or some noob on a hooker board?

Tough call!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Not really. It is not Barr that has to be believed because the report can be read by members of Congress. So who we believe the unredacted Mueller report or some delusional monger on a hooker board. Tough call huh!
Whisky_1's Avatar

Is that sort of like saying the below is "not a wall" so Trump failed on his campaign promise?

You people are sadly hilarious! Originally Posted by LexusLover
A better question is how come you don't know when they key players testified before Congress and made the talk show circuit. It more like saying I'm gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it then threatening to shut-down the government and declare a national emergency if Congress does not pay for it with taypayer dollars.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fact-If members of the Trump campaign had not agreed to met with Russia officials in secret .... warrents.....period. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You mean it was "secret," because you didn't know about it?

So, who told you about this "secret" meeting?

Apparently you haven't been following ALL THE NEWS!
LexusLover's Avatar
A better question is how come you don't know when they key players testified before Congress and made the talk show circuit. It more like saying I'm gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it then threatening to shut-down the government and declare a national emergency if Congress does not pay for it with taypayer dollars. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Since when did you get concerned about "taxpayer dollars"?

Was that before or after Trump was elected?

You are a couple of years late on your news analysis. Real late!

Most of the BS you spew in here has already been debunked and even the LameStreamMedia tries to distance themselves from their own hysteria and fabrications. Example: They demand UNREDACTED copy of "THE REPORT" on the air, but KNOW they aren't going to get one, because it would be against "THE LAW"!

So they demand it, knowing they aren't going to get it, so they can make an issue about it and accuse Trump of "obstructing justice"!~

Unfortunately, for themselves and their sheep-viewers they can't stop jabbering about shit they don't know anything about ... They are even piling on Mueller now!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You ignore the obvious. Manaford is a incarcerated felon while Mrs Clinton is not. How about that! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

that is because clinton hasn't been indicted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fact-If members of the Trump campaign had not agreed to met with Russia officials in secret and if Trump Tower was not host to an alleged criminal enterprise run by Russian nationals there would not been not need for any warrents.....period. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You are disingenuously ignoring how it was Team hildebeest that met with the same Russians both BEFORE and AFTER the Trump Tower meeting. Hence. any "crime" you "imagine" from that meeting was committed doubly so by team hildebeest; especially since Team hildebeest actually "collaborated" with Russians to impact an American election.
lustylad's Avatar
Lol! Your cognitive dissonance is showing. You have refuted nothing because transition meetings with foreign officials are not conducted in secret and a representative from the intelligence community is usually present. If the meeting was part of ligitimate transition processes it not have been conducted without the knowledge of the CIA, FBI, and the sitting President at the time. Moreover, there would have been no need to lie about it or amend official statements about meeting with Russian officials. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Wow! Now you're making things up as you dig yourself deeper into a hole. Please cite a law that was broken by Flynn pursuing transition meetings with foreign diplomats. Show me where it says a "representative from the intelligence community" must be present at all such meetings lol.

You do know Michael Flynn spent most of his 40+ year career in military intelligence, right? So the guy obviously knew any meetings or conversations he had with foreign diplomats were being surveilled and could not be "conducted in secret".

You do know the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn afterwards said he wasn't lying, right?

Think before you post next time!
lustylad's Avatar
Not really. It is not Barr that has to be believed because the report can be read by members of Congress. So who we believe the unredacted Mueller report or some delusional monger on a hooker board. Tough call huh! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Wow! So you think the Mueller report will prove there was no spying on the Trump campaign???

Now THAT'S delusional!

Precisely the opposite is true!

Of course, those parts of the Mueller report detailing the sources and methods used to spy on the trump campaign, as well as the fraudulent "evidence" presented to the FISA courts, are likely to be heavily redacted! But since you claim to have access to the unredacted report, why don't you just post everything here!

Have you instructed Attorney General Barr yet to stop mentioning the spying on the Trump campaign?
It's not a secret, except for the really really ignorant, that Barr was appointed to be a talking head for and protect the twit head. If he doesn't he will be fired or resign like everybody else with an ounce of integrity. Twit head waste a lot of time playing golf and looking for orange ass kissers. His twits are funny though
Correct! On this we can agree! It's more like known Russian spymasters invited financially vulunerable and traitious members of a politically connected crime family to a sit-down. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Who is this Crime Family? Could it be Bill and Hillary Clinton, lol.
It's not a secret, except for the really really ignorant, that Barr was appointed to be a talking head for and protect the twit head. If he doesn't he will be fired or resign like everybody else with an ounce of integrity. Twit head waste a lot of time playing golf and looking for orange ass kissers. His twits are funny though Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What the hell does Barr care about getting fired? He's already drawing a pension from the same position he held thirty years ago. He has no motive to protect Trump from anything.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fact-If members of the Trump campaign had not agreed to met with Russia officials in secret and if Trump Tower was not host to an alleged criminal enterprise run by Russian nationals there would not been not need for any warrents.....period. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You mean the russki lawyer chick who so happened to be a DNC operative allowed in by direct auth by Obama's AG Lynch? who attended a DNC meeting before and after the Trump Tower meeting where she had nothing to really offer about Clinton? The Magensky Act ring bells?

this Russki was both a Russian operative and a DNC operative to concoct a collusion with Trump and Russia. If Lynch hadn't let her Russkie cunt into the US she'd never have been at Trump Tower at all.

Now here's where it gets really bad. for the Left. Even if that Russki chick had any dirt on Hillary why is that any different than Hillary/DNC dirt from Ukraine against Manafort after he joined Trump's campaign?

It's not. It's politics as usual, down and dirty. in fact, the Trump Tower yielded nothing but .. trumped up ... accusations, the Ukraine data fake or not helped regurgitate old and known issues with Manafort. None of which had to do with Trump. Or the prime directive of Saint Mueller .. "Collusion and Obstruction".