Do providers date privately?

We're human just like you. Why would us being providers change that? I never understood why so many think of us as somehow different when it comes to real lives. We have families, other hobbies, mortgages, lawns to mow, cars to fix, vacations to go on, kids to raise and our basic human needs are no different than those who aren't providers. Not all gentlemen outside of the hobby are turned off by their SO being a sex worker. There are open minded guys that are secure enough to be in relationships with providers. Some of us are happily married, others in great relationships, others are single. There is no difference between us and non providers when it comes to our personal lives.
Blame it on my stupidity but I'm having trouble following your allegory. In your example is the provider equal to the trucker transporting illegal arms to that what you are saying here?

How is that an apt comparison aside from the illegal nature they both share (though even that similarity is weak since being a provider is perfectly legal in many areas of the world)?

What if your guy was a provider and provided for gay men. We all know 98% of people that pay for sex are men. So, if your love wanted to earn good money he would have to be with gay men. Then is it still okay that he is a provider, he is not gay himself, just likes making money. I mean it's just a job, right? Or if he did gay porn, that's cool too, right?
What we each do to earn money makes a difference in my opinion I is part of who we are, a trucker that delivers groceries is one thing, a trucker that knowingly transports illegal arms to terrorists is another thing. I hope most ladies would think twice on which trucker she dated. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
Not comparing prostitutes to truckers. Just saying what each us decides to do for money makes a difference in who we are. Our jobs do not define us but make up a part of us. A trucker that delivers illegal arms to terrorists more than probable makes much better money than an average tree trucker, it is just a job, right? That excuse does not fit, I would not date any one affiliated with terrorism, makes a big difference how that person earns a living. Same here, dating people that have sex for a living makes a difference. It brings problems into real lives that ig thenprostitutes were honest would not exist if she were not a prostitute. What happens when I take my date to meet my family and brother has fucked her or my friend knows her. Problem I would not have if she were not a prostitute and that is just a small dilemma. Then problems in dating someone in sex work is large.
There are lots of girls in many small towns that have fucked half the people in the town...and most of them didn't even have the sense to get paid for it.

So what if she had fucked your brother or your best friend...or both at the same time when she was single? I get that you find that off putting but what is it exactly that turns you off about it? Is it fear of diseases? Or some sort of scarcity mindset where if she was intimate with X amount of people then all her intimacy is all used up and she will never be able to have a connection with you or anyone once she reaches the "X guys fucked" mark?

I'm about as honest a hooker as you're likely to ever meet and I can't think of ANY jobs that don't bring potential complications into a person's live...a job is obligations and sacrifice on some level or people wouldn't have to pay others to do it.

For the record, on a personal level I wouldn't ever date a client for free and obviously I support me being continued to be paid in real money versus the fleeting and dubious affections of a man. But that's just because I've personally seen mostly moochers, deadbeat wanna be pimps, and stalky crazy guys claiming to "love" prostitutes and it has a funny way of always ending bad for the hooker. I can see it being possible for other providers and their significant others in theory though and since there are some in this very thread claiming it works for them I'm willing to take their word for it.

Question- and I'm not trying to be a bitch with this really- if you think this lifestyle creates so many problems for the girls you see and renders them essentially unlovable for life then why are you here contributing to it? Isn't that some next level malice on your part? Also, It can't be good for you if you think you are hurting other people by what you are doing because even if you think you don't give a shit and the girls have made their choices you won't be able to escape the guilt and it will seep out into your life in self sabotaging ways. LOL. That sounded like a gypsy curse but I swear it wasn't.

Not comparing prostitutes to truckers. Just saying what each us decides to do for money makes a difference in who we are. Our jobs do not define us but make up a part of us. A trucker that delivers illegal arms to terrorists more than probable makes much better money than an average tree trucker, it is just a job, right? That excuse does not fit, I would not date any one affiliated with terrorism, makes a big difference how that person earns a living. Same here, dating people that have sex for a living makes a difference. It brings problems into real lives that ig thenprostitutes were honest would not exist if she were not a prostitute. What happens when I take my date to meet my family and brother has fucked her or my friend knows her. Problem I would not have if she were not a prostitute and that is just a small dilemma. Then problems in dating someone in sex work is large. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
hey everyone must know the truth is yes providers date some hide what they do witch is considerd a lieing relationship that will never work sorry ladys is u want real relationship doing this be honest not saying straight out tell them but if a man cares they will acsept u for who u are no reason to lie thats the #1 cause of brake ups is dishonesty but its posable to find a good man see if we do it for are donations itz not cheating itz are job at the moment and when that man desides to tell you not to do this then he has to step up or let u end of that and females that do this cant be jealus if they want a relationship or they will never have one simple fact that when your jealus and in this the man will rejecked your jealusy and cheat but if you have a friendship partnership it can wor trust me seen it.... and know theres somene out there for anyone that knows loyalty respect nd honesty
sorry honny thts were the loyaty comes in she shouldnt bring it around your family or work sweetie and someone in work knows they slept with her they are just as bad for paying let me ask you why do yall see the grl any differant then the men that pay itz the same at least we make donations for it for the family we hve we bing something forare needs guys paying is equal to us getting paid
Dating a hooker has different problems then dating a non hooker. Emotional problems and mental problems, does not work out on a high percentage of times. It is possoble but to work and I take them at their word but very rare. Relationships are difficult enough to not have to add sex, jealousy, greed, infidelity, feeling of neglect, etc. It is just ain weird and awkward if my SO was fucking people I was close to. No problem with what she did in her past, problem with what she is doing today and in the future. Each person wants to feel special and loved, sex is a big part of intimacy and nourishing those feelings. Harder to accomish that level of ointimacy when I am her 6th guy that day. Just as many ladies would never date a client, I would never date a hoomer and I respect your perspective.
You are right about my own part in it. I am horny as hell, but I have not seen a prostitute for months now. I have no want to pay for sex at this point. Partly guilt on my part, don't want those feelings anymore. Pay my money, usually feel disappointed afterward, not disappointed because physical act was not good, but because no passion because we don't love one another. Knowing it is an act takes away from it too. The sex is meant to be more than an orgasm, emotions get involved. Read the threads most have a level of emotion in them. I don't hobby right now because of some of the things you mentioned, you are insightful. I am honest about myself and to myself. Prostitution like other vices can create serious internal problems, just like drinking can, gambling can, smoking can.
We're human just like you. Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms
If you're just like me, then tell me WHERE ARE MY TITTIES???
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
When I first got into the hobby I was in a relationship things started going south a few months later. I tried dating after that while still in the hobby and it just doesn't work out. I have been single for nearly 4 years and I love it!! I am just having too much fun in the hobby to be in a relationship right now.
You are right about my own part in it. I am horny as hell, but I have not seen a prostitute for months now. I have no want to pay for sex at this point. Partly guilt on my part, don't want those feelings anymore. Pay my money, usually feel disappointed afterward, not disappointed because physical act was not good, but because no passion because we don't love one another. Knowing it is an act takes away from it too. The sex is meant to be more than an orgasm, emotions get involved. Read the threads most have a level of emotion in them. I don't hobby right now because of some of the things you mentioned, you are insightful. I am honest about myself and to myself. Prostitution like other vices can create serious internal problems, just like drinking can, gambling can, smoking can. Originally Posted by Boudin3112
Boudin you need to stick a finger down your throat, purge some Hollywood, and grow up. What were you expecting, love? romance? That isn't real life. Ask 50 married people about their sex life and 10 will tell you it's boring and any feelings are faked. The other 40 have no sex life. A hooker may fake everything but some of them at least put some effort into the performance. I appreciate that. They make me happy, I make them happy. Leave the soul-mate crap for the teenagers.
  • D0617
  • 07-10-2016, 04:33 AM
I've always thought I would be the perfect boyfriend / husband for an escort lol

1. I don't really have the highest sex drive on earth. I mean I like sex but it's just not a priority for me. I honestly prefer to just pet / cuddle more times then not and usually end up just paying someone to sit and talk to me because i work from home and get tired of talking to myself lol. one thing I have learned is that escorts generally don't always want to have sex in their spare time and I mean I build websites i don't want to see the internet when i'm not working lol I want nothing to do with a computer when I'm not working because that's what i do all day i get it and don't take it personally.

2. I have no problem whatsoever with the dilemma of a man sticking his dick in my woman for money. AT all lol. I just don't have a big emotionally attachment to sex. If anything I have more respect for escorts than I do for instance, girls who use their sexuality to get ahead in life but don't acknowledge it (i.e i'm looking at you girls at twin peaks lol). At least the escort has fully embraced what she does and how she makes a living and come to terms with it, and is maximizing her earning potential.

3. I work extremely odd hours and my job requires me to be alone so i can think out extremely complex solutions to complex problems, and escorts have shit to do lol and aren't under you all day long. If anything I want her to leave so i can work lol

The biggest issue that i think would come up dating an escort is none of the three above. I could care less about her getting up and leaving at 2am to take a call or knowing she's having sex at this very moment with someone else or getting pissy because she doesn't want to have sex with me 5 times a week. The issue that would be the deal breaker would be her trust in men as a whole. You deal with that many men, you have so many experiences with men, some of them bad experiences, you've probably seen the worst of the worst and think all men are like this and takes it out on me. I know one escort who told me point blank she hates men lol. Honestly i can't say i blame her, it's a distorted point of view but one that she came to after dealing with POS men from her own experience. I don't deal with women web development clinets. At all. I won't do it. Becasue litearlly every last fucking website i've built for a woman the last 5 years has ended up with me losing money on the job and most have a headache of dealing with a finicky woman who wants to with hold a 3k payment because the color on the 2nd page of the site is off lol, demanding a refund because you shot down their advances and they got butthurt (true story lol) this is not shit you deal with dealing with men clients lol. is it a fucked up point of view lol? probably but it works for me and i can point you to an excel spreadsheet that shows my income has literally doubled since I stopped taking women clients so you can't say it's a bad point of view to have.

But I have the luxury of not dealing with women clients, becuase for the most part most clients are male that i have. Women, kinda need the man lol to be an escort lol. So she doesn't have the luxury of not dealing with men. I can see this becoming a real issue dating escorts.
bule84's Avatar
We're human just like you. Why would us being providers change that? I never understood why so many think of us as somehow different when it comes to real lives. We have families, other hobbies, mortgages, lawns to mow, cars to fix, vacations to go on, kids to raise and our basic human needs are no different than those who aren't providers. Not all gentlemen outside of the hobby are turned off by their SO being a sex worker. There are open minded guys that are secure enough to be in relationships with providers. Some of us are happily married, others in great relationships, others are single. There is no difference between us and non providers when it comes to our personal lives. Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms
So well said, I agree 5000000000000%
Contralto's Avatar
If you're just like me, then tell me WHERE ARE MY TITTIES??? Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
What until you're 60. They are coming...