Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?

We should totally get together and have a girls night some time. I would totally host if we wanted to do a drinking and Cards Against Humanity night. If you're not scared if creatures that is... Muaha!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
DD consistently brings both humor and reason to many threads and I always enjoy reading what he has to say... even if it takes me a minute. Some folks who take characters like him too seriously should really remove the lead pipe from their anal cavity and enjoy a few chuckles every now and then. Originally Posted by JadeRose
On tha utha hand, yew culd offer ta get tha led outta thar ass as part uvva fem-dom sesshun an' charge 'em extry fur it since it's specialized fetish werk. Thet wuld make meh chuckle a bit fur sure.

Right? Fuck, I'm drinking. Anything could make me giggle right now. Originally Posted by Lioness
Well, if'n Ah showed yew mah peckerdillo, yew mite die from laffin'.
knotty man's Avatar
cuz im 'merican
if i wanted to read , i wouldve joined the damn Taliban !!
I just might, but that's the thing about drinking, it gets ke relaxed, and horny. I'm a very friendly drunk. That's why I only get drunk alone or around people I trust to babysit me. I know I would go home with anyone, male, female, don't matter.
knotty man's Avatar
cuz im 'merican
if i wanted to read , i wouldve joined the damn Taliban !!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
cuz im 'merican
if i wanted to read , i wouldve joined the damn Taliban !! Originally Posted by knotty man
cuz im 'merican
if i wanted to read , i wouldve joined the damn Taliban !! Originally Posted by knotty man
Looks laik yer 'murrikan an' yew ree-peat yerself, too!
cuz im 'merican
if i wanted to read , i wouldve joined the damn Taliban !! Originally Posted by knotty man
Free Mustache Rides for any of my LTFs who are still reading this long thread about reading threads/showcases/ads. I know most of the hobbyists have long left the building, right after the Big Microphone Drop. They triggered on the picture--yep that's how our lizard brains work.

And, you have the answer to your question? We don't care to read lots of drivel.

Just give us the facts, prices and how to best contact you. Love the SNATCH format--more ladies would benefit from using it, instead of writing long narratives. We guys don't/can't read anyhow when all of our blood is rushing from our big ego swollen heads to our little CAWKs. Just saying...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-27-2016, 09:13 PM
My original point:

"If you don't want the discussion going in that direction, turn off your bumper sticker for that post."

Your translation:
"When someone attacks a Poster and another person joins in(Old-VJJ) to support that thread hijacker/attacker, the piler on should have the balls to admit piling on." (interesting definition of "piling on")

"Wow, what stupid nit picking to try and attack (attack?) some one. It's just....stupid...immature....a nd downright unnecessary."

If you translate "turn off your bumper sticker" as being over-the-top hostile, then you really shouldn't be on this board.

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-28-2016, 07:01 AM
Oh boy, Toyz can you please put up the jaded hooked chart again. Twig needs to see how many days along she is. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Collecting data from hundreds of Hoogars. Discussing trends with dozens of Mongers. Pulling information from posts, trends, cycles, Weekend, Provider ads, Snatch thread and watching who scours the requests forum. The World Famous TOYZ INSTITUTE for HOOGAR BURNOUT has compiled the following HOOGAR LIFESPAN CHART. You'll notice that the best days of a Hoogar from a Mongers point of view is the period after she gets her comfort on. Where she is providing for fun, enjoying the interactions & appreciating the money. Unfortunately, this is a small window of opportunity before she devolves into the jaded, cynical, "how quick can I get this over with & get my money" scam artist.

The chart is formatted in DAYS as Hoogars vary in quality, attitude depending on an intricate series of algorithms predicated by many factors unique to that particular Hoogar. Some of them, (but not ), are: Nail Jobs, Baby Daddy Money, PIMP cut, Car Battery Failing, Cell Phone, RENT (number one predictor for Hoogar behavior), Booze, other substances, Trips, Concerts, Clothes, Bras, etc. etc.e

You'll also notice that near the end of year one, there is a VERY BRIEF period where the Hoogar realizes she is not getting the revenue she requested, visits might dry up, OR she is getting the lowest of the low because the good Mongers have realized she is a waste of time & money.

She then wages a "NEW AND IMPROVED" campaign that may or may not involved a name change, a UTR scam, or a simply "I know I've sucked in the past, and I shall suck again, but I'm going to try and convince you this is a new me"

This last for a relatively short time-and then she becomes the dreaded STONE COLD CUNT... The SCC will rail against all mongers...(you see she hates her job, and basically hates those she services, but the money is too good to actually get a career so she rents pussy). She fakes a smile, fakes an "O", tries her hardest to fake her way through sessions to keep that cash flow...uh...flowing. But in the end, its a sad & unstoppable spiral to cat lady status[/U]

mastermind238's Avatar
I read your thread-starter and MOST of the thread. I can't say for sure that anybody has given you a satisfactory answer to all of your complaints, but i think i can address one.

Why do they call when you clearly say "text only?"

Because you can block caller ID on voice calls. You can't on texts. That's not strictly true, but google it sometime and see - it's not trivial by any means.

If a guy isn't a professional hobbyist and therefore doesn't have a dedicated hobby phone, he likely only uses his personal phone to contact providers. You don't have a website and you also don't allow email, so you require hobbyists to contact you by the only method that is almost impossible to do so without revealing their RW identity.

Maybe you have a good reason for not using email, but i can't for the life of me think of what that would be. There are lots of ways to set up free, anonymous email accounts. If you're desperate enough to go the bareback route, it seems to me that you'd first want to make it a little easier for clients to contact you by means that don't risk revealing RW identities. Text only doesn't seem to make any kind of business sense.

Now, if you get voice calls from guys who DON'T block their caller ID, then you're probably dealing with a knuckle-dragger, and NOTHING is going to make that guy follow directions. But every business occasionally has to deal with that kind - doesn't matter what your business is.
Hi MasterMind238,

The reason I require text only is because I may be out and about with friends or family, or in a public place going grocery shopping. Texting is discrete. An explicit conversation isn't. The reason I do not do emails is because they aren't efficient, and anyone who has ever contacted me that way almost never shows up. It has proven to be mostly time wasters. If a hobbyist is serious about seeing me, he will contact me by the fastest and most efficient means available (ie: texting). I stopped doing a websote because that too proved to be a waste of time and money. I found it to be completely unnecessary. I post pics on my ads. I post info on my showcase. Why repeat the same things on a website? Most men who look at a website jerk to it and then I get nothing out of it after investing my time and money. How is that fair to me? You may be right about the whole caller ID thing, but Google numbers and burner apps are easily had. Hell, I use a burner number. It's safe, it can be instantly terminated if need be, and it saves me money. I generally text back if someone tries to call. If they choose not to move forward, that is their choice. We all have expectations, standards and boundaries. Some are just more relaxed than others.

Toyz, that's a cute little chart. Thanks for the giggle.
mastermind238's Avatar
If you're out and about, you can put your phone on vibrate and let it go to voicemail if you don't want those around you to know you're getting a call from a prospective client.

I guess it comes down to this - do you want the business or don't you? If you want the business, then do what every other business person in any type of business does - make it as easy as possible, not as hard as possible, for prospective clients to contact you. Putting the onus on the guy who only very rarely hobbies to set up alternative means of communication just so YOU can receive contacts by the method that is most convenient for YOU, indicates nothing more than your very poor grasp of how business works. And you ARE in a business that is facilitated by easy and rapid communication, like few others.
I do agree with some things you have said, I disagree with others. I would argue that it shows a complete lack of respect on the hobbyist's part to ignore and violate a clear rule. In all businesses there are various methods of accomplishing goals. 3+6=9, but so does 5+4. There is no one right way to do things. It all comes down to preferences on both hobbyists and providers. I wouldn't call typing a text hard, and if it is, most phones nowadays have a dictation option. I wouldn't say I have a poor grasp of running a business either, which you would realize if you knew me and what I have accomplished, but you don't beyond our chat here, so it's understandable.
mastermind238's Avatar
Sorry, i don't mean to sound critical. You've made it clear that you're in a tough spot, and why.

My statements about caller ID blocking are absolutely true. I think it explains why you receive most of the calls you get, despite instructions you placed in your ad. Do with that info what you will. It sounds like you're prepared to dismiss it, and that 's your right. But it is a cold,hard fact of business - of EVERY kind of business - that the harder you make the transaction, the fewer transactions you'll make.
Fair enough. I'm only in a jam until August. Once we get to that point, my rent is going to drop dramatically, and I will be able to smash goals in a hurry. The thing hurting me right now is that a lot of hobbyists are leery of hotels and motels, combined with having to shell out funds for legal fees. $7000 in total. Makes me a stressy kitty at times.