What should the U.S.’s role be?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Complete deniability for the US. And my guess is Chinese special forces are pretty top notch. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The U.S. would still be blamed. Rosie O'Donnell will spin up a conspiracy theory so quick your head will spin. LOL
discreetgent's Avatar

Come to me my beautiful MILF!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
Down boy.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
DFW you still miss my point. Alternative energy has nothing to do with inflation lol I am looking for a practical solution to the dilemma we have and I am not hearing one from you. Originally Posted by discreetgent
uhhhhmmmm!!! I didn't miss any point, you are obviously unaware of the facts.



and here
discreetgent's Avatar
I get it, you don't want government involved. Fine, we agree to disagree on that. How do you suggest then that we develop alternative sources of energies given the huge cost involved?
Didn't I mention that the new rules on D&T specifically require PWI? Originally Posted by SR Only
I think I fulfilled that quota on ASPD once or twice

Come to me my beautiful MILF!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
The U.S. would still be blamed. Rosie O'Donnell will spin up a conspiracy theory so quick your head will spin. LOL Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hehe in my strongest Northern accent, "You are fooked!"

C xxx
discreetgent's Avatar
Come to me my beautiful MILF!!! Originally Posted by SR Only

Originally Posted by Camille
In that case, get a room
Ahhh DG...so good to have you back

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I get it, you don't want government involved. Fine, we agree to disagree on that. How do you suggest then that we develop alternative sources of energies given the huge cost involved? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Necessity is the mother of invention... Stop trying to regulate or subsidise innovation. I've seen several of these types of announcements over the years and they all seem to be subsidised, but they never come to fruition.

Here is a WTF like link, but mine works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_tax
DEPmic05's Avatar
I do not want to even consider the idea of the US intervening in Libya. No matter how you paint it up, covert or overt, protecting our interests or protecting the people, alone or with allies, we'll still pay a price.

Sure, we can take political action. Condemn KayDuck for the harm to his people and the use of mercenaries. We can make a call for peaceful resolution or humanitarian relief. We can conduct humanitarian missions in conjunction with other nations, only by invitation AND NOT AS THE LEAD! We definitely can take action to protect and remove (key word is "remove") our citizens from the country. Any US Citizen wishing to stay in the country, "God be with you" but don't come crying if things get ugly.

But I do not see military intervention as wise. We're already locked in two wars, draining our money and our resources without any tangible benefits or any way to recoup our losses. Our military personnel are being killed, wounded, maimed. How many dead in Iraq and Afghanistan so far? Now, multiply that by four and you get the number wounded. Multiply by six and you get the number of DNBI (disease non-battle injury), some of which are severe. Walk through a military hospital like Walter Reed or Brooke Army Medical and you'll see the personnel missing a limb, in wheel chairs, burn injuries. (Gotta love the soldiers who, despite being confined to wheel chairs, are racing up the street in groups so they can maintain their physical fitness, dressed out with all the gear you would see bicyclists wearing.)

Okay, so a lot of people are saying that if we intervene we could save lives. If we knock off KayDuck, it'll give the PEOPLE a chance to get their act together. No, I don't think so. If the Libyan PEOPLE want to get their act together, nothing on this green Earth will stop them. If they want to tolerate a crazy tyrant, then that's their business. Yes, we want stability, we have personal interests in the region, but getting militarily involved will backfire on us no matter how we justify it. We'll be seen again as the overbearing and childish bully, leaping before thinking. We'll have to expend our own resources to rebuild the damage we caused and take responsibility for the whole bloody mess.

If we keep out of it and our involvement minimal (the USS Mercy off the coast providing humanitarian assistance, aid flights with medicines and food, evacuation of our people) then the Libyans will have to sort out their own problems. We can't solve these things for them.

When the US fought the war for independence, we didn't need a third party to knock off the King of England for us. When we fought the Civil War, other nations may have thought about intervening, but in the end they didn't. What happened? The Civil War ended, over 600,000 soldiers died, the South was devastated and the nation faced decades of rebuilding. But we took care of our own problems.

So, let the Libyans solve theirs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2011, 09:33 PM
Here is a WTF like link, but mine works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_tax Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
My link works just fine

btw...sounds like half this bunch writes james bond type war novels!
atlcomedy's Avatar
Didn't I mention that the new rules on D&T specifically require PWI?

Come to me my beautiful MILF!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
How do you define a Mother? You know the Mother part of the Mother I'd Love to Fu*K?

The best of my knowledge...the individual you referenced has only publicly acknowledging aborting what would be a I'm sure a beautiful child.
It's interesting ATL that you chose not to respond to my post on the appropriate thread yet you want to bring the topic up here. No it wouldn't have been a beautiful child because it was an ectopic pregnancy. That is also why I am not and never will be a mother. If SR or anyone else wants to call me a MILF I'm cool with that. I see it more as relating to age. My reasons for aborting a pregnancy shouldn't have any bearing on when is appropriate to respond and when is not..and this is not the right thread.

Now back to the Libya stuff.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 02-27-2011, 09:47 PM
We have our "footprint" in the region, so let's sit back and see what develops. I think there is a lot more than Libya that is going to experience change. Iran and others with ambitions in the region will probably tip their hands and we will need to inter vein with deftness as is necessary to protect the innocent revolutionaries from vultures that would hijack a peoples attempt to throw off the yoke of oppressive regimes as the communist party did in Russia.

We also have the right to protect American interests and all counties rights to the rule of law and free access to sea lanes.

My belief is that direct military intervention at this point will do more harm than good. Let's wait and be the good guys.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Camille, my apologies...

our new Mod seems to say dumb things...I try to correct him privately but he thinks he is above the law