Hello Ms. Rayne, I'm confused. Do you want a fuck buddy or do you want your clients not to get to clingy?
If you want a fuck buddy, that should be very easy to set up. You have the luxury of choosing your lover and financially being reimbursed for your time. Or should I say test driving your lover. When you think you found that hobbyist where you think you can make an arrangement with. Set him down and explain what you want in the arrangement. Make sure he understands the rules of your arrangement. I would say the best one to get would be someone who's already tied up in another emotional relationship. Make sure that he is a seasoned hobbyist, not a newbie. This'll reassure you not to have the SO drama.
Since this is not a boyfriend girlfriend situation and you do not want any ties. You must go Dutch in everything. If he buys you flowers. You buy him flowers the next time and tell him why you bought them. If he continues to do nice gestures like this, terminate the arrangement immediately. Men and women are alike in this aspect.
Take for instance if I give you flowers and then I text you the next day. You don't return my text. In my mind I'm thinking why did she not returned my text after I've been so nice to her. It creates stockists behavior. Thank God that I don't act like this and think this way. I can't help it I'm a slut!
Basically what I'm saying is if you give something, do not expect anything in return. Unfortunately about 90% of the general population do expect something in return. When you think about it, it's kind a mafioso way of thinking.
That is why I'm saying everything must be Dutch.
Too bad you're not in San Antonio, because there's a lot of fine hobbyist that would probably accommodate your request. We are big sluts down in Texas. Originally Posted by Salsa man