We Owe Iran A Debt Of Gratitude

HoeHummer's Avatar
Wastes of fucking bandwidth, you are oebsy.

Maybe you can get a job as Pompeo’s personal balls washer
Uh huh and do you see space aliens out there too? WTF are you talking about?

Let's not forget about the WTC bombing in 1993 that took place first. In Tower 1 that killed 6 and injured 1042.

It was during Clinton's time as president that this happened. As conspiracy theory has it, an FBI agant controlled the team who placed the truck with explosives in the basement.

The agent asked his supervisor if it was a drill. The supervisor told him it was not a drill it was the real thing.

Remember...General Clark admitting to the 7 country hit list. The government had to come up with reasons to attack those countries.

Knowing Congress would never allow declaring war on any nation without the best reason for us to attack i.e. hostile actions against us with the loss of American lives in a direct attack on us.

The were no weapons of mass destruction found anywhere in Iraq. Sure we got rid of a Tyrrant. But he was by no means any threat to our well being here stateside.

The sanctions had crippled his ability severly to be any threat to us at all.

Let's take a look at Osama Bin Laden. His family of royal Saudis were here the day of the 9/11 incident. The FAA grounded all flights in and out of the country. They were here purchasing weapons for protection of Saudi Arabia. Oddly enough Jeb Bush flew them out the next day. Even though the FAA still had all flights grounded in and out.

British Broadcast Channel was saying a third tower had collapsed. That was tower 7. However in the background of their live feed tower 7 was still standing. Also the paper trail of the 26 billion dollars that was missing in government misspendings was located in that building. Rumsfield announced that missing money. The paperwork just so happened to be in building 7. When it collapsed it collapsed inward so that the rubble wouldn't be strewn across the roads.

I smell a rat.

Flight 93 didn't crash. The plane landed in Cincinnati Ohio and was whisked into a hanger. Even the mayor of Cincinnati wasn't allowed to go to that hanger? Odd. The airport is part of his responsibility as it is in his city. Especially when there was an emergency landing at the airport in his city.

To much mixed information that day. Especially when flight 93 passed over Fort Dix in New Jersey where the FAA has dead space where they can't track any flights.

False flag incidents happen so that the President or our government can come up with ways to start fights around the globe.

Captain MacNamera admitted his boats were just fine in the Gulf of Tonkin (North Vietnam). Even though the President said "Our boys are floundering in the water over there."

Check out former Governor Ventura's past show Off The Grid. He was a Navy SEAL in Nam. He was over there so you know for sure he saw the bullshit going on. Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Uh huh and do you see space aliens out there too? WTF are you talking about? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Have you served in the military? Did you have a top secret security clearance? I did and i had to renew it every 5 years.

Are you saying that Black Ops doesn't exist? Just because alot of information hasn't been brought to the forefront doesn't mean that these things don't exist. Take your blinders off. Alot of people like to act like sheep following the masses.

Ignorance is bliss
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Isn't God a extraterrestrial, But we believe in him..? I ain't talking bout jesus<-(1 slave ship to go out"The Good Ship Jesus Of Lubeck") either, but god.

I guess no one read the book of Enoch, it was taken outta the bible, but you can still purchase that other part of the bible.. Aliens all day in the good book

I'm woke as hell, and done way too much research, not to know what I'm talking about..

lustylad's Avatar
Why do dogs lick their own balls?

Why does SC tongue his own asshole?

Why did the dim-retards in the House vote to impeach trump?

Same answer - BECAUSE THEY CAN!

HoeHummer's Avatar
Did they ever find that Malaysians airliner?


Champagne Brown's Avatar
No, they didn't find the bulk of the plane, only a few pieces..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I must say I'm proud of Iran in a way. They didnt take the bait and they sacrificed one of their pawns. See Trump's retarded ass thought he could start a war resulting in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers all so he can avoid being either kicked out of office vis-a-vis impeachment or voted out in Nov. He realizes that either way the shit is gonna hit the fan and eventually he's going to jail just as Nancy Pelosi predicted...and so are many others in his cabinet and family..besides the ones that are already in jail.

He thought he could bait Iran but they were calculating. They're not gonna help him get re-elected by further engaging him and he is livid. His plan backfired spectacularly and he and his administration are left looking like complete fools. Total tools.

Naw dude you're a flaming phaggit and your fat nasty ass is going to jail were you belong.

I'm grateful Iran didnt take the bait. They're gonna let this cock sucker fall on his own damn sword.

Praise be to Allah.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
As the Iranian regime is under assault I just wanted people to read your unpatriotic idiocy again. A lot can take place in a couple of days.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol @ unpatriotic. Look out for my next thread. We will see who's unpatriotic. You folks are just as clueless as you are uneducated. Stop responding to my posts you people disgust me.
LexusLover's Avatar
He's a whinner. (The OP). A "victim"! It's now anti-social to make fun of retards, but it's ok if they play the race and victim card as an excuse to exist.
lustylad's Avatar
I must say I'm proud of Iran...

Praise be to Allah.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Why is Sissy Chap an apologist for Iran?

If he was over there they would fling him off the highest building and he would be screaming Allah akhbar all the way down!!

Doesn't he get it?
HoeHummer's Avatar
You’d yous be the fliers, bamsy?
LexusLover's Avatar
Doesn't he get it? Originally Posted by lustylad
No! He's a racist. A White guy beat a white woman. Only Black guys get to beat White women! It's a fundamental dilemma of his. He's also unpatriotic for trashing the U.S. military ... rather startling in fact, since he's called a lot of Black servicemembers "whores".... rather disrespectful of him if you ask me .... they are protecting his right to call them "whores" while he calls them "whores"! And now YR aka HoesHummer is agreeing with the Racist.

He also believes stoning women for crimes men also commit with impunity ... is ok .... So he's also a misogynist and has gender prejudice. The more SissyLips posts the more he reveals his true personality.
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 10:12 AM
Hypocrisy is page 1 of the DPST narrrative manual for the Axis of Socialism.
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 12:57 PM
OP - paid off your debt to the free Republic of Iran????
I am sure they would love your donation dollars.

If you had any - you be just lookin' for handouts for life from bernie and Warren.