Where White Man Went Wrong

Af-Freakin's Avatar
I agree with you, but I doubt AF cares. I doubt AF is actually Black. Originally Posted by Old-T
i doubt u hava dick. u r 1 ov thoze chaz bono type guys.
Ekim the Inbred, your the dumb-ass who -- not once, but twice -- proclaimed: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2424075&postcou nt=25

http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2436867&postcou nt=47

Ekim the Inbred, your persistent dumbness doesn't change the facts:

"Syphilis is a chronic disease, and T. pallidum's only known natural host is the human."


“The most important pathological organism that America ever exported is probably Treponema pallidum [syphilis]. It has spread everywhere since the fifteenth century, and the wounds it inflicts upon society suppurate beneath the cosmetic of hypocrisy” (pp. 208-209, The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, Crosby).

"The earliest signs of syphilis in humans date back to about 2,000 years ago, in remains found on the Colorado Plateau of North America. More recently, Rothschild found skeletal evidence for syphilis in remains from the Dominican Republic dating back between 1,200 and 500 years ago, in an area known to have been visited by Columbus and his crew. That evidence, he says, indicates that the disease could easily have spread from New World to Old by Columbus's crew. . . ." http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/prev...lis/index.html Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sure and bird flu doesn't come from birds swine flu doesn't come from swine,and the new data HIV comes from a group of monkeys will be dis proven soon. Just because the bacteria that causes syphliss is very prevelent in sheep and goats and sheep have 48 chromosomes like humans,would sure be a stretch to think it could originate there.There are two diseases yaws and lepra that share the same Bactria as syphilis and are old world .was a outbreak in the 13000 and all descriptions of the symptoms describe syphilis,the crusaders returning brought mercury back with them for a type of leprosy mercury does not help leprosy,but is a early cure for syphilis.But it is better to overlook these facts,and blame a people who had no documented history till a lost sailor named them Indians,because he thought he had found India.
I B Hankering's Avatar
OOh native Americans did not raise sheep in those times .Guess where syphilis comes from Originally Posted by ekim008
Sure and bird flu doesn't come from birds swine flu doesn't come from swine,and the new data HIV comes from a group of monkeys will be dis proven soon. Just because the bacteria that causes syphliss is very prevelent in sheep and goats and sheep have 48 chromosomes like humans,would sure be a stretch to think it could originate there.There are two diseases yaws and lepra that share the same Bactria as syphilis and are old world .was a outbreak in the 13000 and all descriptions of the symptoms describe syphilis,the crusaders returning brought mercury back with them for a type of leprosy mercury does not help leprosy,but is a early cure for syphilis.But it is better to overlook these facts,and blame a people who had no documented history till a lost sailor named them Indians,because he thought he had found India. Originally Posted by ekim008
There is no extant evidence syphilis existed in the Old World prior to Columbus' return from the New World. NONE!!!

"The earliest signs of syphilis in humans date back to about 2,000 years ago, in remains found on the Colorado Plateau of North America. More recently, Rothschild found skeletal evidence for syphilis in remains from the Dominican Republic dating back between 1,200 and 500 years ago, in an area known to have been visited by Columbus and his crew. That evidence, he says, indicates that the disease could easily have spread from New World to Old by Columbus's crew. . . ." http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/prev...lis/index.html

"Syphilis is a chronic disease, and T. pallidum's only known natural host is the human."


“The most important pathological organism that America ever exported is probably Treponema pallidum [syphilis]. It has spread everywhere since the fifteenth century, and the wounds it inflicts upon society suppurate beneath the cosmetic of hypocrisy” (pp. 208-209, The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, Crosby).

Ekim the Inbred, your persistent dumbness doesn't change the facts!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-23-2012, 03:56 PM
i doubt u hava dick. u r 1 ov thoze chaz bono type guys. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! THAT caused me to take a few steps back! The power of your wit staggered me.

Oh, excuse me, I think it was the stench of your breath.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know, if no one responded to Marshall Fuckup, he would quit posting.
Ekim the Inbred, your persistent dumbness doesn't change the facts![/quote]

the thing about you right wing nuts is if a fact kicked you in your dumb ass you wouldn't know what to do.with it but deny it.There is plenty of evidence but you keep on denying it.It is what I expect from a retard like you. They have found skeketal remains 2000 years old in the old country showing syphilis,but they are in denial like you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
the thing about you right wing nuts is if a fact kicked you in your dumb ass you wouldn't know what to do.with it but deny it.There is plenty of evidence but you keep on denying it.It is what I expect from a retard like you. They have found skeketal remains 2000 years old in the old country showing syphilis,but they are in denial like you. Originally Posted by ekim008
Where is the evidence, Ekim the Inbred? You say there is plenty of evidence, but the ubiquitous 'they' contests the validity of the evidence you say exists. If the evidence is 'contested', that means it's not evidence, Ekim the Inbred. So where is the evidence, Ekim the Inbred?

Ekim the Inbred, it sounds like you were describing yourself above, except for the right-left thing -- corrected that for you: "the thing about you left wing nuts is if a fact kicked you in your dumb ass you wouldn't know what to do.with it but deny it.
the thing about you right wing nuts is if a fact kicked you in your dumb ass you wouldn't know what to do.with it but deny it.There is plenty of evidence but you keep on denying it.It is what I expect from a retard like you. They have found skeketal remains 2000 years old in the old country showing syphilis,but they are in denial like you. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Where is the evidence, Ekim the Inbred? You say there is plenty of evidence, but the ubiquitous 'they' contests the validity of the evidence you say exists. So where is the evidence, Ekim the Inbred?

Ekim the Inbred, it sounds like you were describing yourself above, except for the right-left thing -- corrected that for you: "the thing about you left wing nuts is if a fact kicked you in your dumb ass you wouldn't know what to do.with it but deny it.

I can hardly wait till you deny this,but you know Columbus never landed in North America. First voyage he hit the Bahamas.Second and third were south.
Your argument is our forefathers fucked sheep?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I can hardly wait till you deny this,but you know Columbus never landed in North America. First voyage he hit the Bahamas.Second and third were south. Originally Posted by ekim008
Columbus landed in the 'New World': later to be known as the 'Americas'. But the ubiquitous 'they' again intercede and disagree with your 'evidence':

North America: Wiki

Columbus' Fourth Voyage: on 14 August 1502 he landed on the continental mainland at Puerto Castilla, near Trujillo, Honduras. He spent two months exploring the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, before arriving in Almirante Bay, Panama on 16 Oct
: Wiki
You pretty map still shows all he landed on was Islands never on the continent.till 14 Aug 1502 the first outbreak of syphilis was in 1495 from people returning from the battle of Naples.It was first called the French disease it was everywhere in the fifteen hundreds.People had no immunity to it like the native Americans had none to the white mans diseases.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
You know, if no one responded to Marshall Fuckup, he would quit posting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

CreepyOldTroll, if u crackers behave urselves & dont post stupid shit i wont fuck u up. that iz how it works.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You pretty map still shows all he landed on was Islands never on the continent.till 14 Aug 1502 the first outbreak of syphilis was in 1495 from people returning from the battle of Naples.It was first called the French disease it was everywhere in the fifteen hundreds.People had no immunity to it like the native Americans had none to the white mans diseases. Originally Posted by ekim008
So now you are claiming the Arawak and other Caribbean natives were not Native Americans?
FYI, the Inca, the Maya, the Aztec, the Iroquois, etc.; plus, the Arawak and Carib, etc., were/are all Native Americans (AKA First Nations people or Amerindians). Columbus kidnapped some 10 to 25 Ciguayos and transported the eight who survived back to Spain in 1493.

"Seafarers were the original hobbyists—by the nature of their profession, they were a society of men without women; therefore, they were men with many women."

You do realize 1495 is after Columbus’ first return in 1493. Furthermore, the 1495 episode of which you write is the first note of the syphilis ‘epidemic’ that was sweeping through Europe at that time. It was carried by the armies of the period. However, there are multiple accounts that members of Columbus’ crew returned with the disease – to Barcelona – in 1493. From there, it began to spread outwards until by 1495 it was an epidemic.
Absolutely Hilarious!
Af-Freakin's Avatar
OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! THAT caused me to take a few steps back! The power of your wit staggered me.

Oh, excuse me, I think it was the stench of your breath. Originally Posted by Old-T
oh, u think all black people have body odors. perhaps it waz ur aversion 2 black people that makes u step back. u Old-Racist. & LR says u hava limp noodle.