A Little Early

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I just wanted to thank everyone who commented and are on board. Since this thread first went up, I have been contacted by several who have asked that I help by referring them when asked. I have done so and also added a Special to my holiday ads that will be running all season, so that I can give as much as I am able to as well. Even though this thread only started as a reminder, a gift card drive has also begun. I realize that some may not be hobbying this month at all, due to other obligations, but still might like to help a little bit if there were an easy method to do so other than driving somewhere to meet and give me a Toys R Us, Walmart, Target or grocery gift card for the Moms.

I opened a account and am willing to be responsible for ensuring that gift cards are purchased with ALL donations anyone, provider or hobbyist, would like to donate for these ladies. s can be purchased at Walmart, kmart, CVS, RiteAid, and several other venues. These cost $4.95. Once you purchase the , you can contact me with the number and I will load it onto the account. I will then send each of you your own personal Christmas related word that I will be using on a spreadsheet to note the date and dollar amount of your gift.

All donations and all recipients will be kept confidential. An accounting is in place should there be any questions or concerns at a later date about funds donated and recipients receiving.

I realize there are some skeptical and cynical individuals who do not find it as charitable as I do to help these ladies, so if this applies to you then there is no need to respond and if ya feel the need to do so, I ask that you contact me directly with your concerns. I'm not demanding, nor am I trying to guilt anyone into donating anything. If you feel charitable, then please help, if you don't, no worries. I'm doing what I can with what I have and that's all I can do. I'm not looking for accolades and prefer none....I now just want to pass on a few gift cards to those in need and not offend or upset anyone in the process if possible.

(It's a crying shame I even had to add the last paragraph, but know it was necessary)

I just have to say that I like you more every time I read something that you post. Even though you do not expect or want any accolades, I have to say, you have a heart of gold! Thank you again for putting yourself out for the moms here and gentlemen, thanks for getting on board.