The Good Part Of FOSTA

It's interesting that Trump had time to sign the bill, but didn't. With Congress not in session, the bill could potentially be pocket vetoed and have to go through the approval process all over again. Originally Posted by Luxie
Good point. I think today is day 10 so it has to be signed today or it goes back to Congress to override.
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
Its to protect under age children from being in the sex trade biz ,The feds have so much on their plate right now with immigration & Ice Facebook /election Russia hackers/terrorist Do you really think they are going to waste their time looking at escort reviews, Eccie is not dumb or stupid they know that the ladies on this site are not being forced ,eccie doesn't profit from our post so why would they want to take it down,
More states are making marijuana legal even thou they know its against federal regulation. Have you heard them busting in on smoke shops in Colorado,washing dc va Mass No? They are trying to control you and scare you ,and you all are fallen for it .
  • Luxie
  • 04-04-2018, 05:35 PM
Its to protect under age children from being in the sex trade biz ,The feds have so much on their plate right now with immigration & Ice Facebook /election Russia hackers/terrorist Do you really think they are going to waste their time looking at escort reviews, Eccie is not dumb or stupid they know that the ladies on this site are not being forced ,eccie doesn't profit from our post so why would they want to take it down,
More states are making marijuana legal even thou they know its against federal regulation. Have you heard them busting in on smoke shops in Colorado,washing dc va Mass No? They are trying to control you and scare you ,and you all are fallen for it . Originally Posted by CharismaCaptures
This is literally all wrong. Do not think for one moment that there aren't specific federal departments that solely focus on websites like Eccie. The government is multifaceted. Also, yes, there are trafficked and "managed" women on this website. This really isn't a secret. I suggest doing a LOT more research before spouting such wildly inaccurate information.
Maybe human trafficking isn't a major issue in the great state of Rhode Island, but in Houston, Texas, it's a major issue. They way the law is written, it retroactively affects sites like this for promoting human trafficking of anyone of any age. That means one girl with one pimp could make this site's owners vulnerable to arrest and prosecution.

Is this constitutional? No. But it will take a while to straighten out.
I just looked. For some reason the Senate hasn't even sent the Bill to the President for signature yet.
Easy, the bill screams for pomp and circumstance.

Sponsors of the bills, the President, and then a smattering of actual victims of human trafficking along with some of the very rich funders of the end demand side of the equation.

It takes a while to produce a photo opp situation like this.

There's about no way that this bill gets kicked back.

Too much money behind this cause for it to fail.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2018, 11:37 AM
Its to protect under age children from being in the sex trade biz ,The feds have so much on their plate right now with immigration & Ice Facebook /election Russia hackers/terrorist Do you really think they are going to waste their time looking at escort reviews, Eccie is not dumb or stupid they know that the ladies on this site are not being forced ,eccie doesn't profit from our post so why would they want to take it down,
More states are making marijuana legal even thou they know its against federal regulation. Have you heard them busting in on smoke shops in Colorado,washing dc va Mass No? They are trying to control you and scare you ,and you all are fallen for it . Originally Posted by CharismaCaptures
Hopefully you're right. A federal prosecutor would probably have the ammunition to go after eccie with this law though. Here's the abridged, relevant wording:

Whoever...owns, manages, or operates an interactive computer service...with the intent to promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.
Someone in a country with decent internet and without a real extradition treaty and/or in any hurry to extradite "promoters" to the US is going to turn up something like ECCIE, give the finger to the feds, and hardest part will be getting around the eventual whack-a-mole of getting them money (sort of like the problem with offshore gaming for those who remember that tango). Really. Some enterprising soul in a country who won't play ball with the US is going to put up something like ECCIE. Watch.
Derringer's Avatar
Thank god I've been working on a way out since last summer. At this rate, I'll be able to not only make ends meet, but crash into one another and explode in extra income.

Good luck, everyone else.

This isn't a career for me and never has been Originally Posted by Danielle Reid

Wow, I love reading a smart post like Danielle Reid's! She displays wisdom beyond her years. (I always knew those Arkansas girls were smart cookies.)

During the course of spending time with the lovely ladies I am fortunate to meet, I like getting to know them a little bit. To the extent they are comfortable, I enjoy hearing about their lives and their future plans.

I encourage all of them to use their earnings to invest in themselves by going to school to secure a good, long-term career. And if someone is using their time in this industry to better themselves and move toward a brighter future, why is the government getting in the way of that?

No matter what, we all know this lifestyle is not going away. Things will settle into a "new normal" relatively soon. Meanwhile, best of luck to all the ladies during this time of disruption. Take care and stay safe!

I believe it will give those of us who take pride in our craft and take the extra steps to be verified and screen a better chance to find clientele. Supply and demand.
Randilyn's Avatar
Its to protect under age children from being in the sex trade biz ,The feds have so much on their plate right now with immigration & Ice Facebook /election Russia hackers/terrorist Do you really think they are going to waste their time looking at escort reviews, Eccie is not dumb or stupid they know that the ladies on this site are not being forced ,eccie doesn't profit from our post so why would they want to take it down,
More states are making marijuana legal even thou they know its against federal regulation. Have you heard them busting in on smoke shops in Colorado,washing dc va Mass No? They are trying to control you and scare you ,and you all are fallen for it . Originally Posted by CharismaCaptures
.....still think "they" trying to scare us? they blocked access from united states users to TER today and backpage and sister sites went down .... TER is the #1 go to site for reviews in this country as well as advertising .. we cant even log into our accounts... don't think for a second that EROS and other pay sites that you glorify wont follow suit!!!!! NOBODY AND NO WEBSITE IS SAFE OR PROTECTED .... NOT EVEN YOU AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL WEBSITE (just like TER going dark today for the united states users, don't be surprised when you go to log onto your site and find that it was taken down by "the very same feds that you claim have to much on their plates to deal with this !!!!)... do you even know what fosta/sesta is ? u expressed it was to keep underage children and pimped out women and trafficked women safe .. I think you need to go back and research what fosta/sesta is and the effects it will have on the internet as a whole... not just these kinds of boards . ... you had also expressed in your post that "the feds have enough on their plates" well sorry to say that there are different jurisdictional departments within the federal government it's not just one department as a whole as you calls it "the feds" and yes they are in fact hard at work on the fosta/sesta bills and internet tracking (meaning YES there are lots of federal teams working on this issue watching the internet and it ongoings).........but then again if you researched this fully, you would have the correct knowledge of whats really going on!!! and your point on the marijuana thing and eccie profiting from our posts has nothing to do with fosta/sesta so throwing that in your post was irrelevant to what this thread is all about ...
FOSTA is still not law. No signature.
Randilyn's Avatar
FOSTA is still not law. No signature. Originally Posted by Chief62
yes I know and lets hope that its not signed and made into law .... keeping fingers crossed......
Randilyn's Avatar
I believe it will give those of us who take pride in our craft and take the extra steps to be verified and screen a better chance to find clientele. Supply and demand. Originally Posted by Amazing_Amy_Leigh
I agree
Randall Creed's Avatar
Maybe human trafficking isn't a major issue in the great state of Rhode Island, but in Houston, Texas, it's a major issue. They way the law is written, it retroactively affects sites like this for promoting human trafficking of anyone of any age. That means one girl with one pimp could make this site's owners vulnerable to arrest and prosecution.

Is this constitutional? No. But it will take a while to straighten out. Originally Posted by B Three
And here's the thing with it all. They are broad brushing the problem. We all can agree that traffickers of anyone underage or non consenting are dirtbags, who deserve whatever book the law wants to throw at them. To get these jokers, they gotta put boots on the ground. This means corralling the dirtbags the SLOW, HARD WAY. Shutting down adult sites will only make the traffickers retreat and seek other means of doing their garbage.

Arresting average joe johns who just looking for a good time only serves to alert the traffickers, where they can close ranks and disappear in the middle of the night.

Consenting adults should be able to do consenting adult shit. There's nothing wrong with an OCCASIONAL NEED FOR HUMAN CONTACT that the typical john seeks when pursuing an escort. WHY IS THIS A CRIME???

Why? Why is this a crime?

Seriously, why???