Follow up to a simple question; do you think George Zimmerman has been treated fairly since his acquittal?

LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, your belief in the general good of most people has been right out there on display today.....asshat.

>>>>#1: Have you taught public school in a minority dominated school?
#2: Have you tried to hire minority members of the workforce and keep them working?
#3: In a severe economic downturn with high unemployment who goes back to work first?
#4: "The Man" said his "ObamaCare" would reduce the deficit and increase jobs!
#5: Do you think the Black community selected Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson?
#6: The Black community didn't even select Obaminable ...
#7: You don't know what the solution is?

Burning buildings, destroying businesses and others' property, threatening to kill people, name calling, and screaming is NOT "TALKING"! That's been going on for 6 plus years ... before Martin was killed. Martin's killing is just an excuse to start acting badly.<<<<<< Originally Posted by timpage
I noticed you didn't answer the questions with any substantive answers. Just name calling.

It appears like every time solutions are discussed for improvements within the Black communities, three things pop up ... better education, more money, and more jobs.

better education = additional funding for schools (see Chicago ISD)
more money = supplemental/increased welfare benefits and "stimulus" money (see history)
more jobs = "stimulus" and "impact" funds to CREATE businesses by locals (see above)

You ask me back the same questions, but I'm not the one spewing off about the deficiencies in the poor, Black communities in this country. Instead of stepping up to the plate and "organizing" those communities (like his "qualifications" says he does so well) the First Black President of the United States announces something should be done about the "stand your ground" law and dispatches the DOJ to "look into A shooting" ....

and you don't answer questions either ... you just ask them back. Well, news flash....

I have taught in public schools in which 95% or more were "minorities" and I have made it a practice to attempt to hire "minorities" who were qualified and were capable of working in the position for which they were hired, and to do so, I have reached out and attempted to hire those "minorities" so long as they were qualified and capable of doing the job. Throughout my business life the majority of my business has involved "minorities" and 99% of that business has been "word-of-mouth" among them, because of the way my business responds to them, accommodates them, and charges them.

There IS a reason I asked the questions. Most assholes like you and WTF talk shit, but "haven't walked the walk."

But I don't expect you or your Racist buddy WTF to accept what I say. But I don't give a fuck, because my "prejudice" has do with loud mouths like you and yours on this board, and on the street, who sit on the bench and bitch. Get off your ass and DO SOMETHING for a change rather than talk shit and blame others for what you have not done yourself. Look at Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Reverends? Besides talking shit what are they doing?

Here is your "hat" back ASS.

Do you always attack when you get embarrassed by your inadequacies and deficiencies? And when you are wrong?
George's mouth piece tried to get the family to interview on TV and tell what a sterling fellow he was, but they backed out. Probably afraid of repercussions.
LexusLover's Avatar
Probably afraid of repercussions. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If there are other trials ahead, it is good not to talk. George has already done too many interviews...1 was too many..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I notice that Timmie's questions have a racist nature to them. What is different about minority students or teachers who teach minority students? Timmie's questions even seem to say that there is something different about the minority community. How can that be? Now maybe Timmie can clarify for us what those differences are....
CMIKE101010's Avatar
If there are other trials ahead, it is good not to talk. George has already done too many interviews...1 was too many.. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Like your signature, is it "true"

CC, what happen too cjohnny54 signature
If there are other trials ahead, it is good not to talk. George has already done too many interviews...1 was too many.. Originally Posted by LexusLover

George was not doing the interview the family he helped was supposed to, but backed out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tells me that the family is afraid of those caring, kind, loving liberals like EVA.
Tells me that the family is afraid of those caring, kind, loving liberals like EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Liberal, LOL never have been Mcgoo sorry tea bag..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Shouldn't you be posting up that President Obama is a N####r? Like you did before? I am proud and pleased to be on the opposite side of any issue with you. Fucking ignorant racist redneck piece of shit. Originally Posted by timpage
nope. i'll stick with the Illegal Socialist Manchurian Candidate Mulatto II.. if that's ok by you .. or not.

by the way, the cat in the hat called. he wants his hat back.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The first step in recovery is to admit you have a problem Eva.
LexusLover's Avatar
The first step in recovery is to admit you have a problem Eva. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I thought the first step was the first meeting.