"Uniting?" Fuck uniting.

Precious_b's Avatar
If he's really Hitler incarnate, you shouldn't have any problem endorsing the use of violence.... if you don't maybe it's because you know calling him literally Hitler is simply a lie.

The left is hilarious and I cannot wait for the investigations and arrests that will be coming. I still expect another attempt on Trumps life... it's how lefties deal with things.. like toddlers. Originally Posted by texassapper
You brought up the Nazis not me. And I don’t espouse violence against anyone. For the record Trump is not Hitler reincarnated. But the man does have decisively fascist views. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The first person who had a realistic viewpoint to make that accusation was one of the Von Trapp kids. Only way i'd take the tejas spade pov is if he can prove he was in pre and post Nazi occupied Germany/Austria.

I will be honest with you not so nice guy; I was going to put some serious thought in my reply. But I saw that you live in South Texas and you seemed to be a bit pissy to my liking in your post. You are obviously a Trumpette so why waste my fucking time? I'd rather save possibly receiving points for someone more interesting to me. Let me know when you move way farther North in Tejas and I'll actually post a thoughtful response.

You folks have enough shit going on in that area with illegal immigration way down there. No need to concern yourself with my fucking posts old man. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

In other words, you got nothing. Originally Posted by texassapper
Oh. He had alot. Not any of that tinfoil hat links that you supply that are factually vetted like NaCl-y insiders.

Again, y'all have a big problem with journalistic quality verification on your facts.

It started when a black man SWEPT the electoral college. The (now MAGATs) lost their shit. They were terrified they might not be able to play the game in story mode while minorities and others played hardcore (the gamer reference may fly over the heads of some of these sad folks, but they can look it up). The cheeto just gave voice to their bullshit. There were decent Republicans around for a while, like McCain, who would tell them to fuck off when they started the "He's a Muslim" shit, but they eventually got drowned out by the frightened mob.

Now, here we are. That's a short course, but it hits the high spots. They are basically just scared shitless, this is what panicky people do. Cockroaches in the light reference. Originally Posted by TechPapi
You are correct. Teabaggers and such turned their back on their constituents, ignored making legislation, entrenched themselves with a one word response that got them the name "Party of NO."

Doesn't appear to be working. Not a single bump from that fuckwad getting nicked in the ear. Or maybe it is...uniting all the independent voters against him.


Originally Posted by TechPapi
... Hee Hee! ... ... ... Simulations.

What will they think of next? ... Tea leaves? ... Coin flips??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
NaCl-y called that one.
Score one for the faux aussie.
Enjoy it you 'Roo lover