The business side of escorting

that is very good info need to be understood because I have seen lots of things go wrong because sumone didn't know what they were doing or getting they self into all they know is they want to make money and fast
bambimonroe's Avatar
This is definitely a good thing to hear. Keep up the good work sweet heart.
I have a fascination with business models and somewhere got sideways with everyone in Dallas (including EW) for starting a thread about the business side of escorting. So thanks OP for feeding my curiosity. Consider this my bump, I've read every post so far.

I'd love to hear a respectful discussion of two ideas:

Discounts often are a short-term fix (more revenue) that may mask a bigger problem. But they are dangerous and can damage the core business (how long can you keep up the high volume, you are likely attracting clients who discount shop - is that who you want, etc...) Be very careful about offering them. Outside the hobby, businesses are learning this from groupon in a big way.

The 80% / 20% rule works (80% of your business comes from 20% of your clients.) Prioritize existing customers over prospects in your time and effort.

EW will skewer me for chiming on again on these threads. So, I apologize in advance for not knowing what I'm talking about. I'm a multi-threaded small business owner with too much time on my hands and a soft spot for struggling business owners.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm not sure why you feel that I would "skewer" you for anything, except for what you just wrote about me. I sincerely didn't mean to hurt your feelings with my post in Dallas coed.

When I responded to your previous topic about this business, I even ended with writing something along the lines of "this might sound a bit harsh". I knew that you were a new member.

So why are you bringing ME into this discussion? I don't mind.

But you're making me out to be some sort of villain and for the record, since you obviously aren't aware of this, I'm one of the most "un" felonious/villainous/mean people on this board.

Often, my postings are rather direct. And to the point, in the midst of a bunch of flowery writing that I cannot seem to make shorter or get to my point quicker. But I am always attempting to be politic and more succinct.

I'm the sweet one! The nice one! The one who likes to cuddle and kiss.

So if you wish for me to be your proverbial whipping child because you're not happy with a few of my writings, then you have to know as well, I charge extra for that.

This is a good topic and I'm thankful that Katy created such a topic for others to read and digest.

I'm sincerely sorry that I must rub you the wrong way. Perhaps some day, you'll let me remedy that particular issue.


For the record, publicly, I apologize for using EW's name. She doesn't know me, and I didn't mean to insult her. She has been nothing but nice to me publicly and privately. I had just created a stir in another thread (recently) and felt a little gun-shy to repeat the performance here. I was trying to lay down an olive branch from the outset but clearly failed.

Email/public forums are hard places to properly convey feelings but if I could, they would be warm, fuzzy and generally well-disposed feelings towards EW and every provider out there who struggles to create an authentic romantic/sexual encounter with us neanderthals.

Please return to your regularly-scheduled reading!
What tips are there for a male to get into being an assistant? I have a friend who moved to DFW for school and he's a talented web designer but is wanting him something more stable. I told him about escort agencies and he didn't want to do that, but would love to book for somebody. I think he's messaged a few girls on Backpage but they called him a pimp. Any tips for him? He's 20 I think and is gay, going to school for Paralegal Studies.