Why do BBW'S think they can command the same or similar rates as SPINNERS?

beam me up scotty's Avatar
I bet you're good at indecent proposals though
mastermind238's Avatar
You are absolutely correct. Especially if you base your opinion on what you read here! Originally Posted by Still Looking
You know, CHARACTER is about what you do when you know that nobody's looking or listening. What you say on an anonymous board like this, despite what many others seem to believe, reveals more about your true character than anything. What has been said about you and Whispers and a few others is that you're perfect gentlemen in person - real sweethearts. It's easy to be nice to somebody's face. And it's especially easy to be nice to providers when you only meet BCD with providers of the type you like. That doesn't mean shit. If you come on an anonymous board like this and berate providers who don't conform to your concept of a perfect body type (and by implication also berate their clients for liking providers who are not SL-approved), then i'll call you what you are - a closet misogynist. And no amount of money showered on SL-approved providers can wash that stench away.
mastermind238's Avatar
If calling a misogynist a misogynist is enough to get me banned, i'll take it. But the Mods sould consider first whether SL might actually consider that a compliment.
You know, CHARACTER is about what you do when you know that nobody's looking or listening. What you say on an anonymous board like this, despite what many others seem to believe, reveals more about your true character than anything. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Totally agree, which is why it perplexes me when people justify this dissonance with an online persona/alter ego by saying it's not really their "true selves. They call it an "outlet"- but just what does this mean? I don't see how someone can claim to be a decent, noble person in the real world while acting like a depraved, mean snake on a message board and not see the conflict. Probably because self-honesty is something thats difficult for all of us sometimes. As a society our concept of character anymore has just been reduced to another one dimensional surface notion, not an ingrained facet of who we are. The idea that character is who we are in the dark is a completely foreign concept to some. That being said, I do take responsibliity for getting my own kicks out of being entertained by the capacity of it at times. Which is something I consider mainly harmless, but nonetheless can still be an unhealthy indulgence in unprofitable things. I definitely DON'T claim being above it all the time- that would be dishonest. I also think its fairly futile to try to completely assess the inner workings of strangers on the internet. I would be curious to hear more from someone who did have thoughts in opposition on this matter, though.
Still Looking's Avatar
You know, CHARACTER is about what you do when you know that nobody's looking or listening. What you say on an anonymous board like this, despite what many others seem to believe, reveals more about your true character than anything. What has been said about you and Whispers and a few others is that you're perfect gentlemen in person - real sweethearts. It's easy to be nice to somebody's face. And it's especially easy to be nice to providers when you only meet BCD with providers of the type you like. That doesn't mean shit. If you come on an anonymous board like this and berate providers who don't conform to your concept of a perfect body type (and by implication also berate their clients for liking providers who are not SL-approved), then i'll call you what you are - a closet misogynist. And no amount of money showered on SL-approved providers can wash that stench away. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Well you're entitled to your opinion. But if I'm going to be labeled a "misogynist" that could be true simply because I hobby or won't put one on my checking account. But not because "you" think so. The majority of the few guys that follow me around the board are in most cases jealous or secretly gay and want to suck TS SL'S dick. I haven't decided which one you might be yet but regardless you won't find me stalking you and repeatedly sharing "my" thoughts, every time you post!

If calling a misogynist a misogynist is enough to get me banned, i'll take it. But the Mods sould consider first whether SL might actually consider that a compliment. Originally Posted by mastermind238
I don't think you have anything to worry about. LOL The mods have called me much worse that a "misogynist".
Although I speak to SL often and find him to be of very good character and no Tusing my bias brain, I would have to disagree with you MASTERMIND. I would place SL in the I hate MANOGOMY category instead. I truly feel he loves women a great deal and respects them, I know this to be true because of his actions that i am privy too. That being said, just like anyone, if you rub them the wrong way he will attack. Now SL has a type and for the most part will not disrespect or attack first even though you are not his type. With the many phone conversations with SL I feel i know him pretty well. Lets not base opinions on the fact the SL has the funds to see whom he wants but on his actions. I find SL to be a good moral person that just loves to have a large variety of hot girls. You cant hate him for not liking the BBW's when in truth the are not in the same category as spinners due to the fact the spinners attract more business. All women have a place here but in return, they need to KNOW there place. I have talked to several very sweet and attractive BBW"s and respect there work, but that is not my flavor. I think SL just makes it a point recently because of certain interactions that he has been dealing with on the board. That said....WUZ UP SL FOOOOOOOLLL.. LOL.
Still Looking's Avatar
Although I speak to SL often and find him to be of very good character and no Tusing my bias brain, I would have to disagree with you MASTERMIND. I would place SL in the I hate MANOGOMY category instead. I truly feel he loves women a great deal and respects them, I know this to be true because of his actions that i am privy too. That being said, just like anyone, if you rub them the wrong way he will attack. Now SL has a type and for the most part will not disrespect or attack first even though you are not his type. With the many phone conversations with SL I feel i know him pretty well. Lets not base opinions on the fact the SL has the funds to see whom he wants but on his actions. I find SL to be a good moral person that just loves to have a large variety of hot girls. You cant hate him for not liking the BBW's when in truth the are not in the same category as spinners due to the fact the spinners attract more business. All women have a place here but in return, they need to KNOW there place. I have talked to several very sweet and attractive BBW"s and respect there work, but that is not my flavor. I think SL just makes it a point recently because of certain interactions that he has been dealing with on the board. That said....WUZ UP SL FOOOOOOOLLL.. LOL. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
I Luv pretty girls. And there is NOTHING more ugly than a girl with a bad attitude! My main man Mata...

SL & Mata...

Although I speak to SL often and find him to be of very good character and no Tusing my bias brain, I would have to disagree with you MASTERMIND. I would place SL in the I hate MANOGOMY category instead. I truly feel he loves women a great deal and respects them, I know this to be true because of his actions that i am privy too. That being said, just like anyone, if you rub them the wrong way he will attack. Now SL has a type and for the most part will not disrespect or attack first even though you are not his type. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Interesting. Please read this with an open mind:

If you go back and actually read where the very first interaction between SL and I began, you'll find it in the "do you consider not paying a provider rape?" thread. He makes a passive agressive assumptive statement towards me about the length of my signature line out of nowhere, which I return with a simple question about him caring about what I do, then boom. Thats it. An entire "demeaning" thread is posted about me filled with snarky cheap shots at my body, business, and character by him and multiple fellow trolls intending to cause harm, or whatever the purpose was.

I don't know why SL felt the need to behave this way towards me over a simple speaking up over being questioned. I take it he doesn't like being "talked back to"... but why not? I'm an inquisitive, engaging person. When someone engages me out of nowhere, especially making tons of assumptions based upon pretty much nothing but a stereotype.. I have questions and comments. I don't feel that stating those makes a woman argumentative, dramatic or contentious.

I don't hate SL, dislike him, or make too many judgementss on him based off of anything but what he's shown me thus far on this board. If raising questions and answering back to various statements about me means, to you, that I have a bad attitude, then so be it. You can't please everyone and I'm sorry you feel that way. I also don't have an issue pointing out an obvious bully at times. I do feel that it's an "easy out" to just label a woman as having a bad attitude when she is more outspoken about intolerance, but unfortunately those are the kinds of things you risk when you choose to do so. The right people recognize it for what it is. Outspoken? Hardly. I think perhaps many people just prefer to censor themselves a bit more. I'm simply stating facts out of curiosity, not intending contention
mastermind238's Avatar
That's settled then. SL and his buddies are princes, i'm just jealous of SL's cash and all the spinners he's able to buy, and not even the most vicious, gratuitous insults he posts here should suggest in any way that he's a mean-spirited, soulless misogynist, because, after all the ladies love him in person. Guys, too, if they're "real" guys. Got it. Carry on, then.
Whispers's Avatar
Why do you label a person based on the way they interact with a few mouthy whores?

There are plenty of threads with female participation where the ladies never hear anything but pleasantries from SL or myself. Just as there are dozens of threads that neither of us ever pay more than a passing interest in if any at all.

Yet there are a few that want to paint it as if all of CoEd is a battle field with nothing but disrespect shown to the whores that post here.

Why does it shock YOUR senses more so than many of the hookers, prostitutes, whores, ladies, etc that post here that some choose to refer to their profession for what it is rather than trying to gloss it over?

The same people shocked by the use have no problem referring to a pimp as a pimp right? Why not as a "Manager" or "Facilitator"?
Still Looking's Avatar
Interesting. Please read this with an open mind:

If you go back and actually read where the very first interaction between SL and I began, you'll find it in the "do you consider not paying a provider rape?" thread. He makes a passive agressive assumptive statement towards me about the length of my signature line out of nowhere, which I return with a simple question about him caring about what I do, then boom. Thats it. An entire "demeaning" thread is posted about me filled with snarky cheap shots at my body, business, and character by him and multiple fellow trolls intending to cause harm, or whatever the purpose was.

I don't know why SL felt the need to behave this way towards me over a simple speaking up over being questioned. I take it he doesn't like being "talked back to"... but why not? I'm an inquisitive, engaging person. When someone engages me out of nowhere, especially making tons of assumptions based upon pretty much nothing but a stereotype.. I have questions and comments. I don't feel that stating those makes a woman argumentative, dramatic or contentious.

I don't hate SL, dislike him, or make too many judgementss on him based off of anything but what he's shown me thus far on this board. If raising questions and answering back to various statements about me means, to you, that I have a bad attitude, then so be it. You can't please everyone and I'm sorry you feel that way. I also don't have an issue pointing out an obvious bully at times. I do feel that it's an "easy out" to just label a woman as having a bad attitude when she is more outspoken about intolerance, but unfortunately those are the kinds of things you risk when you choose to do so. The right people recognize it for what it is. Outspoken? Hardly. I think perhaps many people just prefer to censor themselves a bit more. I'm simply stating facts out of curiosity, not intending contention Originally Posted by JadeRose
I believe our interaction started when "I" simply asked you how you felt about LARGE ASS SIG LINES that doubled as ADS.


I certainly don't have an issue with "you" but rather 'any one" that has a large ass sig line that doubles as an AD. I believe I even mentioned Tammy. You're the one that made it personal.... after reducing your sig line to site guidelines.

Still Looking's Avatar
That's settled then. SL and his buddies are princes, i'm just jealous of SL's cash and all the spinners he's able to buy, and not even the most vicious, gratuitous insults he posts here should suggest in any way that he's a mean-spirited, soulless misogynist, because, after all the ladies love him in person. Guys, too, if they're "real" guys. Got it. Carry on, then. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Well I'm glad we got that behind use! Next time you read something I posted you don't like, play this video. I thinck it will really help you...

Im pretty confident that using the phrase “mouthy whores” is evidence of misogyny. You can choose to call a pimp a pimp, or a whore, a whore, but when you get called a pathetic misogynist who can’t get pussy he doesn’t pay for, the threats ensue. Eff right off with it. Some of us are here because they love women, and others seem to really get off on behaving like they weren’t raised with any tact at all. Yea, you’ll still have enough cash laying around get laid every now and then, but its still pathetic, and most here can see right through it. No, being a part of this community doesn’t make you a misogynist, treating women like shit because you think you are a higher being does. Paying one to fuck you doesn’t empower you, and you get pissed when they decide that fucking you calls for more than $200. Get the fuck over yourself.
Billy Shakes's Avatar
Although I speak to SL often and find him to be of very good character and no Tusing my bias brain, I would have to disagree with you MASTERMIND. I would place SL in the I hate MANOGOMY category instead. I truly feel he loves women a great deal and respects them, I know this to be true because of his actions that i am privy too. That being said, just like anyone, if you rub them the wrong way he will attack. Now SL has a type and for the most part will not disrespect or attack first even though you are not his type. With the many phone conversations with SL I feel i know him pretty well. Lets not base opinions on the fact the SL has the funds to see whom he wants but on his actions. I find SL to be a good moral person that just loves to have a large variety of hot girls. You cant hate him for not liking the BBW's when in truth the are not in the same category as spinners due to the fact the spinners attract more business. All women have a place here but in return, they need to KNOW there place. I have talked to several very sweet and attractive BBW"s and respect there work, but that is not my flavor. I think SL just makes it a point recently because of certain interactions that he has been dealing with on the board. That said....WUZ UP SL FOOOOOOOLLL.. LOL. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
You are idolizing a man who pays women for sex, uses them as objects for his gratification and the irony is you don't find that to be misogynistic. The IQ level in this place is egregious, at best.
endurance's Avatar
It's strange seeing some on this board obviously being mean and then coy about it - using the "in real life I'm not an asshole clause"... What's up with that? just own it...