SCOTUS Repeals Fourth Amendment

There you go again, you lib-retarded troll! You just made my point!

Suckclown brings nothing but knee-jerk name-calling to this forum! Facts and reasoning are his nemesis! Originally Posted by lustylad
And he and the other flaming lying liberals that start the name calling get defensive and pout like 5 year olds when their shit is handed back to them. And when they get a dose of their own " medicine " . Friggen hypocrits ! They will brook NO decent ! Just like their communist hero Stalin, Kim IL Jung and many other hard core lefties did and do .
I B Hankering's Avatar
There you go again, you lib-retarded troll! You just made my point!

Suckclown brings nothing but knee-jerk name-calling to this forum! Facts and reasoning are his nemesis! Originally Posted by lustylad
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First as to the "win/lost" column my experience tells me that lawyers who brag about their "winning" of more cases than they have "lost" fall into two categories: Liars or Extreme Selection of Cases they take. Based upon your "evaluation" of the Thomas opinion and your hysterical headline on this thread it shows a lack of ability to do any "critical thinking" and "careful analysis" to make any "extreme selection of cases." So that leaves me with door "A"!

The "critical thinking" to arrive at door "A" is supported by the second point you attempt to make ....

.....which indicates you are lying about your "win/lost" ratio:

If you are "retired" and don't have "clients anymore," how in the hell do you KNOW it "IS GETTING HARDER" to win cases?

COG you are full of shit.

Please quit making a fool of yourself!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You'd be surprised at some of the cases I've won. But you will never find out. Think what you want. I think it's funny how you and others are so into trying to "shame" me off a SHMB!

And it is getting harder to win cases. Not for me, of course, I'm out of the game. Defendant rights are eroding at a dramatic pace, and taxpayers have no rights against the IRS.

I'd love to share stories with you, because I bet you have some good ones. But that won't happen. You're too busy trying to impress people on a hooker board.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pretty damned well read for a "baker," JL!


And, good for Justice Sotomayor. Hope Trump doesn't try to deport her.
LexusLover's Avatar
You'd be surprised at some of the cases I've won. But you will never find out. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Nor will anyone else. Must be shameful for you, too!

I will repeat what I posted .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Nor will anyone else. Must be shameful for you, too!

I will repeat what I posted ..... Originally Posted by LexusLover
First as to the "win/lost" column my experience tells me that lawyers who brag about their "winning" of more cases than they have "lost" fall into two categories: Liars or Extreme Selection of Cases they take. Based upon your "evaluation" of the Thomas opinion and your hysterical headline on this thread it shows a lack of ability to do any "critical thinking" and "careful analysis" to make any "extreme selection of cases." So that leaves me with door "A"!

The "critical thinking" to arrive at door "A" is supported by the second point you attempt to make ....

.....which indicates you are lying about your "win/lost" ratio:

If you are "retired" and don't have "clients anymore," how in the hell do you KNOW it "IS GETTING HARDER" to win cases?

COG you are full of shit.

Please quit making a fool of yourself!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I suppose the most telling part of your chest beating is .....

...why do you think I would be "surprised"? But that is a rhetorical question!

Your daydreaming reminds me of an all too common line of bullshit when someone says that they talked to a lawyer who told them they have a good case, and when asked why the lawyer doesn't handle it, they reply that the lawyer "doesn't handle that kind of case."!

The question to ask: Then how does the lawyer know if it's a "good case"?

BTW: It's not a "game" .... it's a profession and one that requires intense dedication.

Some are not fit for it. You apparently are not.

You watch too much TV.

If you must cling to the illusions to be content with your miserable experiences in life, then do so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You realize I don't give a rat's ass what you think, don't you, LexusLoser? I stand by my statements, as well. This is a SHMB. There is no shame.

LexusLover's Avatar
You realize I don't give a rat's ass what you think, don't you, LexusLoser?

This is a SHMB. There is no shame. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I can agree you have none, but to boast as though it's truth is childish.

Your "purpose" for running your mouth (through the keyboard) was in some lame-ass way to support your comments with your life experiences. Talking the talk is one thing, walking the talk is quite another. Like many things in life, money, and service to the country, those who feel the need to discuss it probably don't have it or haven't done it, and their shame promotes the myth in the attempt to portray their created personal prowess. It's almost elementary psychology. As folks age the affliction deepens!

Truth is more painful for some as they age. Your dialogue and word choice give you away.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You really don't know anything, LexusLoser. But keep trying. It's fun to watch.
I can agree you have none, but to boast as though it's truth is childish.

Your "purpose" for running your mouth (through the keyboard) was in some lame-ass way to support your comments with your life experiences. Talking the talk is one thing, walking the talk is quite another. Like many things in life, money, and service to the country, those who feel the need to discuss it probably don't have it or haven't done it, and their shame promotes the myth in the attempt to portray their created personal prowess. It's almost elementary psychology. As folks age the affliction deepens!

Truth is more painful for some as they age. Your dialogue and word choice give you away. Originally Posted by LexusLover
" The truth is more painful for some as they age. Your dialogue and word choice give you away. " Kinda like EKIM and assup when they deny being peter-puffing gloryhole operators !
" The truth is more painful for some as they age. Your dialogue and word choice give you away. " Kinda like EKIM and assup when they deny being peter-puffing gloryhole operators ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
LexusLover's Avatar
You really don't know anything, LexusLoser. But keep trying. It's fun to watch. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How would you know what anyone else knows? Southmouth has you covered though!
Damn lexie you ass should be getting sore as much as Tonto has been kicking it lately.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Damn lexie you ass should be getting sore as much as Tonto has been kicking it lately. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
what did the chimp say??

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Brilliant analysis of Justice Sotomayor's dissent. She really rips the majority a new one, which they richly deserve. This grossly unjust and anti-freedom majority decision deserves much more press than it is getting.