Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator didn’t score again!

he prolly wanted to ... bet he feels better now that hes come out


snick Originally Posted by CJ7
In the future we should just refer to him as I B L C, with the L C having a dual meaning. It can either be Lying and Crying and/or Log Cabin, user's choice!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-29-2012, 10:53 PM
I'v said it many times before, and I'll say it again

poor IB ... errrr, poor IBLC
I'v said it many times before, and I'll say it again

poor IB ... errrr, poor IBLC Originally Posted by CJ7
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I think our boy, IBAteUpWithTheDumbass is buckling under the pressure of trying to pick up the Teatard slack created by the departure of his daddy MarshChoom, his fluffer joeblowme and his gay lover Whirly. Since Cute Old shit For brains seems to have settled down a bit, maybe he should share prescriptions info with IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh my! This is a new low even for IBBuffoon. I may be off by a post or two, but it seems that IBB has an amazing 21 out of 53 posts on this thread. What a staggering number! I think this is ample proof that he has no real job and is one of the welfare frauds he thinks is the scum of the earth. A new low in self-loathing.
What’s staggering, Old-goaT, is that you can actually count to 21 since that count exceeds your ten fingers and ten toes added together.
And what has he actually contibuted in TWENTY-ONE posts?
--He has shown he knows this is November 2012 Unlike “marks-rocks-with-pee/Af-Freakin” and CBJ7.
--He can't differentiate well between 2005 and 2012 Now you are lying, Old-goaT, it was “marks-rocks-with-pee/Af-Freakin” and CBJ7 that couldn’t differentiate between 2005 and 2012. Furthermore, many of those “21 posts” went towards educating your ignorant brethren, “marks-rocks-with-pee/Af-Freakin” and CBJ7, on that matter.
--He has a full fledged man crush on Bill Clinton Again, you lie, Old-goaT. That would be you and the others here who continuously defend Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator.
--He is delusional the Bush won the presidential election because Clinton had sex several years prior to that No Old-goaT, it is you who is delusional if you are insisting Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator won a third term after his impeachment trial.

One can only marvel at the unique bizzar thoughts that come from IBB's mind. What is truly bizarre, Old-goaT, is how you lefty-loonies defend that POS, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, and how you follow him around with your collective noses up his ass.
Originally Posted by Old-T
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Bill is so 1990's!

I B Hankering's Avatar
BTW, "marks-rocks-with-pee/Af-Freakin" and CBJ7, this Huffington Post article was STILL posted on 28 November 2012 despite relating a tale told by Gennifer Flowers about an event in 2005.

And BigKoTex, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator is still on the prowl for an aging cougar. As an aging cougar, BigKoTex, perhaps you can still entertain him with your "stinky pinkie" that's such an integral part of your ol' alma mater's "shocker" hand sign.

Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Contacted Me In 2005, I Told Him To 'Leave Me Alone'

Gennifer Flowers, the model and actress who came forward in 1992 with allegations that she'd engaged in a longterm affair with then-Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton, recently made new claims that Clinton had reached out to her as recently as 2005.

Speaking with Susan Roesgen of New Orleans ABC affiliate WGNO, Flowers claimed that she received a phone call from Clinton at her house in Louisiana.

"He wanted to come by my house and talk to me," Flowers, now 62, told Roesgen. "He said, ‘I’ll put on a hoodie and I’ll jog up there.’ He used to do that."

Flowers said that she denied Clinton's request.

"And I said, ‘No, I want you to leave me alone.’ And that was that,” Flowers recalled. . . .

In the future we should just refer to him as I B L C, with the L C having a dual meaning. It can either be Lying and Crying and/or Log Cabin, user's choice! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'v said it many times before, and I'll say it again

poor IB ... errrr, poor IBLC Originally Posted by CJ7
snick Originally Posted by bigtex
Thanks I B Crying & Lying for your assistance in helping prove my point! Originally Posted by bigtex
all it proves is you have a account with photoshop other than that you got nothing Originally Posted by ekim008
All of IB'S reviews have been in the other realm.He hates anyone who likes pussy. Originally Posted by ekim008
IB even has a review he submitted of his BCD time (when he did it BB w/no lube, those were his words, not mine) with some dude named Sam. It seems as though I B Crying & Lying was on the receiving end, but they may have taken turns BB each other.

I always suspected he was one of those, if you get my drift! Now we know!

To each their own!!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
run over to some old broads crib. knock off a chunk, run back home

riiiiiiiiight Originally Posted by CJ7
NAW ...


WELL, in that case, I B Crying & Lying is NOW offically IB SAMS BAREBACK BITCH.!!

errr, uh, uh, not that theres anything wrong with that yanno, uh ...

Originally Posted by CJ7
I B Lying & Crying never told us he was a Log Cabin Republican.

As I said previously, to each their own! Originally Posted by bigtex
he prolly wanted to ... bet he feels better now that hes come out


snick Originally Posted by CJ7
In the future we should just refer to him as I B L C, with the L C having a dual meaning. It can either be Lying and Crying and/or Log Cabin, user's choice! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'v said it many times before, and I'll say it again

poor IB ... errrr, poor IBLC Originally Posted by CJ7
snick Originally Posted by bigtex
I think our boy, IBAteUpWithTheDumbass is buckling under the pressure of trying to pick up the Teatard slack created by the departure of his daddy MarshChoom, his fluffer joeblowme and his gay lover Whirly. Since Cute Old shit For brains seems to have settled down a bit, maybe he should share prescriptions info with IB. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
In the future we should just refer to him as I B L C, with the L C having a dual meaning. It can either be Lying and Crying and/or Log Cabin, user's choice! Originally Posted by bigtex
HILLARY 2016! Originally Posted by bigtex

Your choice next time will be the Old White Guy named Joe "The Gaffe" Biden, and – unlike your main bitch Hillary – Joe "The Gaffe" Biden recently announced his intentions!!! Hillary was thrown under the Odumbo bus, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's reputation is going to keep her there, BigKoTex! Fuckin' hilarious, BigKoTex!!! Enjoy!!!

“And after it’s all over, when your insurance rates go down, then you’ll vote for me in 2016,” Joe “The Gaffe” Biden said in earshot of reporters capturing his every word, 21 October 2012.
I B L C for me, it's
I B Hankering's Avatar
HILLARY 2016! Originally Posted by bigtex
Your choice next time will be the Old White Guy named Joe "The Gaffe" Biden, and – unlike your main bitch Hillary – Joe "The Gaffe" Biden recently announced his intentions!!! Hillary was thrown under the Odumbo bus, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's reputation is going to keep her there, BigKoTex! Fuckin' hilarious, BigKoTex!!! Enjoy!!!

“And after it’s all over, when your insurance rates go down, then you’ll vote for me in 2016,” Joe “The Gaffe” Biden said in earshot of reporters capturing his every word, 21 October 2012.

I B L C for me, it's

BTW, who will be your Log Cabin Republican preference in 2016? Will it be the "foot tapper," Larry Craig?

markroxny's Avatar
I think our boy, IBAteUpWithTheDumbass is buckling under the pressure of trying to pick up the Teatard slack created by the departure of his daddy MarshChoom, his fluffer joeblowme and his gay lover Whirly. Since Cute Old shit For brains seems to have settled down a bit, maybe he should share prescriptions info with IB. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-30-2012, 12:28 PM
what idiot would go back and post quotes to damn near every post on an entire page?

oh yeah, the same idiot thats picking on the politician with the highest approval rating in the country like it fukn matters ....

poor IBhavinthelastwordturdpacked ...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-30-2012, 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Old-T
Oh my! This is a new low even for IBBuffoon. I may be off by a post or two, but it seems that IBB has an amazing 21 out of 53 posts on this thread. What a staggering number! I think this is ample proof that he has no real job and is one of the welfare frauds he thinks is the scum of the earth. A new low in self-loathing.
What’s staggering, Old-goaT, is that you can actually count to 21 since that count exceeds your ten fingers and ten toes added together.
Ah! But obviously I can! Tricked you. Or more likely, you are jealous because you cannot.

--He has a full fledged man crush on Bill Clinton Again, you lie, Old-goaT. That would be you and the others here who continuously defend Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator.
No, IBBuffoon, I have rarely defended Clinton. I give him hie due for being very good at working the masses, but I never thought he was a good person, and sure never voted for him. But you don't care about truth much, so keep spouting lies as you wish.

--He is delusional the Bush won the presidential election because Clinton had sex several years prior to that No Old-goaT, it is you who is delusional if you are insisting Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator won a third term after his impeachment trial. Truly, you cannot look more stupid than you do in posts like this. Please tell me where I ever said or hinted that Clinton won a 3rd term? I know you won't actually answer this because when you are caught in a lie over and over (and over) you never do. What I SAID moron, is that the CAUSE of Bush's election was NOT who Clinton did or did not have sex with years before. Buffoon seems too generous a term for you if you can't follow that logic.

One can only marvel at the unique bizzar thoughts that come from IBB's mind. What is truly bizarre, Old-goaT, is how you lefty-loonies defend that POS, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, and how you follow him around with your collective noses up his ass. You are confused. It is YOU who are a POS, continually twisting people's words--I am not a liberal and I have never defended Clinton's sexual harrasment actions. You lie, you don't care if you lie, and when called on it you foam at the mouth and spout more lies.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
============================== =

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
(And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Hemorrhoids must be bothering IBbuttfucked ..
The thought has occurred to me that our resident Log Cabin Republican, I B Lying & Crying has difficulty with being an habitual LOSER!

You would think I B L C would have gotten used to it by now!