Finally, somebody gets it! Thank you Mr. Lazaruslong.

THE Hambone Originally Posted by THE Hambone
We get it alright. The hosts of the party didn't do their job. The vouching system was flawed. The club that was selected was not secure. Some people may have known about the bust before the party. Security was flawed.

Maybe vice is to blame cause they easily infiltrated a broken system.
ANONONE's Avatar
Personally I disagree with carkido45, simply because everything we do in this hobby of ours is a risk. It is simply idiotic to suggest a social is risky, but meeting someone BCD is not. You have already assumed risk when you joined the hobby--no sense in trying to delineate what is and is not risky--it is ALL risky. That is part of the allure.

With that said, socials are great for a community, if done properly. I won't go into what I do for a living, but suffice it to say that there is plenty of research out there that any social organization thrives through regular small and large gatherings. In our case it not only builds community cohesiveness, it offers valuable networking and marketing opportunities.

I get why some folks down south may be skittish for a while, but it looks like between our excellent staff here (Kudos to St. Christopher for being resourceful and adapting that list to a safety protocol) and the wisdom of folks like HAMBONE it will be possible to learn from mistakes and be proactive in the future.

I always wondered about the way ECCIE seemed different than other boards with regards to socials--now I get it.

Having hosted other socials on other boards, I will tell you that even the small ones like we have here in Ohio (25-40 people max) doing the vetting/invites and working the doors is a daunting task. It requires the teamwork of several experienced and knowledgeable members of both the provider and hobby community to get it right.

I can only imagine the nightmares it would be to host one in Texas, as I am sure they are very big, much like everything down there. So perhaps carkiddo45 is partially right given that the size of Texas socials are much larger and therefore the risk is exponential?

I guess the difference here is the size and scope. Granted the one small benefit to hobbying in Ohio is that the community is small enough to pretty much know everyone, or to have less than two degrees of separation when it comes to vetting and invitations. It allowed us to hold a social through mostly back channel invitation to people you knew, and door management was easy--you knew most folks by site and if they seemed to be new or uninvited, you could quickly look for another person to confirm.

Not to pee in your pool, but perhaps you should not scrap the idea completely, but rather just start over with a few small scale gatherings of folks that know one another and then grow the list--slowly and only based on personal referral and invite from within the circle of trusted people. Keep them cellular and the only large gatherings would be a combination of smaller, trusted cells, still fully vetted and fail safe.

GneissGuy's Avatar
If anyone thinks they're "secure" at any gathering with more than 2 or 3 hobbyists, they're crazy. Actually, you're probably crazy if you think a gathering with more than one hobbyist is secure, you're crazy.

You're taking a risk when you go to a social. Guess what, you're taking a risk when you hobby, too. You're taking a risk when you log into this board or any other board.

You have to decide upon what risks you're willing to take.

Socials are inherently risky to some extent. You're allowing people to see your face. You're potentially allowing someone to capture your license plates, photograph you arriving or leaving. If you think any location known to more than a few hobbyists is really a secret, you're crazy.

If you think that in any gathering of more than 5 or 10 hobbyists, there's not someone who will compromise your security, you're crazy. This can either be through stupidity, or deliberately.

Don't forget, the police are not the only risk out there from the hobby.

Socials are not for everyone. Hobbying is not for everyone, either.

You should never lose your paranoia in this hobby. You should never feel safe.

None of that says that things weren't done wrong in the Houston social. I'm just pointing out that a social is never going to be 100% "secure."

Like anything else, you have to pay a price for security. If it's too hard to get into a social, you won't have enough people showing up to make it worthwhile. You won't have enough new blood.


And Hambone, good to see you again.
carkido45's Avatar
If LE can infiltrate the Mafia and Cartels and Street Gangs and also Hells Angels also the KKK awhat makes you think Anone they can't get into your socials?
Just by saying LE can't get into your socials is like waving a red flag in front of a bull eventually that bull will charge you.
16yearitch's Avatar
I know it's a novel concept. But can't we just work to make consensual sex, between two consenting adults, where there is an exchange of value for value, legal?
I know I am a "pie in the sky" libertarian. But if it's legal in Nevada, why not here?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I know it's a novel concept. But can't we just work to make consensual sex, between two consenting adults, where there is an exchange of value for value, legal?
I know I am a "pie in the sky" libertarian. But if it's legal in Nevada, why not here? Originally Posted by 16yearitch

Because this is Texas where we arrest people inside of bars for drinking. Besides... it's not legal everywhere in Nevada, just certain counties.

Everyone try to remember... you don't get arrested for attending a social... you get arrested for making stupid mistakes.
ANONONE's Avatar
If LE can infiltrate the Mafia and Cartels and Street Gangs and also Hells Angels also the KKK awhat makes you think Anone they can't get into your socials?
Just by saying LE can't get into your socials is like waving a red flag in front of a bull eventually that bull will charge you. Originally Posted by carkido45
You miss the point. Hobbying is a risk. Socials are no more riskier than any of the other activities we engage in.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
By that logic, neither is hobbying. But for those of you posters who don't hobby, I suppose you're in the clear... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I know it's a novel concept. But can't we just work to make consensual sex, between two consenting adults, where there is an exchange of value for value, legal?
I know I am a "pie in the sky" libertarian. But if it's legal in Nevada, why not here? Originally Posted by 16yearitch
It is legal in SOME parts of Nevada AND one other state.....
Any Guesses?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
It is legal in SOME parts of Nevada AND one other state.....
Any Guesses? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister

But there is one distinction about which many in the state aren't proud: Due to a legal loophole, prostitution is legal in Rhode Island as long as it happens indoors.

Now, Rhode Island lawmakers are pushing to criminalize indoor prostitution, saying it damages the state's reputation, disturbs neighbors, encourages sex trafficking and puts women in potentially dangerous situations. Nevada is the only other state that permits prostitution, and even there it's not legal in the three most populous counties.

Do I win a prize?
ANONONE's Avatar
It is legal in SOME parts of Nevada AND one other state.....
Any Guesses? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
The other state was South Dakota, but that loophole was closed in the 1980's.
CivilBarrister's Avatar

But there is one distinction about which many in the state aren't proud: Due to a legal loophole, prostitution is legal in Rhode Island as long as it happens indoors.

Now, Rhode Island lawmakers are pushing to criminalize indoor prostitution, saying it damages the state's reputation, disturbs neighbors, encourages sex trafficking and puts women in potentially dangerous situations. Nevada is the only other state that permits prostitution, and even there it's not legal in the three most populous counties.

Do I win a prize? Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

Not only does it have to be indoors in RI, but the ladies can't have any advertisements outside - like there can't be a sign on the building or door, or any neon, but she can advertise online or in newspapers,etc.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Everyone try to remember... you don't get arrested for attending a social... you get arrested for making stupid mistakes. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Well, you shouldn't get arrested for attending a social, but it's possible.

In theory, you shouldn't get convicted, but not getting convicted may take lawyers, time, money, jail time, a fair trial, and a reasonable jury.

Never forget, cops lie, and juries convict people they don't like of crimes they know they didn't technically commit.

How likely the above possibilities are is uncertain.

You should never get too complacent in the hobby.
LazurusLong's Avatar
St. Chris,

Thank you for posting that and correcting my mistake about handle stealing!

With all the crybabies whining about how they got emails from Eraps and how Eraps must have stolen data from ASPD, THIS should show there are very legitimate reasons for having that list of emails and handles safely stored away for ECCIE admins to use to prevent the issue I mentioned.
That would be correct, sir. There are very legitimate uses for that member list info, as long as it is handled responsibly.

Not only does it have to be indoors in RI, but the ladies can't have any advertisements outside - like there can't be a sign on the building or door, or any neon, but she can advertise online or in newspapers,etc. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
This is incorrect information. There is no substitute for doing your own due diligence when taking any advice online especially when your freedom is concerned people.
