CMWYL Retired

bambino's Avatar
Didn't Legacy have a funky tit issue? Originally Posted by pittlicker
She had bolt on’s. It’s the grapes that were hanging from her butthole that got me. I decided to abort the doggy style portion of the session.
pittlicker's Avatar
I remember one of her tits being ultra sensitive than the other. Then again, that was a long time ago.
She's gone. I give her better then 50-50 chance of returning. Regardless, I thought she was a really cool chick. Wish her well.

Funny part on her goodbye post on tos....she thanked everyone but Charliegirl. Per her post
"Charleygirl is a pretentious cunt". LMFAO.

Of course the site quickly pulled the post. Originally Posted by Charley3

Looks like more Drama over at tos involving the girl that seems to be in the middle of everything. Charliegirl. It’s hilarious. She insists on doing these HHs. Has people ask for invites, not many show up and she gets back on either bitching about the no-shows or some type of incident that she judges unacceptable. Rinse and repeat You can set your watch to this shit. Somewhere there is a Chinese proverb about doing the same bat shit crazy thing over and over and over.......LMFAO.