Fisting. Tabu?

Mature Companion's Avatar
Therein lies the worst misconception of all. Especially from men who've never partaken of said pleasure & happily fucked afterwards.

If you have never partaken of such pleasure with a woman and then enjoyed sex afterwards. *and I do mean enjoyed!!*. Then you've not a clue as to whether or not your pecker would satisfy her after said pleasurable ordeal. To many of us, it's not an ordeal. It's an erotic thrill.

Read the comments in this thread from various ladies who do partake of it. And WHY we enjoy it. (reading will help you learn a lot about it.) As well as read some of the comments from the men who partake of giving it. If you find numerous replies stating that a woman can't be pleasured with his cock afterwards. Then you have merit to knock it.

Just as with a lot of adult pleasures women enjoy. Some men miss out a lot. Because they feel their dick can't compete with xyz of the wonders of womens sexual expereinces & enjoyment.

Whoa, baby! Any lady that can comfortably accommodate a fist is not for me!! I'm not knocking the act, it's just that after a woman has experienced a fist, where else is there for her to go? She surely wouldn't be happy with my pecker after an ordeal like that!!! Originally Posted by Casanova69
Therein lies the worst misconception of all. Especially from men who've never partaken of said pleasure & happily fucked afterwards.

If you have never partaken of such pleasure with a woman and then enjoyed sex afterwards. *and I do mean enjoyed!!*. Then you've not a clue as to whether or not your pecker would satisfy her after said pleasurable ordeal. To many of us, it's not an ordeal. It's an erotic thrill.

Read the comments in this thread from various ladies who do partake of it. And WHY we enjoy it. (reading will help you learn a lot about it.) As well as read some of the comments from the men who partake of giving it. If you find numerous replies stating that a woman can't be pleasured with his cock afterwards. Then you have merit to knock it.

Just as with a lot of adult pleasures women enjoy. Some men miss out a lot. Because they feel their dick can't compete with xyz of the wonders of womens sexual expereinces & enjoyment. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
You're right Wicked Milf-I've yet to try fisting. However, I do think that if a woman does it frequently, it could stretch her out a bit. Perhaps I'll give it a try someday. Maybe you could show me the ropes?
flackman2k6's Avatar
I will admit to being curious about it but I've never looked for it. I think I wouldn't feel safe unless. The girl was gonna walk me through it.
junior samples's Avatar
I really want to try this any providers in houston interested please pm me
I've only fisted one woman in my life. When I had my hand in her, it felt like I had a very tight glove over my entire hand. Not a glove over each finger, but over the whole hand. She seemed to enjoy it but it felt very strange.
Bigh1955's Avatar
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I had a very kinky bf a few years ago and he started "training" me on it. As he would work more fingers in he would call out. ok babe, I have 3 in.... now 4.... now 5 lol he was so adorable!!

I had a BDSM client that liked getting fisted by me. Its very odd to have your entire hand up someones bum. Just a big empty cavity.
Only had one occasion to try this subject, waaaaaay back in college, and the woman requesting it was drunk, stoned, and had one of the largest commercially-available bottles of lube that (my then virgin) eyes had seen.

Hours later, she passed out from the multiple orgasms and alcohol (I still think I'm partially deaf in one ear because of the screams of pleasure that accompanied the orgasms), and I had to call the on-campus chop shop doc the following morning to schedule an appointment for what I would find out was a slipped disk (due to the previous night's events). I remember it feeling weird, but in a good way, and being able to manipulate her vaginal g-spot rather well.

And I haven't had it done to me--and while I would be interested and had it offered to me, I don't think it's feasible--Strap-ons, buttplugs, and vibrators? Yes, please. A whole fist--I just don't think it's in the cards for me.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
This is one of the most intense feelings there is, but yes, most definitely best to be worked up to in a relaxed setting with cocktails. Small hands are a bonus!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Ummm As I am more of a giver with this, then a receiver.......... Butt I would agree with most of the techniques whether its pussy or ass getting the fist. It takes time, prep work and lots of lube.....And dont forget the gloves, this way both are fingernails, gloves slide better, easy clean up..ect...........
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Just looking at the views on this thread and there are over 8K views and 69 comments, which leads me to believe that MANY people are intrigued by it, but do not want to discuss it in an open forum.
cumalot's Avatar
Because of some unforeseen events of late, I think I will obstain from any fisting activities myself...But I would agree that experience, time, safety, gloves and lots and lots of lube is a must...enjoy exploring your limits and keep it safe....
Bigh1955's Avatar
The first time I did this was way back in college. My then Squeeze was enjoying DATY with a little finger play. She normally enjoyed two fingers, but this time asked me to slip in three...and after a few more minutes...a fourth. With my hand buried up to my knuckles, I was teasing her clit and we were both enjoying the show. Suddenly she seized up and had a huge climax. I started to pull my fingers out, but she grabbed me by the wrist and shouted to leave them in. After returning to earth and laughing about how intense her climax was, she suggested trying for my full fist. Neither of us had done this before so it took some exploration, and a little trial and error. She did most of the work, and I just allowed my hand to contort to fit her. When my full hand finally slipped in past the knuckles it was like her body sucked the rest of me in. My fingers curled naturally into a fist as I moved into her. My gf at this point started encouraging me to gradually be more aggressive. Pretty soon she was taking me in past my wrist and she started cummin like crazy. I'd never seen anything like it, and I don't think she ever experienced like it. Needless to say - I became a fan!

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Ive never done it but would like to, but my hands are VERY big so I doubt it will ever happen. I wear a size 16 ring, just sayin.............