The Republicans Will Not Take Back The Senate!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is where we let the 0zombies rest after their giant circle-jerk session... boiling frog Originally Posted by Redhot1960
What tf is an 0zombie and a boiling frog?

Plus ça change…

HedonistForever's Avatar
Republicans taking control of the House is probable, but the turnover in seats won't be as bad as in 2010 and 2018. Republicans picked up more seats in the House in 2020 than expected. Democrats will increase their hold on the Senate by a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 seats -- Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, NC are possible gains. As far as Biden being impeached -- there must be a reason to impeach him

Believe me when I tell you, with a Republican House, they will give you a reason. I wouldn't be surprised if they have more articles of impeachment than they had against Trump. I'm not going to debate AGAIN what constitutes an impeachable offense only to say ANYTHING 51% of the House says is impeachable, is impeachable! Who is going to tell them NO? The SC who doesn't want to get in between Executive and Legislative branches if they can avoid it and I think they would likely avoid that situation.

and right now there is none.

Patience my son.

As usual, Tiny made an excellent post on the subject, he does not do jail time.

Hey, you sure Tiny was first to say that because I did very early on and did Tiny mention "intent" being the thing that keeps Trump out of jail and that's if any of this ever sees the inside of a court room. It will be another one of those moments when Fox shows us clip after clip of Democrats crying and unable to find a safe space and just feel so "threatened" by it all, Just Make It Stop!!!!

Even if Trump is guilty of having highly confidential material in his private home, he does not do jail time. However, Trump's interference in Georgia may be a different story.

Yeah, that's a whole different story.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

As usual, you make interesting points even if I don't completely agree with them but at least you are paying attention which is more than I can say about most Americans when asked ( OK, a few in a "man on the street" interview ) "who was Barrack Obama's Vice President" and one after another, after another couldn't remember Joe Biden and one person said she couldn't recall the name but was sure it was a woman.

Nice to see you post.
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2022, 09:06 PM
Michelle Bachman? But she was not from the west. She was from Minnesota or Wisconsin. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Maybe. Strong emphasis on "kinda" in Jackie's description: "the (kinda) cute brunette."
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, two thoughts. You gave some good reasons why Hunter Biden should be impeached if he were president. But he's not.

And IF Joe Biden, as a whole lot of evidence in the public sphere suggests, knew what his son was doing and continually, to this day lied about knowing and quite possibly benefited from Hunter's corrupt deals? Ever see the e-mail he sent his sister saying "something to the effect", as the White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said, that she probably won't have to give up half of everything you make in your career to dad like I had to?

Hunter Biden was ‘forced to give half his salary’ to Joe and ‘paid thousands to repair dad’s home,’ emails reveal

The allegations about having to pay his father came in text messages between Hunter and his daughter, Naomi, 27, according to the New York Post.

Humor me, what if?

And I disagree with your belief Republicans should impeach Biden, Wray and Garland so they don't look like pussies. We're too divided as a country, we don't need that. And I just don't see what they've done that merits impeachment. Originally Posted by Tiny

Fair enough, Hell, I didn't see anything that merited 2 impeachments of Trump!

We are too divided as a country but what does every Hawk and most sensible people say about "appeasement" and how it really works? They say it doesn't, appeasement doesn't work and what does letting unequal justice under the law prevail get you? More unequal Justice under the law and the weaponization of the FBI ( first article of impeachment against Wray ) which laughingly now looking back, Trump wanted to have but couldn't get, has gotten even more out of control.

Imagine the FBI hasn't learned the Clinesmith mistake and falsified that affidavit that they don't want us to see? Not saying they did but you can't deny the possibility after having seen it once. As far as Garland being impeached, I'm thinking ahead and "what if" this all backfires on him some how and I believe it will if there is any justice in the world.

Again, with a Republican House and a Democrat Senate, nothing legislatively will get done for 2 years, that's a given barring another pandemic. So why shouldn't the Republicans hold to account all the people they know lied to them and about them, put them in leg irons, called them Nazi's and White Supremacist and they're just going to forget that "for the good of the country"? I wouldn't
  • Tiny
  • 08-23-2022, 09:28 PM
Hedonist, I imagine Joe paid a lot more for Hunter's hookers, girlfriends, strippers and [subject we don't discuss here] than Hunter paid Joe. The only thing that I'm aware of that's come to light are a few thousand dollars spent by Hunter on his Dad's and Mom's house. I don't believe for a minute that Hunter gave up half of what he made to Dad. He was always strapped for cash, to pay for aforementioned hookers, girlfriends, strippers and [subject we don't discuss here].

If I were a Congressman, I wouldn't have voted to impeach Trump over the Ukraine. It was close to the election and better decided by the voters, even though he did exercise incredibly poor judgement and appeared from the episode to have problems telling right from wrong. On the other hand, he deserved impeachment for his post election shenanigans.

I don't know anything about Clinesmith.

And finally I hope you're right, that Republicans win the House and nothing gets done for 2 years.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The reason?

Bad Candidates in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What do they say? Talk is cheap and don't believe polls put out by liars.
adav8s28's Avatar
Michelle Bachman? But she was not from the west. She was from Minnesota or Wisconsin. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I was thinking the same thing. Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman was from Minnesota. She was critical of Obama's 800 billion dollar stimulus, but got millions of dollars from it for her own district.
Michelle Bachman? But she was not from the west. She was from Minnesota or Wisconsin. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The one I am thinking about was from Utah or one of those States around it.

This was back in the Tea Party days. She blew about a 15 point lead because she turned out to be a real religious nut job.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do they say? Talk is cheap and don't believe polls put out by liars. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
(Google) is your friend… unless, of course, it is a liar.

You can easily search what these candidates are saying. And then not believe them.

In November, you are welcome to not believe the election results again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2022, 08:50 AM
What do they say? Talk is cheap and don't believe polls put out by liars. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
They weren't bad in 2020!
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 12:39 PM
The Democrats may retain control of the House too. I think abortion is helping them more than Trump in the House. This article makes the case. I ran across another article in the New York Times, which I can't find, which pointed out there have been 4 special House elections since the Supreme Court's abortion decisions. In all instances, the Democratic candidates did better than Biden. In the four districts, Trump won by an average of 7.7%, but the Republicans on average just ran 3.7% ahead of the Democrats. Also consider the larger numbers of women who are registering to vote after the Dobbs decision and the results in the Kansas referendum on abortion.

The GOP’s Abortion Problem
Special election results show the issue is mobilizing Democrats

By The Editorial Board

Republicans in Congress pondering who will paint their committee Chair portraits might want to hold off. The long-predicted GOP “wave” election may be crashing on an offshore reef, as abortion and Donald Trump energize Democrats.

That’s the message Tuesday from New York state, where the GOP lost a special election for Congress in a district where they were favored, continuing a trend of recent underperformance. Republicans may still retake the House in November, but another term for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker can’t be ruled out.

Republican Marc Molinaro was a strong candidate in New York’s 19th Congressional district. He’s the executive of Dutchess County, a large part of the district in the Hudson Valley north of New York City. But Democrat Pat Ryan won the special election with about 51% of the vote by making abortion rights his main issue. Democratic turnout exceeded expectations for a mid-August election.

Democrats also came closer than expected hitting abortion in a special election in New York’s 23rd district, coming within about 6.5 percentage points of Republican Joseph Sempolinski. This is a solidly GOP seat that should have been an easy GOP win.

These results are the fourth warning signal in recent weeks for the GOP. The Kansas abortion referendum lost in a rout, and while the GOP won special elections in districts in Minnesota and Nebraska, they did six percentage points worse than the party did in the 2020 presidential race in the districts.

This isn’t the same political climate as last November, when a voter swing of 12 points from 2020 helped the GOP take the governorship in Virginia and come close in New Jersey. Democrats are clearly more eager to vote than a year ago.

One reason is the reaction to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. That’s about all Mr. Ryan ran on in the Hudson Valley. Mr. Molinaro isn’t extreme on abortion, as he made clear he’s personally pro-life but opposes a national ban on abortion. He wants states to decide the issue. But Democrats will fan fears of a national ban from here to November.

Republicans are on the backfoot because they’re talking about abortion as if Roe were still the law, when it was easy to favor a total ban because it didn’t matter. Now the policy stakes are real, and Republicans will have to make clear what specific abortion limits they favor and why. The chance of abortion law changing in New York state is nil, but the GOP is still losing on the issue.

If Republicans shrink from engaging on abortion, then Democrats will define the debate. Republicans can also go on offense by pointing out that many Democrats are extreme in supporting no limits at all on abortion.

Voter turnout will be higher in November than in August, and the natural rhythm of a midterm election may assert itself, which tends to favor the party out of power. But after Dobbs, and with Mr. Trump back at the center of public debate, Democrats have a chance to overcome President Biden’s low popularity. GOP candidates have been warned.
adav8s28's Avatar
There are four senate races where the democrat is leading the republican.

1. Rev Warnock leads "College Football Star" Herschal Walker
2. Val Demmings leads little Marco Rubio in Florida
3. John Fetterman leads Dr M. Oz in Penn
4. The democrat is leading the republican in North Carolina

Go Dems. Keep Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell from running the Senate.
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2022, 05:29 PM
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is an American Hero. He kicks ass. Democratic Senators suck ass. Except for Joe Manchin, and Kyrsten Sinema who has a rather nice ass.
Addison Mitchell McConnell III is an American Hero. He kicks ass. Democratic Senators suck ass. Except for Joe Manchin, and Kyrsten Sinema who has a rather nice ass. Originally Posted by Tiny
Keeping that sorry piece of shit Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court is good enough for me.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The Democrats may retain control of the House too. Originally Posted by Tiny

Saw a projection on Fox News no less, that had Republicans up by only 2 seats in the House which is fine with me because that would still allow the Republicans control of investigations and subpoena power, the biggest thing up for grabs IMHO.

It's kinda like no matter what you think of what Trump accomplished or didn't accomplish, he put 3 textualists on the court and that was good enough, he served the number one objective of most Republicans. Wining the House by 2 seats would be a close second in getting what Republicans need come Nov., committee control