How do you get a mans attention in here?

Are you kidding me? You probably know this already but more men watch bbw porn than anorexic fake tittie porn. The BBW's attract the straight men. Spinners went out of style like ten years ago. The reason skinny models are in the magazines is because gay men design the clothes and skinny girls look like prepubescent boys. I have a strap on, does it make you tingle?

Naughty: You get the boys to notice you by pissing off Whispers. He's a nice guy and all but mighty fun to scrap with! Originally Posted by HunterGrace
I agree with 95 percent of what you said. There is a ton of BBW worship out here. Men love curves. And Naughty looks like a sexy girl. However, it would behove us all (hobbyists and providers)to "tone up" just a little. BBWs are very sexy, but only when they are shapely.
Jenna Haze has made a killing in the porn world by looking like a 95 pound 18 yr old chick in god knows how many movies.... Hilary Scott... same get the point.

Here is my question, if HunterGrace is correct in her statement that more men watch BBW porn.... why are all of the highest paid porn stars NOT BBW's?

I'm not a porn expert, but I'd venture a guess that BBW porn does moderately well when compared to other Fetish Porn...but don't kid yourself...The "Vivid Empire" wasn't built on fat chicks.

I have no idea how many DVD's Jenna Haze, Hillary Scott, and Jenna Jameson have sold.... but I'd be willing to venture a guess that those 3 girls alone have sold more DVD's than all of the BBW's combined in the porn world.

I don't mean to get off topic from the original OP...but c'mon...go to any generic free porn site that makes money off of click through ads...90% of the vids are of skinny chicks... they use the content that drives the traffic in order to increase revenue from the click through ads... It's common sense.

To the OP, I'd consider taking new updated photos that are more flattering to your body type. In addition, the lighting in your photos give the images a darker feeling IMO. Best of luck to you. If nothing else, this thread has brought you tons of attention. Hell, why do you think a few of the ladies have chimed in to get involved in this thread? They recognized a chance to get in the conversation of a hot topic and get back in the minds of the Eccie men. (It works too, I had no idea who HunterGrace was until I read her comment about BBW porn)
Goodness... whatever your size just be you. Research other ladies see what they are doing, or better yet talk to them and ask for ideas. Read ad's see which ones are getting the most views and what type of wording they are using. Just do your homework and it will pay off.
your choicen free appointment with
a] 230 lb lady
b] 125 lb lady
c\ 90 lb lady.

all other factors equal i am sure a and c get many votes but think b wins the poll. often people seek opinions or suggestions until they get them. stay at 230 and keep your rate and results will remain similar. drop 100 [ pounds or dollars] and action will increase. do both and you will be swamped
OK, ok, there has been plenty of advice given, some good and some....hmmmm, but she did not ask for everyone to choose up teams and smell armpits. This is not about whether you agree with what some are posting or like BBW's or spinners, or mules for that matter.

Remember, she asked and when she did she opened the door for opinions and comments, and while some of the comments are a little harsh, they are, for the most part, true with regards to her physical appearance. That does not make them rude or innappropriate. Some might also consider that continuing to harp on the opinions of others that you don't share does keep the flames burning brightly. Remember, we are all (suppossedly) grown ups here and we should be able to take comments and criticisms about ourselves, ESPECIALLY when we asked others to give their opinions!!

I think that this horse has been throughly beaten to death and am therefore going to close this one. It is so far off of the topic it is not even funny anymore.

If you want to debate BBW's vs Spinners or "Nice" hobbiests vs "Asshats" then start a thread that is specific to that topic, just REMEMBER, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR, you just might not like the answers.
