The Tamir Rice indictment

I B Hankering's Avatar
IBHindered .... I've tried to make it easy for you. The theme ..... I'll repeat:

Unless you've had to do that then I would suggest it's best not to pass judgment .... as the saying goes about walking in someone else's moccasins. And if you have in fact done so, then you ought to know the realities of such a situation yourself.

Now you've gotten Speedo all in a stir!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you go again arguing that the officers behaved in a tactically correct manner, you supercilious jackass. That, plus your out of hand dismissal of Noble's criticisms, de facto defines your whole argument as a defense for the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant less than 10 ft distant, you supercilious jackass. Now cite a solitary legitimate source to back up your argument that the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant less than 10 ft distant is a bona fide and "correct" police tactic, you supercilious jackass.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-06-2016, 03:36 PM
Interesting. On the substance of this argument I agree with IB.
LexusLover's Avatar
Interesting. On the substance of this argument I agree with IB. Originally Posted by Old-T
You mean the "pane of glass"?

You do realize, don't you, that IBH is arguing with himself.

He brought up a "pane of glass" ... not me! I've asked him before ...

... and I'll ask him again .... find the quote and link in which I mentioned ...

"pane of glass" ... or "glass" as it relates to

"the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant.."

He can't. So he won't!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

Somebody failed this kid. You probably do not have to look much further than his own Familly.

Any opinions? Originally Posted by Jackie S
spot on
he needed to be taught you don't fcuk with the police, they carry guns and can shoot you for whatever reason
(but they can't do undo a ticket once they've started? BULLSHIT)

this has been modern darwinism
LexusLover's Avatar
spot on
he needed to be taught you don't fcuk with the police, they carry guns and can shoot you for whatever reason
(but they can't do undo a ticket once they've started? BULLSHIT)

this has been modern darwinism Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
95% of the posting in this thread is a lameass attempt to blame the police ... while exercising 20-20 hindsight!!!!

IMO in the past couple of years or so ... a major cause of deaths by the police is the public media and political outcry about the "enemy" police .... as opposed to PREACHING that when the police give you an order .... like "put the gun down" or "lie down on the ground" or "put your hands up" .... "turn around" ... etc .... JUST DO IT!

And for "God's sake" not to mention your own ... don't wander around in public (or even in your own yard) with a gun pointing it at people .... as they pass by or get near you. It is not going to end well.....whether it's an LE officer or a civilian carrier.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
95% of the posting in this thread is a lameass attempt to blame the police ... while exercising 20-20 hindsight!!!!

IMO in the past couple of years or so ... a major cause of deaths by the police is the public media and political outcry about the "enemy" police .... as opposed to PREACHING that when the police give you an order .... like "put the gun down" or "lie down on the ground" or "put your hands up" .... "turn around" ... etc .... JUST DO IT!

And for "God's sake" not to mention your own ... don't wander around in public (or even in your own yard) with a gun pointing it at people .... as they pass by or get near you. It is not going to end well.....whether it's an LE officer or a civilian carrier. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My dad always tells me when he listens to my stories or rides in the car with me
and I honk at people(mostly cause when the light is green and you arent going, I'm gonna honk to tell you to put down the phone)

I'm in a fuckin car,
but people carry guns

so when I see cops, whom I know have guns and are stressed enough cause they are 1st responders if shit do what they tell you and you dont point anything at them

gotta love the lack of personal responsibilty people have
but who is at fault?
the cops or the guy point a gun at the cops?
duh, the guy..
southtown4488's Avatar
the officer didn't follow operating procedure by rushing so close to the perpetrator, but that doesn't make the officer guilty of murder.

The dumb kid was pointing a realistic looking toy gun at people then pointed it at a cop, the majority of the blame goes to the kid. . . but the officer should at least be suspended for failing to follow proper procedure.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You mean the "pane of glass"?

You do realize, don't you, that IBH is arguing with himself.

He brought up a "pane of glass" ... not me! I've asked him before ...

... and I'll ask him again .... find the quote and link in which I mentioned ...

"pane of glass" ... or "glass" as it relates to

"the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant.."

He can't. So he won't!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
What you can't admit is that you are defending the indefensible, you supercilious jackass, because by defending what they did, you are de facto arguing that the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant less than 10 ft distant is a bona fide and "correct" police tactic, you supercilious jackass.
Where were his parents? Anybody know the answer? Originally Posted by nwarounder
Does it really matter, to you anyway?
LexusLover's Avatar are de facto arguing that the officers' use of a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant less than 10 ft distant is a bona fide and "correct" police tactic...... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
"de facto"??????

Child .... that's YOUR "ARGUMENT" ... NOT MINE!

Fucking grow up! "Squad Leader" training???????? You're SHITTING ME?

You had SQUAT Leader TRAINING!!!!
spot on
he needed to be taught you don't fcuk with the police, they carry guns and can shoot you for whatever reason
(but they can't do undo a ticket once they've started? BULLSHIT)

this has been modern darwinism Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Care to explain what he had done to "fuck with the police," so they can shoot him "for whatever reason?"
LexusLover's Avatar
"parents" ....? You mean the people who "spawned" him?

It's reported that "daddy" has a history of FAMILY VIOLENCE against WOMEN!!!

"Tamir Rice's father has history of domestic violence" ....

According to the article "mom" is having problems with "mate" selection ...

Sounds like YouRong's posting on here .... attacking women .. "axe" wound" pussies? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Does it really matter, to you anyway? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Not any more!

As far as those flakes .... "one less egg to fry"!
the officer didn't follow operating procedure by rushing so close to the perpetrator, but that doesn't make the officer guilty of murder.

The dumb kid was pointing a realistic looking toy gun at people then pointed it at a cop, the majority of the blame goes to the kid. . . but the officer should at least be suspended for failing to follow proper procedure. Originally Posted by southtown4488
"Then pointed it at a cop"???!!! Do you have a link(s) to verify your assertion?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2016, 04:01 PM
95% of the posting in this thread is a lameass attempt to blame the police ... while exercising 20-20 hindsight!!!!

IMO in the past couple of years or so ... a major cause of deaths by the police is the public media and political outcry about the "enemy" police .... as opposed to PREACHING that when the police give you an order .... like "put the gun down" or "lie down on the ground" or "put your hands up" .... "turn around" ... etc .... JUST DO IT!

And for "God's sake" not to mention your own ... don't wander around in public (or even in your own yard) with a gun pointing it at people .... as they pass by or get near you. It is not going to end well.....whether it's an LE officer or a civilian carrier. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stop and take a deep breath for a moment. I do not see a lot of posts supporting what the kid did. He was wrong coupled with dumb, and that is a very bad combination. He deserves the lion's share of the fault for what happened.

But in addition the police were quite unbrilliant in how they handled it. Guilty of murder? No. Suspension? Can't say. Chastizement & some training? At least.

I never defended the glass argument. And I have no idea WHAT you mean by ""God's sake" not to mention your own ... don't wander around in public (or even in your own yard) with a gun pointing it at people "--I never recommended any such thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"de facto"??????

Child .... that's YOUR "ARGUMENT" ... NOT MINE!

Fucking grow up! "Squad Leader" training???????? You're SHITTING ME?

]You had SQUAT Leader TRAINING!!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You still won't admit that you are defending the indefensible, you supercilious jackass. You won't admit that what those two cops did was tactically wrong, you supercilious jackass. Because you won't admit that they were tactically wrong, you supercilious jackass, you are de facto arguing that the officers' tactic of using a pane of glass as a shield between themselves and a potentially armed assailant less than 10 ft distant is a bona fide and "correct" police tactic -- because that's what happened, you supercilious jackass. Watch the video and free your mind, you supercilious jackass.