Beyoncé slays!

I know, right?! Maybe we've all passed though a wormhole and only some folks got the memo.

Beyonce is racist. But of course, Confederate and Nazi veneration isn't..

In what world is Beyonce racist? What is even happening lol. This video snatched allll my edges and I still haven't recovered from it. Go ahead Bey! Originally Posted by AriannaFox
I enjoyed U2's performance x-number of years ago....still the critics' choice as the best SB show of the past 50.

And I thought Prince delivered, as well (the stinging Florida rain and swirling winds added to the backdrop....pretty cool). Other than that, I usually skip the halftime shows. Gives me the opportunity to hit the head, grab another coldie and stretch my legs.....go out onto the patio with until the second half kick.

Personally, I'm kinda ready for them to go back to the marching bands or Up With People for the halftime show....if I want to see Bey, Britney or Madonna perform (which I don't) I'll buy a GD ticket (which I won't). But,'s all about rating$....appeasing the sponsors.....keeping million$ of eye$ glued to the they'll continue to trot out these supposed super-star performers; after all, that's where the big bucks are, right?
As do the idiots that think the Confederate battle flag stood for slavery. Originally Posted by capitan1962
Can you explain what it stands for?
capitan1962's Avatar
Can you explain what it stands for? Originally Posted by Vitamin
It stood for Southern Independence and the south's desire to succeed from the big government of the north. Exactly what we have today. The 90,000 free blacks that fought for the Confederate army also understood. You probably didn't know that the first slave owner in the USA was a black man either did you?
A question that will rarely garner an honest answer from some...

Can you explain what it stands for? Originally Posted by Vitamin
It stood for Southern Independence and the south's desire to succeed from the big government of the north. Exactly what we have today. The 90,000 free blacks that fought for the Confederate army also understood. You probably didn't know that the first slave owner in the USA was a black man either did you? Originally Posted by capitan1962

[Omg] We were in about the 4th grade when we learned that White people were not the only ones who captured, bought, sold, or traded slaves.

Yeah, some Blacks were involved in the slave trade.

You don't see the big picture because you'e not Black babe, it's ok though, you keep looking up your facts to defend Southern Independence just like you were probably taught to do. It doesn't matter to most "Confederates" that if the South succeeded in seceding from the United States of America, those Blacks who became free - AND STILL HAD TO STRUGGLE AND STRUGGLE TILL THIS DAY - would probably not been granted their freedom.

The Confederacy was an enemy to the United States, they were against freedom, and against equality.

That may not be a fact, but that's what people, who have a certain responsible sense of enlightenment at least, realize. If I liked how adorable life was with free slave labor, I'd be a supporter of that way.

Fortunately - I have empathy and logic to blame for my disgust of slavery and Nazism and things of that sort.

Peace and Love
capitan1962's Avatar
My flags fly year round where I live. Please feel free to come remove them any time you and little miss Caribbean munchkin care to. In the meantime learn the true history not what was handed to you by the system.
It stood for Southern Independence and the south's desire to succeed from the big government of the north. Exactly what we have today. The 90,000 free blacks that fought for the Confederate army also understood. You probably didn't know that the first slave owner in the USA was a black man either did you? Originally Posted by capitan1962
But didn't the south want to keep slavery?

I did not know the first slave owner was a black man.
capitan1962's Avatar
Slavery was on the way out anyway. The war was not about that, the war was about the states rights and desired independence from big government control. General Robert E Lee freed his slaves during the war which were inherited not bought. General Grant and President Lincoln continued to own and use their slaves even after the war was over. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves of the Confederacy.

I bet you also didn't know that President Lincoln's plan was to ship all the slaves back to Liberia because he said the white people and the black people would never be able to coexist together.
Problem is the flags are not the problem.

Problem is the brains of people who were sadly born with some strange sense of murderous entitlement, and were tragically never taught that love and kindness and decency and equality and freedom and justice are above greed, power, and selfishness - not to mention homicide, genocide, and slavery or segregation in America.

Ya know, I can't help but think of the great achievements our that citizens could have done, had we not kept each other separate as we did for so long, and not suppressed the youth that may have thrived as scientists, scholars, artists, athletes, politicians, even teachers, lawyers, comedians, everything.
All children in this country of ours deserve that opportunity, to dream, and achieve greatness!
Why fear the potential success of others??
We can only imagine the possibilities of educating more of the minds out there, having good schools in ALL neighborhood in the Untited States - and idealistically all around the world but that's is to come
Challengers are better for being up against better opponents, and can learn from each other and grow into a wonderful, beautiful culture and enlightened civilization.
We put a man on the moon they say.
We created remote controls, walkie talkies and bluetooth, and cell phones and smart watches that are miniature freaking computers!
We have made innovations in medicine and use lasers to surgically correct vision, and someone invented viagra!!!
For crying out loud, why do we allow racist ideology to imprison our minds?
Racists force us, and themselves, to waste our energy and time with this bull crap??

I see all people as brothers and sisters and I have love and send love and get even more love back.
It feels good, I wish everyone could see how wonderful it can be.

But didn't the south want to keep slavery?

I did not know the first slave owner was a black man. Originally Posted by Vitamin

It isn't just supporters of the loathsome "Confederacy" or only White Supremacists that lack morals and decency.
It happens - injustice, racism and slavery - it is horrible.
It happens all over, though ancient times, and still to this day in different parts of the world.
Child slavery, human trafficking, all around the world people are still bought, sold, kidnapped, handed down from owner to owner.
The possibility that the very first slave owner in the 13 Colonies was a Negro sounds interesting, but justifies defending slave ownership about as much as me defending Nazi crimes by randomly informing people that Hitler was a Jew/Jewish supposedly.

My flags fly year round where I live. Please feel free to come remove them any time you and little miss Caribbean munchkin care to. In the meantime learn the true history not what was handed to you by the system. Originally Posted by Vitamin

My brain is in the future this year, you know where people are enlightened and have an ability to look, and think clearly with logic, and through the eyes of love, and mo' better because they're not ... lame ... af.

Have fun with those ridiculous flags.
Good thing it wasn't the White race who were enslaved by Black masters, ain't it...

Still wasting time on this planet though... with this bull crap no one asks to endure.
We're lucky that the enemies of our nation, The Confederates, were defeated as they waged a bloody, destructive civil war on the USA - this land of Freedom and Independence - based on immoral values.

To defend greed and hatred, and suppression and teach sweet innocent newborns that there is a value greater than love, or understanding and freedom, and justice man... that's a freaking crime.
It's not new, but it's still lame af.

I'm not sure if you're implying, or flat out displaying that you are a racist, but .... are you... trying to say we should accept the Confederate flag at the same time, or what?
I wish better for your precious mind, and your precious soul dear thing, sweet pretty person that you are, or could be, you know, on the inside.
You're just a victim of your brain, and the concepts that you probably didn't have a choice in what you learned to take pride in, but frankly an adult's gravitation to this ideology indicates a low self esteem and insecurity.
Btw... Little Miss North American Anglo Munchkin Man, I'm also a Caribbean munchkin so on behalf of Puerto Rican munchkins - I wish you joy, and love, and peace.
Gizmo4's Avatar
Beyoncé is awesome!!!!
capitan1962's Avatar
Confederacy and White Supremacy are two things that should never be shared in the same sentence.

And Beyonce is a person that is a Race Baiting piece of shit that now ranks about 100 degrees south of Al Sharpton. No decent person ever judges a person on the color of their skin but race relations were at an all time high before Obama and now they have been turned back more than 50 years.
"Little miss Caribbean munchkin.." That's cute. Anyhoo, whatever more verbose commentary I could offer on Confederate veneration in relation to Beyoncé, I'll keep to myself. And I certainly have no desire or time to go round where anyone lives and mess with their flags...

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
"Little miss Caribbean munchkin.." That's cute. Anyhoo, whatever more verbose commentary I could offer on Confederate veneration in relation to Beyoncé, I'll keep to myself. And I certainly have no desire or time to go round where anyone lives and mess with their flags...

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

Thank you... Did anyone ever tell you, That you look like a young Sheila Jackson Lee?

Problem is the flags are not the problem.

Problem is the brains of people who were sadly born with some strange sense of murderous entitlement, and were tragically never taught that love and kindness and decency and equality and freedom and justice are above greed, power, and selfishness - not to mention homicide, genocide, and slavery or segregation in America.

Ya know, I can't help but think of the great achievements our that citizens could have done, had we not kept each other separate as we did for so long, and not suppressed the youth that may have thrived as scientists, scholars, artists, athletes, politicians, even teachers, lawyers, comedians, everything.

Yes, very good point. This also happened because of religion. Science was held back hundreds of years because of religious people.

All children in this country of ours deserve that opportunity, to dream, and achieve greatness!
Why fear the potential success of others??
We can only imagine the possibilities of educating more of the minds out there, having good schools in ALL neighborhood in the Untited States - and idealistically all around the world but that's is to come
Challengers are better for being up against better opponents, and can learn from each other and grow into a wonderful, beautiful culture and enlightened civilization.
We put a man on the moon they say.
We created remote controls, walkie talkies and bluetooth, and cell phones and smart watches that are miniature freaking computers!
We have made innovations in medicine and use lasers to surgically correct vision, and someone invented viagra!!!
For crying out loud, why do we allow racist ideology to imprison our minds?
Racists force us, and themselves, to waste our energy and time with this bull crap??

I see all people as brothers and sisters and I have love and send love and get even more love back.
It feels good, I wish everyone could see how wonderful it can be.

Yes, I agree

It isn't just supporters of the loathsome "Confederacy" or only White Supremacists that lack morals and decency.
It happens - injustice, racism and slavery - it is horrible.
It happens all over, though ancient times, and still to this day in different parts of the world.
Child slavery, human trafficking, all around the world people are still bought, sold, kidnapped, handed down from owner to owner.
The possibility that the very first slave owner in the 13 Colonies was a Negro sounds interesting, but justifies defending slave ownership about as much as me defending Nazi crimes by randomly informing people that Hitler was a Jew/Jewish supposedly.

Yes, just because the first person to own a slave was a black man doesn't mean that justifies slavery. I was just claiming I did not know that fact.

My brain is in the future this year, you know where people are enlightened and have an ability to look, and think clearly with logic, and through the eyes of love, and mo' better because they're not ... lame ... af.

Have fun with those ridiculous flags.
Good thing it wasn't the White race who were enslaved by Black masters, ain't it...

Still wasting time on this planet though... with this bull crap no one asks to endure.
We're lucky that the enemies of our nation, The Confederates, were defeated as they waged a bloody, destructive civil war on the USA - this land of Freedom and Independence - based on immoral values.

To defend greed and hatred, and suppression and teach sweet innocent newborns that there is a value greater than love, or understanding and freedom, and justice man... that's a freaking crime.
It's not new, but it's still lame af.

I'm not sure if you're implying, or flat out displaying that you are a racist, but .... are you... trying to say we should accept the Confederate flag at the same time, or what?
I wish better for your precious mind, and your precious soul dear thing, sweet pretty person that you are, or could be, you know, on the inside.
You're just a victim of your brain, and the concepts that you probably didn't have a choice in what you learned to take pride in, but frankly an adult's gravitation to this ideology indicates a low self esteem and insecurity.
Btw... Little Miss North American Anglo Munchkin Man, I'm also a Caribbean munchkin so on behalf of Puerto Rican munchkins - I wish you joy, and love, and peace. Originally Posted by Gorgeous_Boriqua

Hey you quoted me as calling you " little miss Caribbean munchkin" but I did not call you that! That quote belongs to Captain1962.