Harris County grand jury indicts pair behind Planned Parenthood videos

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  • 01-28-2016, 12:12 PM
What a drama queen, you are!

It's unfortunate when people get indicted for bullshit stuff ... fake DL? Really?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let's see...these two put out a edited video purportedly showing PPH to be selling aborted fetal tissue for profit, when in fact these two loons offered to buy said tissue for 1500 dollars after which PPH ceased discussion with them.

So these two lied about what actually happened and you defend them as being overcharged by the DA? .
Who was indicted for violating the law?

And "what law"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why does this need to be answered? This thread is about the two people who made the video being indicted for (along with another charge) offering to buy organs from PP.

Apparently the Harris County Grand Jury just "looked at" PP. The problem is we don't know, and won't know, what was "looked at"! So, the "fine tooth comb" and then by the IRS to determine the "profit" issue ...
Why would they look at anything other than the videos if the videos do not show any indication of criminal actions? Again, the government does not and should not have the right to "search" anybody if they don't have just cause. Someone editing tapes to make them look bad does not amount to evidence of wrongdoing.

.. my "focus" on the "profit" had to do with the "costs" ....... particularly those "costs" that are attributed to "processing" the "order" that are "inhouse"! Since they get government funds there is a "low bar" to investigate their internal finances. There reports of expenditures must match their receipts and disbursements....and they have to segregate the receipts and expenditures. I doubt seriously the Harris County Grand Jury conducted any such an "audit"!
Even with a low bar, they still need to clear it. Are you suggesting that tapes that have been heavily edited to imply wrongdoing should be enough to trigger an audit? It's nothing more than an baseless accusations. I hope you don't believe this is enough.

Who, WTF? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The person you were responding to, WTF. That should have been pretty clear not only considering that the quote I pulled from you was in response to WTF, but also context.

Who and what "the law"?
This whole thread is about 2 people being indicted. How is it not obvious who we are talking about?

Since the "PP" received substantial government funding "just cause" exists
You've provided no evidence of any wrongdoing. This whole investigation was based on intentionally and deceptively edited tapes.

I doubt the Harris County Grand Jury did even close to an "audit."
You are probably right. Why would they further waste the tax payers money to audit something when they have absolutely no reason to believe they did anything wrong? Whether or not they can audit them is really besides the point. The reality is that there is nothing that suggests they did do anything wrong.
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  • WTF
  • 01-28-2016, 01:04 PM
LL seems not to understand that these two Loons sent emails to PPH trying to buy fetal tissue for 1600 dollars...at which point PPH cut off contact with these two.

He also seems to think Devin Anderson is not running for re-election even though she has filed papers and has been having fundraising events since filing those papers.
  • DSK
  • 01-28-2016, 01:32 PM
They tampered with government documents it appears. Maybe they should have hidden their true identity a different way.

Can journalists tamper with government documents just because they are journalists? And I am not conceding the point that they are indeed true journalists. I do not think they are.
Originally Posted by WTF
The only one on here I would consult for a proper answer to a question like this would be LL.
What a drama queen, you are!

It's unfortunate when people get indicted for bullshit stuff ... fake DL? Really?

When was the last time you heard of an 18-year-old co-ed being INDICTED with a 2nd degree felony for using her older sister's ID to get into a disco .... or the California DL she bought down at the local flea market??????

How many "hobbyists" on here have fake ID's and use them, turning a potential misdemeanor bullshit charge into a 2nd degree felony! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are the one pissing and moaning lexie. check Texas law in how many years you can serve for a fake drivers license. this is not like buying a six pack, it is used to implement fraud.
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  • 01-28-2016, 02:09 PM
The only one on here I would consult for a proper answer to a question like this would be LL. Originally Posted by DSK
LL is no more qualified than Homer Simpson. Let a jury decide or judge if they or guilty or not....so far a grand jury thinks there enough to move forward.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's see...these two put out a edited video purportedly showing PPH to be selling aborted fetal tissue for profit, when in fact these two loons offered to buy said tissue for 1500 dollars after which PPH ceased discussion with them.

So these two lied about what actually happened and you defend them as being overcharged by the DA? . Originally Posted by WTF
There you go making up shit again.

I don't think the 18-year-old coed who uses a fake ID to buy booze is being "overcharged" if indicted for using a false government document. I just asked how many do you see charged with it? and indicted by a grand jury.

If the indictmentS are ever released for public view and inspection (meaning one can read ALL OF THE DAMN THINGS, I'll then give you my opinion of whether or not either was was "overcharged"!

Your "definition" of "overcharge" is about as good as your definition of "lying"!

This may end up being one of those "shoe on the other foot soon enough" cases when the defense wants to throw up the "ugly" pictures and videos for the jury to see, and the State is whining bloody murder. Jurors have a way of figuring out how to answer questions to craft an end that "justifies the means" and a criminal case jury charge is easy to figure out. I'm not predicted an outcome, just emphasizing there are no "slam dunks" ...

.... only on TV and from those who are invited onto TV to give an answer the host wants to hear.

Back to your other question about the DA ... the "stars" are aligned against her on this one!
LexusLover's Avatar
You are the one pissing and moaning lexie. check Texas law in how many years you can serve for a fake drivers license. this is not like buying a six pack, it is used to implement fraud. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Who said "buying a six pack"?

Have you seen the indictment?

Now you got one poster thinking they were charged with buying shit?

WTF saying it was by email! You saying it was "fraud"!

Every friggin video segment you see on TV news has been .... "heavily edited"!!!! Journalists are "heavily edited".... their stories are "heavily edited"!!!

All of sudden you guys are flipping over something YOUR MEDIA has been doing to shore up the lameass you all crow about every day in the People's House!

So, you think it's ok to chop up babies and sell them! Do it! Own it! All you got is fake ID.

This will end up being another Michael Brown moment ... remember WTF said "$1,500/1,600" offer.
This will end up being another Michael Brown moment ... remember WTF said "$1,500/1,600" offer. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It already is.

With Michael Brown, many people bought into the initial, spun narrative that he was a good boy who was mindlessly gunned down. It turned out that that wasn't the case.

Here, we have a bunch of people who bought into the initial, spun narrative that PP was selling and profiting from baby organs. Now, it turns out, that this wasn't the case.

Your mistake, I believe, is not realizing who this a "Michael Brown" moment is actually for.
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  • WTF
  • 01-28-2016, 03:38 PM

So, you think it's ok to chop up babies and sell them! Do it! Own it! All you got is fake ID.

This will end up being another Michael Brown moment ... remember WTF said "$1,500/1,600" offer. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But it is legal for certain entities to buy/sell fetal tissue. Tissue that is trashed if not used for medical research i might add. These two clowns you are defending are not one of them. They sent PPH an email with a contract purportedly for 1600 dollars in an effort to obtain said tissue. If that is the case...i sure as fuck understand why the grand jury indicted them. Let a jury decide. Do you think it will matter if the jury is pro life or pro choice?
Who said "buying a six pack"?

Have you seen the indictment?

Now you got one poster thinking they were charged with buying shit?

WTF saying it was by email! You saying it was "fraud"!

Every friggin video segment you see on TV news has been .... "heavily edited"!!!! Journalists are "heavily edited".... their stories are "heavily edited"!!!

All of sudden you guys are flipping over something YOUR MEDIA has been doing to shore up the lameass you all crow about every day in the People's House!

So, you think it's ok to chop up babies and sell them! Do it! Own it! All you got is fake ID.

This will end up being another Michael Brown moment ... remember WTF said "$1,500/1,600" offer. Originally Posted by LexusLover
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, how much do the baby parts cost PPH?
LexusLover's Avatar
So, how much do the baby parts cost PPH? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's "privileged medical information"!

Does someone pay for the abortion that harvests the baby? (Calling it "tissue" makes those who are pro-harvesting "feel" better, putting aside the "question" of whether or not the "thing" being chopped up is a human being.) (How much tax money goes into the harvesting?)

Just a little sampling "test" ....

Find something on Amazon you might want to buy. Go through the process all the way to the "basket" before payment at check out! Examine the "shipping costs" options. Write down the "costs" for shipping. Compare the "listed" amount of the "shipping costs" and compare that with the carrier used.

Keep in mind that "tissue/organs" are "special shipping" with contractors.

All the while keep in your thoughts that the defenders of the practice are from the same "group" who brought you: I never had sex with that woman; It was a video; I did not have any classified documents; I didn't know I could have more than one email account on one IPhone; You can keep your doctor if you want to keep your doctor; You can keep your health insurance if you want to keep your health insurance; ISIS IS JV; and etc, etc.

And also, from the same "group" who have consistently criticized grand jury decisions not to indict police officers for killing Black people as being "biased" and involved in a "cover up"! Now "they" have "convicted" these journalists based on a Grand Jury decision to indict them for using fake driver's licenses.
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But it is legal for certain entities to buy/sell fetal tissue. Originally Posted by WTF
You mean human body parts?
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  • 01-29-2016, 07:13 AM