Adios Fidel

And to see one of America's great extortionists, Jesse Jackson, praising Fidel ! Wonder when the Clinton Crime Family will chime in with THEIR love and approval of Fidel ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Wonder when the Clinton Crime Family will chime in with THEIR love and approval of Fidel ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Did the Castros make a donation? If so, how much?
Crap. They cremated the old commie bastard.

I really wanted them to do the whole "Lenin" thing. That way all of the liberal/Socialist/Progressive's would have a shrine to go and pay homag too.
LexusLover's Avatar
Crap. They cremated the old commie bastard. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They just Bitch-Slapped Mr.Lame-Duck-Short-Timer-Environment ..

... polluting the air and thumbing their noses at his ass!!!!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-29-2016, 02:16 PM
I meant Kim Jong Un. I can't keep those names straight. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am not sure they can keep it straight themselves. But each one gets a little wackier than the one before. Un is a truly sick bastard in every meaning of the phrases.

What I truly don't understand is why China puts up with having a nut with nukes on their boarder. I would have expected them to make sure he had an accident. It wouldn't be that hard, at 5'6 or so and 300 lbs of flab--and with a serious drinking habit--he is a walking heart attack waiting for the slightest push. Then put a saner dictator in power. It certainly wouldn't be the first puppet government China put in place there. Han and Tang both did. If I remember correctly, so did the Ming. So long as they control their own nukes they are not a docile puppet.
  • DSK
  • 11-29-2016, 02:34 PM
I am not sure they can keep it straight themselves. But each one gets a little wackier than the one before. Un is a truly sick bastard in every meaning of the phrases.

What I truly don't understand is why China puts up with having a nut with nukes on their boarder. I would have expected them to make sure he had an accident. It wouldn't be that hard, at 5'6 or so and 300 lbs of flab--and with a serious drinking habit--he is a walking heart attack waiting for the slightest push. Then put a saner dictator in power. It certainly wouldn't be the first puppet government China put in place there. Han and Tang both did. If I remember correctly, so did the Ming. So long as they control their own nukes they are not a docile puppet.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Maybe he is a puppet, and all this other shit is an act?

Additionally, maybe all the nuke tests are really Chinese weapons, with the little dictator and that NBA guy (Dennis Rodman?) as useful idiots?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The reference was primarily to Kim Jong-Un. And yes, Castro was more sane that KJU, and yes, in the world of evil dictators KJU is likely in a lower level of hell. Originally Posted by Old-T
which makes Fidel worse .. because he knew better, yeah?? the difference between dictators is marginal, sparky. you make a lame comparison

Where did our Cuban expert Big Louie go? Originally Posted by bambino
to smoke a cuban stogie .. bahhaa

several people posted about where they get cuban cigars, including the recently banned AssupRider .. bahahahaaaaaaaa

i might try to get some. haaaa

pyramider's Avatar
It makes me wonder, since Raul is also an old fuck, how much of a power vacuum will present itself.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It makes me wonder, since Raul is also an old fuck, how much of a power vacuum will present itself. Originally Posted by pyramider
there will be a division. at best Raul might throw a few economic reforms to put a few more pesos in the pockets of the proletariat and hope that tides the regime over once he dies. of course the old turd could live to be 99.

nothing substantial will happen to reform Cuba until Raul dies, then it's 50/50 which way it turns
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-29-2016, 08:52 PM
It makes me wonder, since Raul is also an old fuck, how much of a power vacuum will present itself. Originally Posted by pyramider
That will indeed be the interesting question. There will almost certainly be a contentious "fight" for the new leader to emerge. Will it be violent? Will it result in subsequent purges? We shall see. Cuba is not the USSR nor China. They will figure it out themselves--hopefully themselves without a lot of foreign "help".
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-29-2016, 09:03 PM
Maybe he is a puppet, and all this other shit is an act?

Additionally, maybe all the nuke tests are really Chinese weapons, with the little dictator and that NBA guy (Dennis Rodman?) as useful idiots? Originally Posted by DSK
Every indication is that he is not a very pliable puppet. He has country on the verge of total starvation, and when 25M people eventually decide that they are truly being systematically starved to death while Fat Boy gorges himself and spends $1M on cognac it can easily result in a total deterioration of any semblance of law. At that point, who gets their hands on the nukes? Who do they see as the appropriate target of their anger? Gives a new potential meaning to "car bomb".

As to "maybe they are really Chinese weapons", it doesn't work that way. More so than other explosions, a nuke has a very informative signature that tells a lot about its manufacture. Nuclear forensics is a very interesting topic.
Every indication is that he is not a very pliable puppet. He has country on the verge of total starvation, and when 25M people eventually decide that they are truly being systematically starved to death while Fat Boy gorges himself and spends $1M on cognac it can easily result in a total deterioration of any semblance of law. At that point, who gets their hands on the nukes? Who do they see as the appropriate target of their anger? Gives a new potential meaning to "car bomb".

As to "maybe they are really Chinese weapons", it doesn't work that way. More so than other explosions, a nuke has a very informative signature that tells a lot about its manufacture. Nuclear forensics is a very interesting topic.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Iran will nuke us long before any need to debate the little fat dude and his band of idiot scientists.
DocHolyday's Avatar
It's too bad that murdering SOB Fidel did not join his side kick Che Guevara in hell much sooner. The world was a better place when both of those murdering SOB's assumed room temperature.
lustylad's Avatar
I sincerely hope that after the demise of little brother, Cuba does NOT become a political and economic clone of the US. Originally Posted by Old-T
I said I hoped they would not try to clone the US form of government/economy/living. There are many things in between--or just different ways to instantiate a free society.

Cuba is not the US, the Cuban history and situation is not the US. To copy something because it works one place different from your circumstances is not always the best approach.
Originally Posted by Old-T

What are you trying to say, Old-T? Which Caribbean countries do you view as "clones" of the US - and examples to be avoided? Why would the introduction of long-overdue freedoms and market capitalism be a threat to Cuba's history or uniqueness?

Your point eludes me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why would the introduction of long-overdue freedoms and market capitalism be a threat to Cuba's history or uniqueness?

Your point eludes me. Originally Posted by lustylad
Look how difficult it is to get the Clinton Klan out of U.S. politics, and someone believes the Castro Klan is taking a walk?

"We" ought to finish rebuilding and revitalizing Haiti before Cuba, but I realize there are probably more Cuban votes to be "earned" or "bought" in the U.S. than Haitian voters. Since "votes matter" the Haitians will probably continue to live in Hell, unless the Clinton Foundation funds are confiscated for a good cause .... weren't they supposed to be "rebuilding" Haiti?