Happy Birthday Governor Palin!

You mean like Joe Biden? Seriously? He should be considered as much of an embarrassment for Democrats as Sarah Palin is for Republicans. Biden had his own cringe-worthy moment in the presence of Katie Couric. Remember when he stated that President Roosevelt (yes, Roosevelt) went on TV (yes, TV) to explain what happened in the aftermath of the stock market crash in 1929? How about the ghost who wrote Obama's autobiographies? Seriously? We had Herman Cain but you didn't like him. What? I don't recall ever saying whether I did or did not like Herman Cain. I'd bet dollars to donuts that he's a lot smarter than Sarah Palin, though. We could have Ben Carson, Doctor Ben Carson but the left doesn't like him either. Accomplished man; great guy (at least as far as I know). But doesn't he place far too strong an emphasis on religion and social conservatism to be a viable candidate? I almost forgot Doctor Newt Gringrich. [sic] Yep, he has a doctorate. Smart, imaginative guy. Probably a bit too quirky and too much of a loose cannon to be a viable candidate. Doesn't have broad appeal. George Bush has a Masters. Seriously? He's just as much of an intellectually incurious lightweight as Sarah Palin. Maybe we should talk about Al Gore and his mental prowness. What mental "prowness?" He's just another lightweight who got lucky. Don't we have Doctor Condalezza [sic] Rice? Very bright woman, but I think she's made it pretty clear that a run for public office isn't in her future.

I'd love to hear some of your ideas on who has "heft" and why. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There are a lot of people who have intellectual heft, but most of them are smart enough to want to stay the hell away from presidential runs. That's why we get a never-ending parade of narcissists, intellectual lightweights, and self-serving political hacks.

But Republicans better find someone at least moderately acceptable if they're going to have a shot at the White House in 2016. Sarah Palin would be eaten alive.
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  • 02-14-2014, 01:27 PM
You mean like Joe Biden? How about the ghost who wrote Obama's autobiographies? We had Herman Cain but you didn't like him. We could have Ben Carson, Doctor Ben Carson but the left doesn't like him either. I almost forgot Doctor Newt Gringrich. Yep, he has a doctorate. George Bush has a Masters. Maybe we should talk about Al Gore and his mental prowness. Don't we have Doctor Condalezza Rice?

I'd love to hear some of your ideas on who has "heft" and why. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This is JD's 2016 ticket that he is voting for!
bojulay's Avatar
Is that a Benghazi epiphany?

Or the moment she finally realized she was married to Willie?

Here is what the real question was and the circumstances. I expect that none of you has actually heard this. You just heard someone talk about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRkWebP2Q0Y just walking along with a friendly conversation when you're asked to name a particular magazine or newspaper. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, she was asked to name a particular magazine and newspaper.

But she didn't did she?

She said she read many but you always forget that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I NEVER forget that. I just also remember that she couldn't name even ONE.

Perhaps becuase she doesn't read any?

Why would you doubt her? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because she failed to name even one magazine or newspaper after being asked to do so. She looked and sounded like she was stalling and evading the question. Therefore I doubt her. Why don't you?

she's a republican and you know how those kind of people are. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm a Republican, too. And I can name the magazines I read. And the newspapers. And the blogs.

Why can't she?
Of course the debates are BS when your guy loses. Say it ain't so Joe! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"My guy" didn't lose the debate because I didn't have a guy in the debate.

I didn't like either of them.
You mean like Joe Biden? How about the ghost who wrote Obama's autobiographies? We had Herman Cain but you didn't like him. We could have Ben Carson, Doctor Ben Carson but the left doesn't like him either. I almost forgot Doctor Newt Gringrich. Yep, he has a doctorate. George Bush has a Masters. Maybe we should talk about Al Gore and his mental prowness. Don't we have Doctor Condalezza Rice?

I'd love to hear some of your ideas on who has "heft" and why. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Pointing out the intellectual lightweights on the left does NOTHING to improve the intellectual reputation of your own side. Even if Biden and Gore are proven idiots, that does not make Sarah Palin smarter. Sarah Palin is still an idiot.

And you are right. Gingrich. Carson, and Rice are all smart.

So why don't you promote THEM? Why do you keep bringing up the name of the Alaskan trailer trash mom?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ever done an actual interview while on the move. Walking, trying not to trip over wires, run into the camera man, people all around you carrying lights, clipboards, and who knows what else. You know that millions are going to be watching you. You're trying to remember a mulititude of facts about the economy, world affairs, and the democratic party when suddenly someone asks you what magazine you read last week or yesterday. Have you done that?

for the Captain, I notice you didn't advance anyone on the left. Is this one of those deer-in-the-headlight moments? Need time to consider the question?

The people that I singled out are smart but that doesn't mean that they will be good candidates or officials. That wasn't the claim though.
Ever done an actual interview while on the move. Walking, trying not to trip over wires, run into the camera man, people all around you carrying lights, clipboards, and who knows what else. You know that millions are going to be watching you. You're trying to remember a mulititude of facts about the economy, world affairs, and the democratic party when suddenly someone asks you what magazine you read last week or yesterday. Have you done that? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is apparent that JD Idiot feels that Sarah Palin was (and remains) incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. I can agree!

Governor Quitter gave the same answers while she was walking that she would have delivered in a studio setting. Why? Because she was totally unprepared for the Katie Couric interview and she was even more unprepared to be a heartbeat away from the POTUS (a truly scary thought).

End of statement!

The world is a much better place with Idiots like JD and Governor Quitter being Monday Morning Quarterbacks. But puhleeze, don't give them any actual responsibility!

Zero, nada, nilch!
for the Captain, I notice you didn't advance anyone on the left. Is this one of those deer-in-the-headlight moments? Need time to consider the question? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, dumbass.

Why should I "advance" anyone on the left? Since you participate in this forum almost every day, it should be obvious to you that I'm not a progressive. Besides, the subject of this thread is Sarah Palin, isn't it? Since you started the thread, I think it's fair to assume that you should know that.

But almost everything zooms right over your head, doesn't it, professor?
JCM800's Avatar
Here is what the real question was and the circumstances. I expect that none of you has actually heard this. You just heard someone talk about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRkWebP2Q0Y just walking along with a friendly conversation when you're asked to name a particular magazine or newspaper. She said she read many but you always forget that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

it's laughable how JD keeps defending Sarah Palin at one of her most epic/disastrous moments ...the Katie Couric "ambush".

if you're in her line of work you should be prepared to answer all of the tough questions like "what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read" or "like which ones specifically" instead of just trying to spill out all of your talking points from your pre-interview script.

but you can always blame it on being stumped because of the cameramen, or the lights, or wires ...right JD? ....just laughable.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-15-2014, 07:08 AM

But almost everything zooms right over your head, doesn't it, professor? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That's because he keeps his head up his ass 99% of the time! JD pulled his head out of his ass once and look what happened....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think we case safely assume that neither Tex or JCM has even done, or witnessed, such an interview.

Still the OP here is I wished Sarah Palin a happy birthday and you, my fine little trolls, are so uncouth that you can neither remain silent or be civil.

and....Captain....you responded to the qualified people on the left question so you accepted the challenge but failed to offer up an answer.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 02-15-2014, 10:10 AM
I think we case safely assume that neither Tex or JCM has even done, or witnessed, such an interview.

Still the OP here is I wished Sarah Palin a happy birthday and you, my fine little trolls, are so uncouth that you can neither remain silent or be civil.

and....Captain....you responded to the qualified people on the left question so you accepted the challenge but failed to offer up an answer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What a transparent piece of misdirection.

You too out a "happy birthday" on a forum full of sharks in a feeding frenzy and then act surprised when the shake feed.

What happened is exactly what you knew would happen, and what you wanted to happen.

Quit your blatant acting.
JCM800's Avatar
Still the OP here is I wished Sarah Palin a happy birthday and you, my fine little trolls, are so uncouth that you can neither remain silent or be civil. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm responding to your comments on your thread JD ...if all you wanted to do is just wish a Happy Birthday, then you should have left it at just that.
Ever done an actual interview while on the move. Walking, trying not to trip over wires, run into the camera man, people all around you carrying lights, clipboards, and who knows what else. You know that millions are going to be watching you. You're trying to remember a mulititude of facts about the economy, world affairs, and the democratic party when suddenly someone asks you what magazine you read last week or yesterday. Have you done that?

for the Captain, I notice you didn't advance anyone on the left. Is this one of those deer-in-the-headlight moments? Need time to consider the question?

The people that I singled out are smart but that doesn't mean that they will be good candidates or officials. That wasn't the claim though. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

OMG how dare they pick on suck a unprepared ill informed featherhead. should have swt her down in a chair.and let her lip sync the interview