When Hillary burns out what are the democrats going to do?

Says the guy that gets his knowledge of Republicans from Chris Matthews, Rachel MadCow, and Al Sharpton. TFF Originally Posted by RedLeg505
If you added the time up that I've watched any of those shows, it would total less than 5 minutes. I don't watch tv news shows. Nice try, though.
RedLeg505's Avatar
If you added the time up that I've watched any of those shows, it would total less than 5 minutes. I don't watch tv news shows. Nice try, though. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So someone ELSE watches those shows and hands you THEIR talking points to post here WR? That would explain a lot.
So someone ELSE watches those shows and hands you THEIR talking points to post here WR? That would explain a lot. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
No one hands me shit. The way you're acting, right now, tells me a lot. Most republicans I meet act like you. Like real assholes. Why the fuck would I want to be any part of that? And the whole bible thumpin' thing isn't for me and way too many on that side are nutjobs.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one hands me shit. The way you're acting, right now, tells me a lot. Most republicans I meet act like you. Like real assholes. Why the fuck would I want to be any part of that? And the whole bible thumpin' thing isn't for me and way too many on that side are nutjobs. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes. And you are such a mature and thoughtful representative for Democrats.
I'd like to think that the 40 years experiment with socialism light will finally go away. Obama has demonstrated how much of a failure it could be if given solid roots. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't know about you ... but my retirement accounts doubled under the O'bummer presidency he's a real failure as a socialist.

He even cribbed his health care plan from a Heritage Foundation proposal. And I can now carry a gun in DC. Ever tried to pack at an NRA convention? (Hint: you can't).

I really needed it after the economy so bravely retreated under eight years of Komrade W's "mission accomplished".

From now on, your mandatory sig line is "Welfare for white wingnuts only, cuz Jeebus and freedumb".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Senator Durbin invites O'Malley to DC for a meeting about his future.
James Webb crashes Hillary/Elizabeth party in Iowa, get standing ovation.
The end is near...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hillary tries to throw Obama under the bus today and makes herself look like an out of touch idiot.

Today Hillary said that she was told by people that the economy was stagnant and small business was suffering. She went on to say that she had been hearing this for the last two years (during the robust recovery) but did not believe it. Now she believes it (like most of the rest of didn't already know this) and that has to make it Obama's fault though she did not say that. The White House responded that they did not know where Hillary was getting her information or what she was smoking.
LexusLover's Avatar
No one hands me shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You would be better off. Because the shit you make up doesn't float.

And most everyone, but you apparently, knows "shit floats"!
LexusLover's Avatar
She went on to say that she had been hearing this for the last two years (during the robust recovery) .....

..... The White House responded that they did not know where Hillary was getting her information or what she was smoking. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The infection in Hillarious is coming to the surface...and so is that in the WH.
Yes. And you are such a mature and thoughtful representative for Democrats. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who said I was representing democrats? Most of them are pieces of shit too. But they don't shove religion down my throat.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Most of them are pieces of shit too. But they don't shove religion down my throat. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not even their AGM Global warming religion???

Or is that something else you gobble up eagerly from them??
  • shanm
  • 04-23-2015, 11:03 AM
And most everyone, but you apparently, knows "shit floats"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do you?

Get it? cuz you are a PIECE-OF-SHIT!
Not even their AGM Global warming religion???

Or is that something else you gobble up eagerly from them?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Being a republican, I don't expect you have much respect for or knowledge of, science. I mean, if you honestly believe the earth is 6-10K years old, there's not really much I can say to you. Read this link, get a little education. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Scientists LIVE to prove other scientists wrong. It's what they do. It's how they get famous and get awards. If you think that climate change is crap, why would EVERY major scientific foundation in the world be in agreement on it?

this is from NASA, not some fly-by-night lab or scientist.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't know about you ... but my retirement accounts doubled under the O'bummer presidency he's a real failure as a socialist.

He even cribbed his health care plan from a Heritage Foundation proposal. And I can now carry a gun in DC. Ever tried to pack at an NRA convention? (Hint: you can't).

I really needed it after the economy so bravely retreated under eight years of Komrade W's "mission accomplished".

From now on, your mandatory sig line is "Welfare for white wingnuts only, cuz Jeebus and freedumb". Originally Posted by WhatHeSaid
We have a new player on the board. Obamacare's skeleton is from a Heritage Foundation idea but...(there's always a butt with you guys) the 1993 bill (one among many) required employers to offer health insurance but did not require them to pay for it, it did not expand Medicare by hundreds of billions of dollars over time, and it did not have tort reform which would help reduce the cost of healthcare. Rather big differences that you left out.

Did you happen to notice the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001? It had negative impact on the stock market and the economy. We all know that the housing bubble fed by democratic policies from the 1970s and 1990s popped in 2008 which lead to the economic downturn. A bubble that Bush tried to contain and lance in 2005 but was stopped by the democratic party.

As for you severely misinformed comment about the NRA...this one convention was held at a venue that forbid the wearing or carrying of firearms. This was not an NRA rules but a local one that the NRA obeyed.

Can't you guys get your act together and just tell the truth.

By the way, someone always benefits under socialism, it usually isn't the regular people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Being a republican, I don't expect you have much respect for or knowledge of, science. I mean, if you honestly believe the earth is 6-10K years old, there's not really much I can say to you. Read this link, get a little education. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Scientists LIVE to prove other scientists wrong. It's what they do. It's how they get famous and get awards. If you think that climate change is crap, why would EVERY major scientific foundation in the world be in agreement on it?

this is from NASA, not some fly-by-night lab or scientist.
http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ Originally Posted by WombRaider

I sometimes wonder where you come up with this stupid shit Baby Killer. Then I look at the Fred Phelps and his "church" full of democrats and the question kind of answers itself. What is the latest estimate? 5.4 billion years old?