
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-18-2010, 07:55 AM
Well, once again I started a thread that turned into an argument. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I'd like to argue that point of contention.

Seriously a discussion is way different than an argument. All I saw was a discussion.

If anyone was under the impression that I started this thread as a form of advertising, they couldn't have been more WRONG. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Your intentions do not change the fact that it is a very good way to advertise one's attributes. I see very few threads on ''Top Ten Reasons Why He Will Never See Me Again''. Or a counterpoint on a ladies web page that allows negative testimonials. When you point the spot light on yourself, you gotta expect a little glare! LOL
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Argument? Where?
"When you first walked in, I thought, 'Wow, she's really young. Too young.' I'm happy to say I was wrong."

He explained that he usually saw women 35+ because they were more interesting conversational partners. Silly man. I can talk the ears off a stalk of corn. And I ain't that young.

My other favorite compliment is "You have really nice teeth." Thank you, childhood orthodontics and the parents who paid for them!
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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2010, 12:16 PM

My other favorite compliment is "You have really nice teeth." Thank you, childhood orthodontics and the parents who paid for them! Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Look out if OHM says that to ya!
I thought it was vertically challenged Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hey now, I prefer dynamite comes in small packages.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Look out if OHM says that to ya! Originally Posted by WTF
Damn always dragging me into the mud heh WTF?
Or a counterpoint on a ladies web page that allows negative testimonials. When you point the spot light on yourself, you gotta expect a little glare! LOL Originally Posted by WTF
Although I don't actually post testimonials of any sort on my site, I welcome any and all feedback, including "constructive criticism"... I find we learn much more by being open to hearing of areas that we could improve, rather than only ever being told how wonderful we are. That being said, I've never had anyone say anything negative... or at least, not that's gotten back to me!

I always enjoy being told that my pictures do not do me justice, though it also makes me wonder if I need a new photographer! I think one of my favorite compliments was from the gentleman who insisted that he had gotten the better end of the deal in our arrangement; it's always gratifying to hear that I exceed expectations
pinkraider's Avatar
To KaraLynn Kelley: You ARE the most beautiful woman, red or yellow black or white.... that I've ever seen!
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  • WTF
  • 01-21-2010, 07:29 AM
Damn always dragging me into the mud heh WTF? Originally Posted by OneHotMale
You horse traders are always checking da teeth.

I think one of my favorite compliments was from the gentleman who insisted that he had gotten the better end of the deal : Originally Posted by Zoey Blake
I'd have to agree with him, yo end gotta be one of the better ones I've seen!
I'd have to agree with him, yo end gotta be one of the better ones I've seen! Originally Posted by WTF
Aw shucks, WTF, you're making me blush
"You're fun to sleep with," is an original one I got last week.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Quiet sleeper, nice teeth, I can't believe you are still single ( I choose to take that one as a compliment), I don't really like skinny women ( again, my choice), you're funny...I get that one alot
growler's Avatar
The most unusual "you do that like a woman". The one that makes me smile "you're the coolest guy I've met" .
A little odd for this particular world, but it still made me smile; "You're the kind of woman men want to marry!"
I was told "I want to put you in my dresser drawer and pull you out to make me cum." That and "Tongue Master." [blushing]