He's Gonna Walk...

He didn't need a single suture....not one stitch anywhere. His injuries were superficial at best. A few cuts and bruises.

Here's a picture of his face after his "MMA asswhipping"

I looked worse after a few high school football games. You don't kill a man for an ass-kicking anyway, at least in the world I live in....especially when you started it by butting your nose into somebody else's business with zero justification.

And, you are dreaming if you think race, on both sides of the issue, hasn't been the pivotal fact in the entire mess. Zimmerman never would have approached a white kid or called the cops on him.

That fact is none of us ever would have heard a word about any of this if it had been one black guy killing another black, a white killing another white, etc etc. The entire thing is about race.

This is the face of someone who took an "asswhipping"? He barely has a mark on him. No busted lips, no black eyes, a slight bruise on his nose and some barely visible scratches. You're definition of an MMA asswhipping is different than mine. It's bullshit and you know it. As for him walking or not, I tend to agree with you. But, anybody thinking they have any clue about what a jury might or might not do, hasn't spent much time in a court room. Originally Posted by timpage
Iam looking at these pictures. There is a few things I don't get. First of all it's pretty obvious Zimmerman took a blow to the face by Martin, but I don't think repeatedly, because Zimmerman's eyes would be swollen and discolored. Secondly the superficial cuts to the back of Zimmerman's head don't seem to be consistent with repeated strikes to the sidewalk. Iam wondering based on what Iam seeing in these pictures, Zimmerman got punched in the face and quickly was moving backward then slipped on the grass and hit his head on the sidewalk. Martin saw an opportunity to successfully continue his assault and jumped on top of Zimmerman at which time Zimmerman fished for his gun and was able to retrieve it then shot Martin. I don't think Martin repeatedly was banging Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk. I think Zimmerman's head injuries would have been much more severe.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
absolutely NO attempt to make a citizens arrest, and hold the person until police arrived Originally Posted by CJ7

LMAO! In order to make a citizen's arrest, one has to see a person commit a crime or reasonably suspect that the person has committed a felony. If it turns out that the person who you made a citizen's arrest on, did not commit a crime, you are subject to both criminal and civil penalities. Are you now saying that Martin committed a crime or that there was reasonable suspicion that he did?


At this point, things do not look good for the prosecution. The medical examiner testimony today was pretty convincing that the medical evidence supports Zimmerman's version of events.
Not looking good for the prosecution. But of course no matter what evidence points to Z's innocense, the tree hugging liberals will not believe anything ... kinda like the way they refuse to believe any negative things written about their demi-God Obummer.


Head Up Your Ass ... don't bother replying. Let me do that for you:

"blah blah blah dipshit ... blah blah blah I like sucking Obummers balls ... blah blah blah asshole"
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  • CJ7
  • 07-09-2013, 08:45 PM
LMAO! In order to make a citizen's arrest, one has to see a person commit a crime or reasonably suspect that the person has committed a felony. If it turns out that the person who you made a citizen's arrest on, did not commit a crime, you are subject to both criminal and civil penalities. Are you now saying that Martin committed a crime or that there was reasonable suspicion that he did?


At this point, things do not look good for the prosecution. The medical examiner testimony today was pretty convincing that the medical evidence supports Zimmerman's version of events. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

Di Maio testified that he did not take into account several witnesses who said Zimmerman was the aggressor in the struggle. He also said, when pressed, that Zimmerman's injuries could have been caused by rolling around on concrete with Trayvon.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Di Maio testified that he did not take into account several witnesses who said Zimmerman was the aggressor in the struggle. He also said, when pressed, that Zimmerman's injuries could have been caused by rolling around on concrete with Trayvon. Originally Posted by CJ7

Yeah, but what about your ridiculous statement about the citizen's arrest?
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  • CJ7
  • 07-09-2013, 10:24 PM
Yeah, but what about your ridiculous statement about the citizen's arrest? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

what about it ?... obviously I didn't look up the criteria for citizens arrest before I commented like you had to after I made the comment

Yeah but ...

brilliant response to your ridiculous prosecution analogy.
"Clear thinking Liberal" Isn't that an oxymoron?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
what about it ?... obviously I didn't look up the criteria for citizens arrest before I commented like you had to after I made the comment

Yeah but ...

brilliant response to your ridiculous prosecution analogy. Originally Posted by CJ7

There was nothing ridiculous about my "prosecution analogy". If you think the prosecution's case was helped by this witness, then you obviously have your head up your ass. But that's nothing new for you. You display this every single day on this board.


I B Hankering's Avatar
Di Maio testified that he did not take into account several witnesses who said Zimmerman was the aggressor in the struggle. He also said, when pressed, that Zimmerman's injuries could have been caused by rolling around on concrete with Trayvon. Originally Posted by CJ7
Dr. Di Maio pointedly testified that his testimony was based on the forensic evidence -- not witness statements -- and that evidence, CBJ7, supports Zimmerman's version of events: Martin on top "grounding and pounding" Zimmerman on the bottom -- not vice versa.
Zimmerman deserves to walk.

The state of Florida hasn't proved it's case. Despite a Special Prosecutor !

After acquittal, look to Obama to go after Zimmerman (after all, Obama needs to show his respects - make sure he got "his son's back").

Zimmerman will have to defend himself against a phony federal charge of hate crime?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-10-2013, 06:51 AM
IMHO Zimmerman will not walk, manslaughter.
IMHO Zimmerman will not walk, manslaughter. Originally Posted by WTF
I suspect you're right!
I don't think Zimmerman's state of mind matters per se, but what the jury decides if it was reasonable that Zimmerman needed to use lethal force to avoid serious injury / death.

I have no horse in this race, but I think the prosecution from the get go had a hell of a time proving this case. Regardless of what actually happened, the only real witnesses are Zimmerman and Martin... and Martin is dead. Given that we only have Zimmerman's testimony to go by, it'll be tough for the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to kill Martin.

Is Zimmerman a dumbass and asshole? Certainly, but proving that he had intent to kill is a completely different story. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
+ 100 Old Dingus
They did not prove manslaughter any more than they proved murder 2.
What was proven, by testimony under oath, that a man was on top of another man, beating his head into a concrete sidewalk. The man taking the beating was in fear of grave bodily harm and shot the man doing the beating.

That is what has been testified too. The defendants plea was self defense. The only way a jury can convict is if they simply ignore the testimony and bring back some type of guilty verdict out of fear of reprisals from a minority public inflamed by certain race baiters, poverty pimps, polititians, and news media.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 10:10 AM
IMHO Zimmerman will not walk, manslaughter. Originally Posted by WTF

see the other lesser charge being talked about? Aggravated Assault.

Problem being for Zim, anything that involves a gun in Florida, the prison sentence doubles..

Manslaughter, mandatory 15+15 30 years

Aggravated Assault (if a person is shot or killed) mandatory 25 to life

If he was squeaky clean with no question marks to cloud the jury, he'd walk .