Providers !! Do U Care To Show yr STI/STD Results

Why do you keep feeding the troll?? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Because she is hungry
milfy2002's Avatar

Trollz gotta eat too!

When I lived in DFW I was with a Provider once and somehow the subject of Damaaaaan came up. She said she would never do a date with him because he had been with too many women. I looked at her and thought what a Hypocrite as she probably saw more men per week than he saw women. However, I didn't respond as I wanted to enjoy the rest of the session.

This really isn't on point with the BBFS discussion (as I assume all of Damaaaan's encounters are covered & the Provider I was with only offered covered service) but it goes to show people's perception.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Here's the bottom line. Part of the BBBJ is to inspect the cock. BBBJ has a relatively low risks. Please spare me the statistics. I think most men stay in a price category. Arguably some of the best providers have mid-tier pricing at $250-$350. High volume $200 cream pie girls both undermine and ultimately spoil the mid-tier market because they introduce a high risk element to the competition. There goes the stripper slide because of concerns about herpes (hsv2). BBBJ's might also diminish (and thus fewer cock inspections). Obviously no one knows where our dicks (or coochies) have been but the hobby world really is a very small world.

If providers, regardless of price range, want to use their discretion with certain clients that's their business but at least this scenario has something that resembles a selection process. At the end of the day the $200 creampie just makes it harder for everyone to have fun. Originally Posted by FunMonday
You know the whole YMMV thing - you're doing something seriously wrong if you're not getting BBFS from the mid-tier gals if that's what you're seeking. Do you shower? Know how to compliment? Make a joke so she's comfortable?

But not as big as bbfs Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Yes, let's play medical semantics with a girl that doesn't know the difference between they're, there, and their - I'm sure we'll learn a lot from you.
I respect, value and appreciate everyone who participated! I read every single reply and my take on this:
Rubber everything is the closest thing to safety wen hobbying. Test results ???? Not that naive anymore!! It's not worthy spending your $$$$ and yr life in the process! Thanks
albundy's Avatar
I'm pretty sure most providers aren't letting random strangers along with every fucktard with 200 cum inside of us. There is a big difference please don't compare us to that. I know I don't.

It's dangerous for her, her clients, and the rest of the community.

I don't give a fuck if you get tested every 3 months what about the 3 guys that stuck their raw dick in last weekend? That's who you need to be worried about.
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I do see a difference in the way you conduct your business and the way Milfy does. BUT..., just barely. I was just saying that I like that she is up front about it. If that scares a guy or disgusts him, he knows not to call her. If he wants a creampie, he knows to call Milfy. I also was saying for guys to cover up whether they are fucking Jules or they are fucking Milfy. We don't know anything about either one of you except that you are both hookers. Jules could have had her "boyfriend" drain his sack into her that day for all we know. Maybe not,....but just cover up and you'll be fine.

I would NOT do BBFS with a hooker, or any stranger for that matter. I feel the risk level is lower for BBJ, so I do go with hookers who do that. I realize that might be hypocritical, but I'm willing to risk it for the BBJ.

BUT, I do realize that it is only a fake sense of "safety". ANYTHING in the hobby is risky! For the BBJ chicks, think about how many times you've had a small sore on the roof of your mouth from eating hard candy or something. Or you accidentally bit your lip and drew blood. Or had any kind of nick inside of your mouth. ANY of these or other tiny openings or direct paths to the blood stream and you have a stranger's swimmers swirling around in your mouth.

I do find it kind of amusing that I read reviews of some of these "providers" who gargle with man snot, but condemn Milfy for taking that same nut in her pussy. Bare back anything is risky. Just cover up if you're scared.
You know the whole YMMV thing - you're doing something seriously wrong if you're not getting BBFS from the mid-tier gals if that's what you're seeking. Do you shower? Know how to compliment? Make a joke so she's comfortable?

Yes, let's play medical semantics with a girl that doesn't know the difference between they're, there, and their - I'm sure we'll learn a lot from you. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
At least I know how to use a condom that gets you further in life
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-18-2016, 08:55 PM
At least I know how to use a condom that gets you further in life Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I don't remember learning that in English class
albundy's Avatar
Scary part is a lot of guys are probably fucking these providers raw and not reviewing or using them as a reference so we don't know to avoid them. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
You should really re-think sucking duck for a living if this is how you feel.

You have NO idea who ANY of these guys, including your regulars and the "nice" guys, have been raw dogging. They could have picked up a street walker the day before seeing you. They could have butt-slammed a tranny. They could have fucked a crackhead. You don't know, AND they aren't going to tell you in all likelihood.

Guys, if you're scared, just cover up or don't fuck hookers OR strangers. That's the only two ways to be safe and even condoms aren't 100% safe. You are no more safe with these hookers that don't "offer" BBFS than you are with Milfy. You have NO idea about any of them really. Wear a glove.

As for "providers", you aren't any more "safe" staying away from Milfy clients than you are fucking your own "regulars". You only THINK that you are.

But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
albundy's Avatar
I don't remember learning that in English class Originally Posted by BLM69
It was during "Career Day".
I don't remember learning that in English class Originally Posted by BLM69
It's a hooker board who gives a shit half of the time im replying im driving so you can blame my smart phone for not correcting it to the level that you approve of you understand it so whats the issue
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-18-2016, 11:28 PM
You should really re-think sucking duck for a living if this is how you feel.

You have NO idea who ANY of these guys, including your regulars and the "nice" guys, have been raw dogging. They could have picked up a street walker the day before seeing you. They could have butt-slammed a tranny. They could have fucked a crackhead. You don't know, AND they aren't going to tell you in all likelihood.

Guys, if you're scared, just cover up or don't fuck hookers OR strangers. That's the only two ways to be safe and even condoms aren't 100% safe. You are no more safe with these hookers that don't "offer" BBFS than you are with Milfy. You have NO idea about any of them really. Wear a glove.

As for "providers", you aren't any more "safe" staying away from Milfy clients than you are fucking your own "regulars". You only THINK that you are.

But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. Originally Posted by albundy
You're wasting your keystrokes, people will believe what they believe period. BBFS, bbbj, daty is all risky or is it not?
pmdelites's Avatar
... half of the time im replying im driving ... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
now THAT'S risky !!!
pls let us know when you are in n.e. or north central dallas so we can use the side streets and not get in a wreck w/ you!!!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
You should really re-think sucking duck for a living if this is how you feel.

You have NO idea who ANY of these guys, including your regulars and the "nice" guys, have been raw dogging. They could have picked up a street walker the day before seeing you. They could have butt-slammed a tranny. They could have fucked a crackhead. You don't know, AND they aren't going to tell you in all likelihood.

Guys, if you're scared, just cover up or don't fuck hookers OR strangers. That's the only two ways to be safe and even condoms aren't 100% safe. You are no more safe with these hookers that don't "offer" BBFS than you are with Milfy. You have NO idea about any of them really. Wear a glove.

As for "providers", you aren't any more "safe" staying away from Milfy clients than you are fucking your own "regulars". You only THINK that you are.

But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. Originally Posted by albundy
That was kind of the point I was making, why are you trolling Dallas providers anyway? Aren't there enough hookers to talk shit to in New Orleans?
guest071618-1's Avatar
That was kind of the point I was making, why are you trolling Dallas providers anyway? Aren't there enough hookers to talk shit to in New Orleans? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Are we limited to post in our hometown area? I started in Dallas post and I've been mostly posting in Dallas. Just because N.O. member post here, does that make trolling?