The Hillary Files

Yes you heard it here folks. "these people" have a lot of money at their "disposal". Yet they still have to go through the risk of hijacking a commercial airliner and hiding it instead of just buying a $200 million plane.

What's funnier is that this is the least ridiculous part of the story. Originally Posted by shanm
They need a plane, so instead of just buying one, with their Billions, they hijack it, kill all the passengers, fly it to an island, cover it with bushes and wait a few days then fly it out like nothing ever happened? At some point, your brain should kick in and tell you that's bullshit. That's some ancient aliens shit. WHY would you go to all that trouble? Occam's razor says you are a fucking idiot.
It is only fitting that the Starz Movie Channel (Channel 1902 on U-Verse) is airing the Mel Gibson classic, Conspiracy Theory, at 8 pm this evening. I have not seen the movie in years, certainly pre-dating the years that I have had to endure JDIdiot's idiocy. It should be fun to compare and contrast the two Masters of Conspiracy Theory idiotology.

Ladies & Gentleman:

In this corner we have Jerry Fletcher, as portrayed by Mel Gibson.

In the other corner we have our very own, JDIdiot, as portrayed by (yes, you guessed it) JDIdiot!

So far the usual idiots have misunderstood or misused this thread. Lets get back on track.

Hillary, while talking about immigration, said that her grandparents were immigrants to this country. The truth is that only one grandparent (a Rodham) came to this country as a child. This is very much like her claim of having a Jewish heritage when she ran for the Senate. It wasn't true either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Running from all that sniper fire must STILL have her shook up about minor details like THE TRUTH !!
Your ability to reason, comprehend, and tell the truth went missing long ago, and has yet to be found. Perhaps you dropped them when you were pushed out of the helicopter. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
" ...ability to tell the truth went missing long ago... " No WONDER he likes Shrillary and all the Clintons so much !!
Running from all that sniper fire must STILL have her shook up about minor details like THE TRUTH !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
We've already established that 7 out of 8 of her great-grandparents were immigrants. Next.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We've already established that 7 out of 8 of her great-grandparents were immigrants. Next. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Running from the truth? Hillary claimed that her GRAND parents were immigrants. Lets not change the storyline.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
New Hillary story;

She arrives at a bakery in New Hampshire and the employees in the back do NOT want to meet her. They say that they don't like her. In the meantime a campaign worker admits that they test people before they are seated with the Hillary and that it is likely that they bused in those "regular" people to be seen on camera.

Fakery in the Bakery