Expectations of your date?? (Male & female)

Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok guys stop it! Stop it RIGHT NOW! Let's settle this ---- with a foursome .
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Ok guys stop it! Stop it RIGHT NOW! Let's settle this ---- with a foursome . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
That's why the females are the more intelligent part of the species.

OK, I'll behave.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have to admit, I see where Burk is coming from. When I was a baby provider I never got the whole gfe thing...still don't in certain cases. I GET a guy wanting to get off, get something strange, get a girl he could never get in real life, go to dinner, have fun and stimulating conversation, but staring in our eyes lovingly? PFFT! Not gonna happen! The only way I am looking in a guy's eyes is if I am giving a bj or talking to him outside of the bedroom.

The acronyms, kissing, daty..fine, but some guys take this crap way too far. I have had to let a few regulars go for this very reason, because even though they still go home to their wives...they thought they could pay for something I could not, and would not provide.

To me, it's a fantasy, an illusion, and a business where friendships might be made along the way, but if the choice came down to my family or my hobby friends one day...the hobby would go.
Naomi4u's Avatar

The acronyms, kissing, daty..fine, but some guys take this crap way too far. I have had to let a few regulars go for this very reason, because even though they still go home to their wives...they thought they could pay for something I could not, and would not provide. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Let's not even talk about the guy that wanted to leave his wife and kids for me (To "guy": YES I'm posting it again LOL!). All that bs about "we pay them to leave" isn't true. A lot of guy catch feelings/become obsessive .. etc. Now I'm not saying that "guy" became obsessive but he did catch some serious feeling for me.
London Rayne's Avatar
Agreed. If more of them actually felt what they claimed to be here for, this would not happen. Far too many men are in fact looking for a REAL LTR in this hobby. Not interested!
What are you two doing here, thought you two were locked away in the Coven..lol.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Not enough threads to keep them occupied
London Rayne's Avatar
Correct on both counts! I have work to do, so you hotties be good! Be back Tues. or Wed.
Naomi4u's Avatar
London, That's bs. You're the only one I know that can suck dick and post at the same time. LMFAO
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh damn...busted.
London, That's bs. You're the only one I know that can suck dick and post at the same time. LMFAO Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I dont' know about posting while sucking cock but I know she can humm a whole song while doing it. It actually felt a little different then any of her other BJ's she gives and she knows how to vary it up each time.
burkalini's Avatar
Burkalini, what is your problem?

You quote awl4not, but then you direct an irritated response to me?????

I didn’t rip you. I wasn’t hostile. I didn’t try to say you should feel the way I or anyone else feels. You are the one who made repeated statements that were absolutes about life and all I did was try to discuss the point. I gave you some real examples that seemed to disprove your absolutism and I asked how they fit your philosophical view of this business. Even when they are Black & White your views don’t seem to be shooting from the hip and I was trying to have a discussion/debate, not an argument.

Did you even read my post? Your comment here seems to say you didn’t. You certainly didn’t respond to my questions but instead ask questions I already answered. To summarize what was in the last post: No, we’re not getting married since—as I stated—we’re not in love, just a mix of friendship and a sensual eroticism. Yes I have met the parents of both ladies. Yes I have met the kids. More precisely I’ve babysat the kids of the one who has kids, I’ve babysat the dog for the other one. I’ve made them chicken soup when they were sick and sat with one lady’s father in the hospice. And yes, these were all OTC if you were wondering. They have both done comparable non-sexual favors for me.

I didn’t piss in your neck of the woods. You didn’t touch a nerve with your original comments; you did make statements I disagree with. This last post of yours annoyed me only because of your tone directed my way when it wasn’t even my post you seemed upset about. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your right I connected to the wrong comment and put your name to it. I will apologize for this one. When I'm wrong I'm wrong. Sorry
I had this conversation with a beautiful man last week and our outlooks on what our expectations are when we meet our dates.

Mine expectations are none, past the point of my screening him and his ref. speak highly & kindly of him. After the screening is done. Then I want him to be mystery to me. I don't want there to be anything scripted prior to our meeting. I don't want to see a photo of him. I don't want to know his do's & Don'ts. I want our conversations to be less about our date as possible.
Because when I meet him, I want to be excited and feel all giddy & girly inside and I want there to be a mystery about my date and what his kiss will be like, how his touch will feel, how my body will like his mouth pleasuring it.
I want our dinner conversations to flow with ease and talk about anything and everything with such comfort, as if we've known each other for a long time.

I have no expectations of my lover other than, he's a safe & kind respectable man who treats women right. From there, I want to melt into him and enjoy him for him.
And that's what makes my dates within this adult hobby, so damn wonderful. Because there are NO expectations. What beautiful lovers they are!!

What if any, expectations do you (men & women) have of your dates? And do your expectations leave you with a let down in the end? Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
This is just beautiful, what you wrote. Hell I wanna be your date. lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-15-2011, 08:38 PM
Your right I connected to the wrong comment and put your name to it. I will apologize for this one. When I'm wrong I'm wrong. Sorry Originally Posted by burkalini
Easy enough to do with quotes within quotes.
simpleton's Avatar
simpleton, I love the way you joke around...
my kind of man. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Finally I'm not the only one laughing at my jokes. Thank you for admitting that in public.