Retiring subcilla, Yep im leaving the biz

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
So "Y'ALL" (that's a real word from what I've heard LOL) are investing your money in stocks, bonds, cd's and not in booze for your outcall? Sweet!

You make me so proud.................. Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Good one. Maybe you could copy & paste that in another threAD?
onehitwonder's Avatar
Can't its closed..............We've been ratted out Y'ALL..............
Lol.... psssst. Be vewy,vewy careful.

Cilla all the best of luck to you and yours.. I for one am glad to see that there are other women out there with class and guts, not just somebody's sock puppet. you're only a sub when you want to be, and not to your circumstances. your company on the board will be totally missed by me. Good luck chick.
  • pyro
  • 09-14-2010, 08:14 AM
Best of luck on all that you do dear.
Very best regards!

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
That's what im talking about, my x in laws own a commercial cleaning business and make $100,000K a year working very few hours at night w a broom a mop and a vacuum. i can make my escort salary w one big contract. Not all of us are ignorant, naive women, dependent on this and this alone, who cant do anything else. Hell for now my unemployment and 2 regulars i'm keeping, plus my child support, im doing better off and no risk. Originally Posted by subcilla
Amen to that darlin! Good luck to you subcilla and hope you find the job of your dreams! May you find something you love doing and that is very lucrative,pm me and Ill give you some info on the agency I went through for my job if you have clerical skills. Bless you and those lil princesses of yours babe xoxo!
I cried today!!!! Very Sad!
dearhunter's Avatar
I cried today!!!! Very Sad! Originally Posted by tommy0503
Get your ass down here.....she is running a "going out of business sale" until the end of the month.
Get your ass down here.....she is running a "going out of business sale" until the end of the month. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-14-2010, 10:36 AM
you always seemed like a pretty cool person and I think one of the few that offers you type of service I know you will be missed around here good luck with it. I'm sure you will be accepted with wide arms if you decide to come back.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The best way to start is just take 40% of your daily income and put it directly into a savings account. That is by far the hardest part. Making yourself do that everyday. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Damn straight. Now all y'all don't get scared by the 40%; even 10% is a heapsight better than zip. Brooke's absolutely right: Pay yourself FIRST.
If you be waiting until you get some extra cash to start saving, then you won't ever start because there ain't no such thing as extra cash. If you make stashing cash in savings, then investments, just as routine as you make your car note, rent, all that stuff, and if it compounds in the fullness of time you will eventually escape financial stress and ultimately become financially independent and secure.

America will once again be a place for unlimited opportunity after Obama's gone. Possibly even more splendid than before because we as a nation will have been reminded of the necessity and the power of personal responsibility by the trickle-up poverty of socialism.

And, yes, y'all is a real word. It's singular. The plural of y'all is all y'all.
Guest091710's Avatar
you always seemed like a pretty cool person and I think one of the few that offers you type of service I know you will be missed around here good luck with it. I'm sure you will be accepted with wide arms if you decide to come back. Originally Posted by trey
Trey thanks for the kind words, and acting like a grown man. Much appreciated.
angelforu's Avatar
Wishing you the best of everything.
Damn straight. Now all y'all don't get scared by the 40%; even 10% is a heapsight better than zip. Brooke's absolutely right: Pay yourself FIRST.

And, yes, y'all is a real word. It's singular. The plural of y'all is all y'all. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Thancks for the insight on both Don...
onehitwonder's Avatar
'Cilla's a smart girl..she's got a plan......she'll be fine........I tell my girls before you make a move always have a plan............and never be ashamed to come home and re-group................

Yours, 1hit/Cheri