Carter vs. biden

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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2021, 10:15 AM
the peanuts boy remember 444 days , senility now just wants his pudding ,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I remember Reagan doing his damnest to prevent their release before the election...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I liked President Carter, he was a horrible President but a nice guy. President Trump was a terrific President, but had a personality that was a turn off to many. Personally I like President Trump’s boorish, overbearing ways but clearly they’re not for everyone. He’s a clone of several highly effective COs I had before retiring.

Biden is way to dumb, senile and corrupt for the position. The guy doesn’t even know what planet he’s on. President of the nursing home is a stretch, which makes one wonder who’s actually in charge. Certainly the doddering old fool isn’t, maybe Soros or Xi but who knows.
winn dixie's Avatar
Already been done, Beavis and Butthead. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Cant speak for Dilbert but to me thats a compliment!

Thank You lol
Lapdog's Avatar
To you it would be.
  • oeb11
  • 02-10-2021, 11:10 AM
Should be in Comedy Central"
1b1-Always someone else’s fault. Trump was president. He could have instituted a travel ban whenever he wanted. He didn’t need congressional approval or fauci’s approval. Plus the ban he did put in place so anemic it didn’t matter. And the New York and New Orleans outbreaks were from mainly Europeans not Asians.

Keep up the excuses from Trump. Like I said, that last year was terrible.

Dear1b1- so - you just know that everything is Trump's fault - regardless
it is the ideology of teh DPST/ccp party to never take resposibility for Anything
witness - Obama created teh cages for the children illegally crossing teh border - and caged thousands!
Not One iota of acceptance of Truth and FACTs by You, the LSM, or teh DPST/ccp party.

1b1- so - you and your fellow minions still refuse to accept that China and Comrade Xi was teh source of the Wuhan virus - spread worldwide from Wuhan airport.

yet - the disaster that was teh pandemic is all Trump's fault - and any goodness out of teh preparations for vaccine administration - is all fiden['s doing.

despite the FACT that vaccine administration is up to the STATES - not the FEDS.

But - the Constitution is hated by DPST's - and minions.

Next time - try comedy Central for those who are incapable of understanding history ( the r.... word) - or taking any responsibility - it is all 'Trump's fault per the hatred and TDS of teh marxist ideology practiced by teh DPST/ccp minions. !
My heart bleeds for your soul, poor DPST's!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ you forgot you cant blame china , its all Russia
I remember Reagan doing his damnest to prevent their release before the election... Originally Posted by WTF
Well of course it was a Political strategy. Carter made an attempt to rescue the Hostages and it failed with the death eight American Service men. If Carter was successful in his rescue attempt Reagan wouldn't have won.
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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2021, 01:11 PM
Well of course it was a Political strategy. Carter made an attempt to rescue the Hostages and it failed with the death eight American Service men. If Carter was successful in his rescue attempt Reagan wouldn't have won. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Ole Ronnie was having his people tell the Iranians not to release the hostages....he rewarded Iran with weapons later on in his administration.
Ole Ronnie was having his people tell the Iranians not to release the hostages....he rewarded Iran with weapons later on in his administration. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes of course the Iran Contra. It was all about "GOD" and I don't mean the worshiping kind.
winn dixie's Avatar
The Iranians were not going to release the hostages to carter ever! They released them to President Reagan after he was sworn in just to spite carter! Thats it. All the other speculation is just that!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2021, 02:32 PM
The Iranians were not going to release the hostages to carter ever! They released them to President Reagan after he was sworn in just to spite carter! Thats it. All the other speculation is just that! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Is it speculation that Reagan sold arms to Iran?

After they released the hostages to Reagan instead of Carter. Is that speculation?

winn dixie's Avatar
what aboutism. Bottom line. President Reagan got the hostages out! apples and oranges
  • Tiny
  • 02-10-2021, 02:47 PM
Yes we do....but you have to go back to the dynamics of the day. Not today.

Carter spending on the military (which winn dixie will not acknowledge) might not have been so horrible with the Cold War still very chilly. Originally Posted by WTF
You're referring to market dynamics of natural gas when Carter was president. OK, Carter was before my time, but I did get an up close and personal look at the results, perhaps like you would have gotten for oil if you worked in strategic planning for Enterprise in the 1980's. Carter managed to perform a difficult feat, both raising the price of natural gas to levels where it became difficult for people to pay their heating bills, while at the same time discouraging investment in development of natural gas resources. He did this by price controlling wells drilled to shallower depths, up to 15,000 feet. Gas from wells drilled deeper than 15,000' could be sold for whatever the market would bear. And the market had to pay up, because shallower wells weren't being drilled. The natural gas producers couldn't make money given the low prices per MMBTU, set by the government for shallower wells. They could on the other hand make money from outrageously expensive deep wells, and they passed their high costs onto consumers.

Add to that a system where major gas pipeline companies were encouraged to charge as much as they could for natural gas because they were monopolies and were guaranteed a fixed percentage over their costs. The more they paid for natural gas, the more money they made.

Carter was of the opinion that the USA was going to run out of natural gas. He turned out to be dead wrong on that, at least during our lifetimes. With fracking and horizontal wells, the USA is now the Saudi Arabia of natural gas.

And if you think this was a sorry situation, just wait until the Democratic Party institutes some kind of Cap and trade system for CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, the majority of Democratic politicians don't have faith in free markets and are inclined to meddle in ways that make us poorer.
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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2021, 04:32 PM
what aboutism. Bottom line. President Reagan got the hostages out! apples and oranges Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yes, the Iranians wanted a friendly administration in the WH.

They helped Reagan get elected.
Yes, the Iranians wanted a friendly administration in the WH.

They helped Reagan get elected. Originally Posted by WTF
Well somebody or something always helps a candidate get in the White House. We know how stupid Joe got there.